Idea of Competitive based gameplay

I have idea of 5 rounds. Every round survivor change killer and killer become survivor, at the end player with best score winner. It could have more rules to become more intrigue to the end. I think with competitive mode this game could become popular on e-sports.


  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    It might be good to have such a gamemode so that competetive players don't have to always recreate lobbies, but the bigger problem with this game is defining who actually won a trial. In this game its currently that both teams "kinda can win" at the same time.

    Are Kills, Bloodpoints or Emblems the criteria for winning etc.
    Look at the mess some of the current tournaments are ;P

  • Gts
    Gts Member Posts: 3

    I dont talk about teams, I talk about solo. 5 players keeps geting points, after all rounds we can see the winer. Just need good rules. If developers want to think about e-sports they can invent something with good balance.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    this is intriguing.... which player is the better killer.. which is the better survivor... yes please.. this would help help solo play quite a bit and it could help with the grind..... unless they just give the avg. BP through the 5 games...

  • Yrutan
    Yrutan Member Posts: 26

    I thought it would be great as a tournament format.

    The points gained as killer would be worth four times the points gained in the other rounds. Now all that is left is determine how points are gained ... and find a way to keep the number of games played to a minimum as the number can quickly get out of hand.

    Also the number of participants would always have to remain a multiple of 5 and a minimum of 5 have to be eliminate at a time so that everyone remaining can play in the next game.