Do you think will sadako get buffed again ?

Now Devs and Bhvr is survivor sided.
I do hope they buff her teleport cooldown, 100 seconds is a tad too much. 60 seconds would be perfect imo, aswell as increasing the cooldown if Survivors turn TV's off to something like 70-75 seconds so it's worth interacting with the TV's, buffing her Condemnation aswell
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Yes. I think next buff will make teleport cool-down shorter. And she will be okey. If CoH also remove from game, she will be decent B killer.
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She’ll always suffer as hit and run killers will as long as COH exists but if they actually balance that perk someday then she’ll be a bit better.
I think the TV cooldowns should be adjusted; it should stay off for longer when a survivor turns it off, but should be shorter when used by the killer.
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Yes, they will buff her 340days later.
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Wrong. Trickster took buffs early when they saw he is so weak. Same for Ghostface.
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I hope she gets some help. For such an iconic killer she's...sort of crap.
What does she bring to the table that other killers (not even strong killers) bring to the table better?
That - yes.
I also really want to see her stealth helped. Get rid of the lullaby (why is this a thing?) and increase the invisibility duration of her passive phasing significantly so that it's actually useful for mindgaming.
Trickster's buff/nerf/buff/nerf cycle was a mess and left him in a pretty meh place. I'd hope that if BHVR do decide to help Sadako out, they do a better job of it.
She could stand a hefty buff in nearly every part of her kit - and would still be low-mid B tier at best.
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Nope she not strong.
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The Lullaby is weird. She's the only stealth Killer that has a Lullaby and I wouldn't mind if it got removed
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She could use some, but she'll probably end with over 50% kill rate due to bad survivors and get nothing.
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It so hard if survivor main don't need her to get buffed , she will don't get it
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Maybe some further tweaks with her teleport cool down and the condemn mechanic. Since the games I've played vs Ringu girl it was something I completely ignored and didn't even get past 4 condemn points.
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she defiantly needs a shorter tv cooldown i don't understand how they though the cooldown should be longer then a gen. Her TV spawn logic needs to be tweeked as well so it stops them from facing walls or off in a room so it takes 5 seconds to get to the gen after you teleport.
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Devs use 1 year to buff one killer.
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I think her condemn should be changed. It happens very rarely anyways and survivors don't really need to mind it too much so why not make it that when someone actually neglects to handle their condemn gets exposed when full.
It's silly that the 1 rare time i see a condemn hit someone i injure them and poof they run to their tv and 1 second later its gone. At least give me a chance to once in a while in blue moon to kill that person.
Her teleport could also be fixed. The cooldown is too long. Hit and Run killers wont shine in this CoH economy anyways so until that spammable CoH boon exists hit and runners are lost cause.
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Should she be buffed? Yes.
Will she? Hard to say.
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Sadly Bhvr will nerf sadako in next patch.
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They could buff her TV time slightly, otherwise I honestly agree. She is sick, such a dopamine rush
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Nope it wont
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It’s possible, it’ll probably be a few more months though, I think it usually takes three to six months before releasing a balance patch on a new character.
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Don´t know.
You need the stats to see how she is doing irl. All here are just assumptions how strong or weak she turns out to be.
There is a genuine possibility that she could be nerfed cause she is too strong.
All the forum god players don´t know the normal DBD player. And they struggle a lot more with killers.
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I think her condemned either needs side effects to go with it (her lullaby becomes smaller with each stack or something), or make it more lethal (gain stacks faster), and decrease her TV teleport cooldown to like 70-60 seconds but buff the timer to 90 if survivors turn it off. Maybe change some of her weaker addons, like well stone, to be more appeasing. Other than that, she's alright.
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Maybe... maybe not
it all depends on Pick rate and Kill rate
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Not for at least a year
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I have a feeling the devs will see her as not needing anymore buffs in the immediate future. Then again, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of complaint threads about her so who knows lol
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I don't think she really needs that much in the way of buffs. A few slight tweaks maybe but I don't think she's as bad as people try to say she is.
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Her biggest buff will be a nerf to COH.
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That would be a buff for all killers.
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absolutely but it'll be a buff to sadako/wraith/ghostface etc substantially more than to blight/nurse/spirit
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Whats with Myers etc?
Also i wouldnt call trickster balanced now.
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While Myers released, survivor meta was not that strong and he was decent killer. He is weak at current meta. I did pretty well with myers in 2018 and 2019. He was my old main.
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If I had a dollar for everytime someone said that something would never get added, be changed or adjusted only for it to end up happening sooner or later down the line, i would be the richest person in the world.
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She'd still be poop.
She has nothing going for her. No stealth, teleport basically worthless because of the 100 second cd.
I have no idea why a stealth killer gives survivors so many warnings that she's coming.
Teleport? Global sound que and directional audio of what tv she's coming out of if your close enough.
Stealth mode? lullaby lmao.
Devs have to hand hold survivors constantly.