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Dead Hard and No-Ed rework

As they are both compared to being the, "No-Brainer" perks that each side brings. I want to suggest a rework to make these perks less disrespected to run, and more like perks that reward skill with powerful consequences for the other side. Opposed to rewarding plays that require no skill to pull off.

No-ed - I suggest, that once all the gens are popped, No-Ed should activate as usual. However, instead of exposing all the survivors, I believe it should increase hook states, and only expose the survivors that have already reached 2nd hook state. This would make it more of a, "helping hand" perk to killers as opposed to a, " I win the game for free" perk as some games, you might have a crap game, and you need a little boost to tell you, "you still got this, just hang in there," (sorry I had to make the pun) as opposed to, "oh I can just wait around all game, and use this perk as a crutch to win the game." This idea of mine forces killers to participate more in the trials, and encourages them to put in more effort to get better, and work towards that goal of getting a 4k. This perk rework idea of mine just helps give them that boost they need to finish off those last hooks, or have an insurance coverage just incase the killer didn't have a good game, but not so much insurance that it completely takes all skill out of the equation. Maybe as a bonus, make survivors that went from 1 to 2 hooks states suffer from something else like blindness.

Dead Hard - Probably the most controversial perk out there, Dead Hard has been sitting on the throne of best perk in the game from YEARS, and I think that needs to be changed. I know the rework is already in development, but I honestly like the original idea behind the perk where it was meant to be a perk that dodges attacks in possibly more risky situations. What I don't like about this perk, is that it is abused to gain distance in little to no risk situations, an anti mistake perk, that extends chases far more than a ds or boil over. I think that this perk should only reward high risk high reward plays ONLY, and here's my suggestion. Maybe add a status effect to the survivor while the perk is being used, or rework the dash as more like a dodge or a side step out of the way (you know like when link in Ocarina Of time side steps and backflips when locked on an enemy). I've played a few fighting games, and I honestly would prefer a perk that's like a, "counter" or a "dodge" to reposition around the killer as opposed to a free distance perk. I would honestly prefer that "Dash" be a completely different perk entirely. Idk maybe release that with a new survivor hype? Idk I think a lock on perk that's like a dodge from a fighting game would be super sick, and look at that, David is in fact a fighter, so it fits perfectly with his lore.


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Tackling these separately:

    NOED: While this perk is not an easy-win perk and doesn't need any changes, I actually quite like your idea for it anyway. Right now, it's a kind of underwhelming and inconsistent perk that only gets value if survivors misplay or the killer gets lucky, whereas your version would be far more consistently useful. Would it still be a hex with this change, though? That might result in it being a little too weak, if so, but if it's just a static effect that isn't tied to a totem I think it's workable.

    Dead Hard: I absolutely agree with your assessment- the perk shouldn't get to also offer chase-extending distance on top of the hit-dodge capability. I've been a proponent for a while of the idea that using the dash should render you incapable of interacting with pallets and windows for a short time, so you can use it to dodge a hit but can't use it to get to a window and immediately vault it. I think that's a fairly neat way of incentivising using it for a dodge, but still allowing smart plays utilising the dash that aren't just an easy, guaranteed chase extender. I like it when survivors Dead Hard in for a flashlight save and I'd like to preserve that kind of silly nonsense if I can, it's only the chase distance portion that causes problems.

  • GuyGravyy
    GuyGravyy Member Posts: 30

    I mean I recently started playing Yakuza 0 and I thought to myself when using rush mode, "sheesh dead hard would look so much cooler if the dodge was sort of worked like this." (mostly just referencing the one dodge at 1:40)

    As for no-ed I think that it would remain a hex, however the hook increase would remain permanent for the remainder of the trial. Cleansing/Booning only gets rid of the; Haste, exposed, and blindness once cleansed.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,529

    You guys know you can deactivate NOED pretty easy?

    Someone forgot to tell me how i can deactivate Dead Hard...

  • GuyGravyy
    GuyGravyy Member Posts: 30

    Not if you're on RDP lmao the totems are like a fart in the wind.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I will never understand the reasoning behind "requires skill to..."

    Why should good plays and effects be gated behind skill? That doesn't make any sense. If you are awesome at the game, that is a reward until itself. "Rewarding skilled play" is like a tax break for the rich.

  • GuyGravyy
    GuyGravyy Member Posts: 30

    Skill is what a good games reward, if you aren't skilled, get better. Why should someone that has put in the effort to hone their skills get out perked instead of outplayed?

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Because they don't need it?

    If you are capable of slam dunking a 12 hook game, over and over and over again, have a huge win rate, and rarely lose.... why they hell do you need to be "rewarded" even further? So you can win even HARDER? What is the point of that?

    Being skilled at this game is ALREADY a huge advantage without piling it on.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965
    edited April 2022

    I like what you did with Dead Hard, though NOED I have a different idea where the killer has to work towards it.

    The idea is that during the trial before all of the gens are popped, Each time you hit a survivor thats not the obsession. you'll gain a token, up to a maximum amount, after all of the gens are popper NOED activates, all survivors are downed with one hit, though that'll consume 1 token. (I don't know whether to make this perk a hex or not) Also if they hit the obsession they won't get any tokens or lose them. But yeah, I like your idea for NOED more. Have a nice day.

  • Presidenten
    Presidenten Member Posts: 23

    That's one way to fix dead hard, but my idea to fix it is by removing the invincibility frames and slightly increase the distance instead. I don't understand how you can neglect damage completely.

    For NOED, maybe it would be better to give exposed to all survivors who hasn't reached 2nd hook state instead, its more fair for the survivors aswell.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,093

    Right, we'll see about that NOED change when survivor is actually balanced.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Yes, but skill is rewarded BY skill. Game features should not be gated behind them.

    If you are good at cross map snipes, that's a boon in your favor. Making an add on that gives Exposed but only IF you can get a long distance shot is bogus. You are taking an already skilled play and making it even more destructive.

  • GuyGravyy
    GuyGravyy Member Posts: 30

    I think yours is interesting too don't diss on yourself.

  • GuyGravyy
    GuyGravyy Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2022

    I mean you can with aim bot. EZ. We need to bring aim bot to dbd to leech out the skill that makes dbd a bad game. Remember that skills makes a game bad.

  • GuyGravyy
    GuyGravyy Member Posts: 30

    what on earth are you taking about? and second of all when has that ever happened? Even if it has happened, I would not care as it was a skilled play that can go both ways. I could have countered that by simply just avoiding it. You are essentially arguing, "If a sniper is experienced give them a bb gun, and the casual a glock-17."

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I will throw this into the mix:

    The reason why these perks are so infuriating is because they are CHEAP.

    They almost feel to the opposing team to be FREE.

    When a killer pops NOED and eats up the team before they can make a clean getaway - what did they do to deserve it? Nothing. They didn't even have to press a button. They got a free win without any consideration, preparation, or change in their gameplay. They were able to 'outplay' you because regardless of how horribly they played, their perk was a free and easy W.

    When survivors use Dead Hard and extend a chase, deny a hit, or make a clean getaway - what did they do to deserve it? Nothing. They only pressed a single button. They got a free out without any consideration, preparation, or change in their gameplay. They were able to 'outplay' you because regardless of how horribly they played, their perk was a free and easy W.

    All that needs to happen is NOED and DH need to have some form of COST associated with them. DH's exhaustion is laughable. Some players run Vigil and have it ready to use twice in the same chase. It is ubiquitous in both employ and application. NOED needing to be cleansed is both uncommon and laughable as an expectation. The 'costs' are hardly costs at all, the exposure from NOED is FREE, the escape with DH is FREE.

    True, a VERY bad killer may find themselves unable to use NOED while in a bad position.

    True, a VERY poorly timed DH can land you in more trouble than not.

    But survivors do not need to approach the perk with consideration or evaluation. They do not need to altar their playstyle or reasoning to find value from the perk. They do not need to anticipate its use or work around it for maximum benefit. They simply press E to win the exchange.

    Killers do not need to approach the perk with consideration or evaluation. They do not need to altar their playstyle or reasoning to find value from the perk. They do not need to anticipate its use or work around it for maximum benefit. They simply press M1 to win the exchange.

    Until these perks are made to have some form of drawback or preparation involved - or a context that forces survivors to consider their play before making it - these perks will be broken one way or another.