Stadia players or team

Hi everyone.
I'm a Stadia player looking for people to play with as team. Im not very good, I'm rank 7 atm, but I'd like to improve and learn. Also anyone who is willing to teach is very much appreciated.
Stadia players are prefered but I'm glad with anyone who wants to be buddies.
Forgot to say my name is
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I play on my dad's stadia. He got it for Cyberpunk 2077.
I can't send you a friend invite for some reason, but maybe you can send me one.
Thought it was worth mentioning that I'm new too.
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I added you!
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Thanks! I should be playing tonight.
I main killer. :)
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I live in Italy so its 00:20 right now. I don't think I'll be playing for much more. Don't you ever play during the day?
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No, my little brother has nightmares constantly, and my dad blames me for it, so I promised that I wouldn't play DBD on his stadia until my little brother goes to bed at 8:00 pm, our time. It's about 5:30 right now.
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It's fine, i can wait and play a couple games.
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I'm on.
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Sorry but it was 3:15 here. Was hoping you'd be online at 18. I'm sorry.
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It's okay.
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Im just a pc player :D
But if you (or someone else) are still looking for people to play with, thats my discord: Kiway#8478
Cant add you either.
Im usually somewhere in red ranks but no pro by any means and not taking the game too seriously.
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What's your username?
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Iām looking for people to play with myself I play on Xbox but I do have discord
gamertag: CallMeAGod0717#19a1
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In game i only see Kiway#93ee and Kiway#640b
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Very old tread here, but im pretty new to the forum ....if you are on Stadia Stadia tag is LukeySixx#5147, always up for teaming upšļø
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JebusChris#f0e5, but there is a current glitch and no one is able to search and add me?
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Is there any adult players here playing on stadia my wife and I play together and would be nice to find some players to join us. I'm enots #2889
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No raging. No toxic behavior. I was formerly Gold IV (Rank 8 Purple during the old version of rank) and now I'm Silver 3, mostly team up with random trash survivor players that are very unreliable and do something stupid, making a terrible mistake which gets me heated. My crossplay is on. Dm me if any of you people are down for this. Play smart, stay reliable and be vigilant. People that are in silver or higher can only play with me. My PSN is Palmer_Me
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I play on PS4, my name is initial_speaker5