Game is becoming more and more in favor of killer mains

Mallowness Member Posts: 14
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

You see, I consider myself a survivor main. I love playing against a killer and I get there are some toxic survivors out there but every change is always against survivors. Toolboxes are useless now. Cant even complete 1 gen or get close with a purple toolbox with the best add-ons. Keys are useless now because of endgame. Which I like the idea of endgame. I do. But every game killers take it hostage. They'll slug or camp every survivor. No Way Out makes things worse for survivors going against killers like this. Wraith is now unplayable against. He is too fast. Every time we have wraiths out in the lobbies, we can't drop pallets, vault, etc because our wraith who downed someone across the map and slugged them to chase us down, got to us within not even a minute to knock us down. Literally just happened in a match I had. Not an over exaggeration or anything. Every survivor perk is nerfed. Every killer is buffed. No killer perks are nerfed. And yet every single time Dead By Daylight creators respond to the forums about how survivors are supposedly taking the game hostage or how our perks are too strong. And we have very few counters towards killers at all. I literally just saw a forum against spine chill which is super reasonable cause it doesn't go off easily, its easily missed when not paying attention because there is no sound notification, and at rank 1 the killer has to be like right in arms reach next to you to actually do anything. Please fix the game to give survivors some kind of chance against killers. Do something about killers taking the game hostage. Like even if its where if one person gets downed the other person gets mangled before getting downed as well. That helps a little bit. But the game is too much in favor of killer mains who don't bother practicing or trying different perks (reminder that half of the killers are insta-downs and most of the perks are aura reading or objective blockers) and not even close to fair for survivor mains who actually play the game fair. (Where all of our items are rendered useless and all of our perks are nerfed)

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    I've been having some really bad luck the past few days with some games having really questionable survivors.

    Like I just had a match where this injured quentin was just sitting under a pallet that I was looping around and just body blocking it for no real reason. Thankfully he got hit instead of me and he didn't throw the pallet down either. But it's just like "######### you doing?"

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903
    edited March 2022

    If you want to have a consistent chance at winning as survivor you need to play swf (even without comms). You can just ask random people in solo q if they want to swf for a bit. You'll see a clear difference. You don't even need comms to do well.

    *Edit: but no. The game is clearly not killer sided overall.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    Toolboxes were never nerfed. It's a the same amount of boost condensed into a smaller period of time.

    Keys still serve their purpose. If you're the last survivor and the killer closed the hatch before you got to it, you can still open it up and escape.

    Wraith is surprisingly easy to counter, especially after his nerf. The most important thing to know is that he cannot hit you unless he's uncloaked. That means windows are a nightmare for him, because he can't uncloak mid-vault. Some Wraiths will also follow you from pallet to pallet, 99ing their uncloak but are actually waiting for you to drop the pallet so they can break it and catch up to you without having to uncloak. This means you can bait them by standing at the pallet like you're gonna drop it, they 99 but don't uncloak, you don't drop it, and then they have to actually uncloak maybe to hit you. And that gets in their head, because now they have to guess if you're gonna drop the pallet or if you're gonna call their bluff on the uncloak again. Some killers have more counterplay than Wraith, and some have less, notably Nurse. But they all have counterplay.

    And no, no, no. Survivor perks are rarely nerfed, and for good reason. Killer perks are nerfed regularly for no good reason. Coup De Gras, which gives the killer a longer lunge, was way better when it was first shown off in the ptb, and even that version of the perk had only niche uses. If you don't have DS, BT, or Dead Hard on your survivors, sure you won't be feeling the strength that we killers constantly complain about. But even perkless, survivors have a lot of power. It takes 80 seconds to do a gen solo, even faster if multiple people are on there. So if the killer's camping or tunneling, all you have to do is do gens and you'll be out the gates in like 5 minutes. You just don't see that often because your teammates kill themselves on hook, can't run the killer, and won't do gens.

    Spine Chill is fine. You should use it, but know that when the cat lights up, you don't have to immediately run or hide. If the cat is lit up for a few seconds straight, the killer is definitely coming your way. But if it flickers once or twice, they're probably just chasing someone else or looking around. Premonition is a worse version of this perk in every way. Kindred also gives amazing info on where the killer AND your teammates are at.

    The game is not as killer sided as you think. People always complain about the strength of killers in the beginning. I even have problem with some killers still. But at top level, killers get destroyed even when they play their heart out. Killers do experiment with perks, but a majority of them don't do enough for the killer, and if the survivors have perks that do a lot for them, the killer is probably going to lose that game even if they play well.

    My recommended perks for killer are Corrupt Intervention, Deadlock, No Way Out, and NOED. The first 3 delay the game as much as possible, because survivors win most of the time by doing gens faster than the killer can possibly hook them enough times, and these perks block the gens and the exits. The last one NOED is used at all levels of play because of how "good" it is, but if your team does all 5 totems, or you cleanse some and the rest are boons, NOED doesn't activate because there's no totem for it to spawn on.

    There's other appealing perks for killer, like Play With Your Food which can make the killer walk faster, I'm All Ears which can let them see your aura after you do a rushed action, and Hysteria which gives you Oblivious if you're injured. The effect of those perks is nothing to scoff at, but even then they don't do enough. To me, as killer and survivor, the best perks for you are the ones that you're guaranteed to get value out of. My best build has guaranteed stalling and forces survivors to do all totems if they don't want to deal with instadowns. Survivor perks I usually use are Spine Chill, Kindred, Dead Hard, BT, and DS.

    There's a difference between playing well/fair and playing optimally/efficiently. For survivors, playing well is looping a killer so long, you buy your team so much time that they get all the gens done, or someone buying you that time and you spending it wisely to do the gens and heal people. For killers, that's killing people as soon as possible and stopping the gens and exits from getting done, which means tunneling, slugging, camping, and regressing the gens. For survivors, playing fair is always healing teammates before getting back on gens, not doing gens as fast as you can, and doing optional objectives like totems and chests. For killers, playing fair is going for lots of chases, hooking a bunch of different people, and always going for the unhooker not the unhooked.

    Playing fair unfortunately isn't playing efficient, so it gets punished. If survivors don't do the gens as fast as possible, the killer could kill them all. If the killer goes for too many chases and doesn't killer people early, the survivors are gonna escape.

    My best way of playing killer is simple but effective, and only somewhat fair. You use my build, pick two people and switch between hooking just one and just the other, and that results quickly to 2v1 game. After that, chase the third and hook them. If you see the fourth, great. If you don't, don't bother slugging them. They may get hatch, but hey, that kill was pretty much yours anyway. The sad part is that even playing this way, you will still lose a lot, and it's not for lack of skill or trying.

    The best way to get better at the game, and to have reasonable opinions about the game, is to play both sides and play them well. If you're playing competitively, that's how you want to do it. If you're playing casually, you have no place talking about balance changes. That's just the way it is. I hope my advice helped.

  • Mallowness
    Mallowness Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2022

    This is obviously a killer main. Honestly, I've been playing since the game first game out. A friend bought it for me. Ive seen every difference in this game. The game has gotten way worse now. I can still escape IF I don't get Facecamped or Slugged the entire match which is consistently happening. If you wanna compare your gameplay to mine, go play to iridescent rank survivor and come back to this post. Camping the hook or slugging is dumb. I wouldn't care so much if I got downed again after getting off the hook if the killer hooked the next person they downed instead of camping our downed bodies like we are going to lead them to any other survivor and downing everyone while they watch us bleed out. It DOES take the game hostage. (Trapping us in corners isnt the only way... shocker right?) It makes the game drag out rather than ending the game. Keys have no use to them btw and a purple toolbox with pink items should be able to do more than 30% of 1 gen. These items are completely useless now. And there are plenty of killers who have gotten buffs. Wraith being only 1 which is way too fast. Survivor stuff has gotten nerfed. Look at DS. That perk alone removes so much that the survivor needs to help with. At least let them do it once per hook or let them help with gens or hex totems (not dull). Its supposed to help counteract tunnels.

    Most of these comments are very obviously killer mains. Trash talking is sad btw. Im not bad at Dead by Daylight. Trying to say stuff like that makes you a very sad player. Any person who plays killer typically then randomly jumps into 1 survivor match to try to "prove me wrong" is going to get an easy match. Oh and Solo Queue is still SWF guys. 🙄 and just because we have our friends doesn't mean they won't get slugged or camped too. Its player based not communication based on that part.

    Quite honestly, end game ended any real use for keys. Cause no one brings them unless its for aura which id prefer to use a map for. If key had some use, hide one in a chest somewhere on the map instead of adding it to the bloodweb. Then its either hurry find the key, open the gate, or find the hatch before the killer does. And end game would be active if it was closed.

    Just because your game experience is "flawless" which i highly doubt. Doesn't mean anyone else's is too. For example: Game still has hackers in it. Lag switches. Flying bubbas. Flying survivors. Its sad if someone has to cheat just to get a win. I think we can all agree on that part.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    Oh here is where all the "killer mains" went to defend their terrible position and make blatantly false claims as if they are facts, the copium here is astounding, iv only ever seen such entitled whining from spoilt toddlers, I feel sorry for your parents

  • ItsJesseFFS
    ItsJesseFFS Member Posts: 100

    i have to agree, for the most part.

    Even I personally see killers complain way more than I do survivors.

    And when both sides complain, I feel as if survivors complaints are more justified.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    I don't think DBD is either killer sided or survivor sided. The issue is the massive swings in power.

    The issue is at the highest skill level possible, the game is killer sided. Which is lets say is a highly skilled nurse with meta perks and addons. However the majority of killers cannot reach this level of strength (trapper). A nurse at this level should in theory win 99% of matches. After that is a 4 man swf with meta perks. In theory they should win 99% of matches as the communication and strategy is simply too much in their favour. After this is would be non meta survivors, then non meta killers and then finally 4 solo Q survivors.

    The point is the strength difference between this categories is so vast the game is unplayable. Not playing in SWF is such a major disadvantage that plenty of survivors won't play without their friends. On the flip side a killer can go against 4 solo Q survivors which they easily beat. they then decide they don't need to run a meta build only for the next game to go against 4man swf.

    Even worse is the optimal way to play DBD is simply unfun. The best strategy for killer is to camp/tunnel and slug. None of which is fun, but its highly effective. Similar gen rushing for survivors denies a match from even happening. What is the point in playing DBD as survivor if you don't even allow for match to happen, you are simply holding M1 at a gen for a few minutes, but it is highly effective.

    I honestly don't have a solution to fix any of this, I can only recommend you don't take the game too seriously and try to put more of focus on fun instead of winning. However I can say DBD is not killer sided or survivor sided.

  • EzequielGDBD
    EzequielGDBD Member Posts: 7


    Vocês já se perceberam que os Sobreviventes não tem descanso até no próprio gancho?

    Certos Assasinos estão parados na sua frente, esperando se você vai sair do gancho. O Assasino parado na sua frente vendo você sofrer no jogo perde a sua habilidade, chamada Libertação e não tem como você fazer nada, só desistir de jogar o jogo.😢

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    I think DBD HAS to be survivor-sided to some extent. If the game were perfectly balanced, killer would be more popular. A killer shortage isn't a good thing, but a survivor shortage would cause bigger problems in queue. Playing survivor has to be fun enough that 80% of players want to do it at any given time. Luckily, playing as a group is always popular so SWFs would still play survivor consistently. Gotta be 80% though. Waiting for one player to pick the unpopular role is what survivors have to do, imagine waiting for 4 players to choose the unpopular role. Bad news.

    But it would be nice if playing killer didn't seem so punishing. It's easy to feel like BHVR wants us to quit. I know that's not true, but it can seem that way.