A message from the killer main community to the survivor main community.

Vlarian Member Posts: 167
edited March 2022 in General Discussions


Let's agree on a few things.

Yes, we understand tunneling can be unfun. We apologize if it has put a bad taste in your mouth in the past.

Yes, we understand NOED is unfair. Cleansing 5 totems is inefficient and cleansing NOED after it's active is dangerous.

Survivor is skillful. Just as skillful as killer.

Dead Hard's design is poorly made. Pressing a button to extend a chase or punish a killer's smart play/ rewarding a survivor's mistake is bit unfair. That doesn't mean we think you should stop using it, we just think BHVR needs to change something about it. (And yes, they mentioned they are in the recent QnA)

Circle of Healing's design is a bit too strong for a single perk. If the boon is up, any killer pressure through injuring multiple survivors is instantly reverted. That's a bit unfair. But we understand why you use it, we just think BHVR should rework the perk rather than slightly adjusting it's numbers.

Yes, we know certain killers are incredibly strong compared to others. We do think some killers need to be nerfed. But remember, one bad game shouldn't completely dictate your opinion on a certain killer/ perk/ map/ playstyle.

We don't blame you for running Meta. We blame the SBMM for encouraging unfun play.

When you load in the game, the killer may be new, they may be experienced, they may be a master, or they may be toxic. But let's all remember we are all playing this game for a fun time.

So the next time you consider bringing an extremely survivor sided map offering with full meta perks, flashlights, consider tea-bagging, please remember we're all human, and we all influence each-other.


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