COH rework idea

When you look at how most other boon totems function, the killer has to be nearby the totem for value to be given to the survivor. This allows counter play for the killer as they can make a decision to snuff the totem and lose some distance mid chase. Circle of healing removes this form of counterplay to boon totems entirely since value can be earned from the survivor regardless of killer positioning. At the same time, this perk mitigates any form of hit and run play style, severely mitigating macro play decisions of the killer. The suggested changes are put forth to solve both of these issues,

Circle of healing rework: while in the range of the boon, survivors passively heal a health state after a period of 45 seconds (values I’m unsure of right now).

the general idea with this rework is to have healing become not as spammable and also give chances of counterplay for when the killer is nearby, the changes could allow the possibility of healing mid chase in the boon if the survivor utilizes the surrounding area well, but at the same time the killer could snuff the boon out due to the killer being near the boon totem.

the only issue I see with this rework is specific boon totem spawns, but these should’ve been fixed long ago

ex: eyrie of crows main

tell me what you think! Hopefully this change keeps the perk viable without completely removing macro play options from the killers side


  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Question: If Survivor leaves the Boon area and re-enters, does the time stop and resume or reset?

    Ex: I'm in the Boon for 20 seconds but leave it for whatever reason. Does the timer reset so I need to wait another 45 seconds, or resume from 20 so I need only wait for 25 more.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    That might be better? Idk.

    This would encourage you to place it near a gen you're working on or try to use it mid-chase, rather than placing it somewhere super out of the way where the killer will never bother going to, which makes it weaker.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I just think they should be limited to how many times they can put one up and/or how many teammates can use the specific boon (like Prove Thyself).

    There is no way a killer can win against 3 to 4 COH unless you're Otz or as good as him.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    Not sure what you mean by the killer having to be nearby to give value to survivors?

    Sure Shadowstep removes scratchmarks, but also removes aura reading so perks like BBQ and Nurse's Calling can't be used

    Exponential benefits from killer leaving you and not nearby to pick you up

    Your CoH idea is interesting tho, not sure if I fully agree with it, but I can see both good and bad things about it

  • camden_cowboy_emoji
    camden_cowboy_emoji Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2022

    You could heal mid chase possibly, the intention is to put its utility in line with other boon totems.

    shadowsteps main value is losing the killer in chase, something that requires them to be nearby, same with exponential ( killer has to slug in boon range to begin with) and dark theory. This allows the killer to have an somewhat easy way to snuff it like stated and also incentivizes boon totem (COH) placement to not be in desolate corners where the killer should never be in, like what sizzling Mario said.