
Can we change how the changes are facing the cenobite? He is impossible to face. The chains are constant and no one can work on gens, heal ourselves, break totems, get alone move around. Each match is only a couple minutes long because of how over powered this killer is.
You can stop the chainhunt by solving the Lament Configuration, itβs an item that you can see (aura) pretty much for the whole match. You can (and should) solve it even before a chainhunt starts.
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Do the box and you'll see just how bad Pinhead is
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He's already been nerfed (unjustly) already and hasn't received the qol changes he's due. If you break his chains on the environment, they break instantly. Go for the box when you can, but you've got to either solve it or make sure you can run Pinhead for a long time when he comes to interrupt you. He may seem OP yo you, but at top level he gets demolished.
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Just as a general tip.
Go to the killer section and read their power and maybe perk descriptions. Killers like Pinhead and Pig and Sadako and Artist have powers where you have to do something to get rid of.
Some people donΒ΄t know what to do with certain killers.
I had one asking what to do with this vhs tape from Sadako as he was condemned.
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Just because there is a box doesn't mean it helps much. Know why most survivors DC out of the Cenobite matches? Cause its extremely difficult for any of us. Im not saying chains need to be gone but at least lessen how often we get them rather than immediately after we break them. I know how this killer works. But running is a lil hard to do as well when u constantly are chained over and over and over and over again
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The chains are obnoxious, they literally make it impossible to do anything in the game, and anytime someone does the box they immediately get downed and the chain hunt continues unhindered, he is unfair and un fun, anyone defending overpowered killers is clearly not good enough to play anything else, if you have to sweat as a character then you're not good at that character, pick someone else, get good, or go play the tutorial if you need to feed some sad power fantasy
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Yeah, you are one of the soloq teammates I keep getting when facring Pinhead where all I can do whole match long is run across the map to pick up and solve it cause neither you nor the rest of the survivors will pick it up so once it's my turn to get chased and chain hunt activates it's 'gg' and the game is over cause no one is gonna do anything anymore except for running around like headless chicken while still somehow ignoring the now super visible yellow box on the ground...
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Or maybe its cause they can't when they are pinned to nothing while they are constantly breaking chains
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Sounds more like your team got outplayed. Pinhead is far from being OP. He just has an actual good 1v4 ability.
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You do the box BEFORE it turns yellow/you have the full circle around your icon to prevent that from happening.
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You sir/ma'am are missing the point in my post though obviously.
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Actually no. And everyone in this forum is obviously not reading the issue. THE CHAINS DURING CHAIN HUNT. Thank you. It's OP and pinhead is still over powered because of it.
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What point? There are no random chains happening if people do the box before the circle around the survivor icons is full.
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π just stop commenting on things you don't understand. Like you are not helpful and actually not getting anywhere with your 'point'
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Nothing you have said here makes any sense. The chains only come if you let the box sit on the map too long. If you pick up the box and solve it they never come. If you get the box and hold onto it without solving it the chain hunt only happens for you. Either way, get the box and solve it and you won't have to deal with any chains.
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That is his 1v4 power. You have 45 seconds to deal with the box before it starts (base, can be reduced with some addons). You have the aura of the box revealed to you throughout the entire game (unless he's running an iri addon). And you can still solve the box while chain hunt is going.
If you are constantly finding yourself getting destroyed by chain hunt, it's because you are not respecting his power and ignoring the box and dealing with the consquences.
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The box he teleports to or can TAKE AWAY from survivors... yea super easy for survivors... ππ
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If he teleports to the box then chain hunt is put on cooldown.
If the survivor with the box got downed with it, then they either picked it up too close to pinhead or tried to solve it too close to pinhead. That's a mistake on their part.
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I love watching these post where someone explains a problem they have and then people come in and ignore the explanation just to suggest other reasons the person is having the problem when they have clearly stated what they have an issue with, really fun guys
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Im concerned for everyone here.......
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Come on man, Pinhead is not remotely OP.
The chain spawns even have audible cues so you know when to dodge them.
You can't just keep on doing your normal stuff while the Hunt is on. That's the point. If you let the Hunt start, you've already misplayed.
A Pinhead match includes an element of tug of war over the Box.
Sounds like a game knowledge issue.