Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Deathslinger is not good

Member Posts: 35
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Sorry for mistakes, i CAN`T WRITE ENGLISH WELL. And thanks a lot to Google Translater!

Hello everyone, here we will talk about the Deathslinger. 

How many times a week did you see him in the game? I'm sure you haven't seen it at all. And we know very well why they do not want to play for him: a large terror radius and, most importantly, a long aim. Believe me, the developers will not return the old aiming and terror, because it was these two things that the players massively complained about. However, we can leave our comments here on how to improve the Deathslinger! Aren't you tired of the same maniacs yourself: Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Huntress and others? It will be much more interesting to play against other maniacs, and let's start with the Deathslinger! I suggest to slightly speed up the aiming time, add a lullaby and reduce the terror, and also give the opportunity to shoot twice without reloading. Judge for yourself: the Huntress already has 5 axes. The Trickster has 44 knives, and all these maniacs, if they miss, can continue to attack. Why can't the Deathslinger do that? He needs to reload after EVERY shot, and this takes time. which is very precious for this maniac, because he has no map control. If there is a problem with the unrealistically strong “save the best for last” perk (pulled, hit, pulled, hit), then you can not count the harpoon pull as the main attack, just as the axes of the Huntress do not count. If the second shot contradicts the history of the game, then you can justify this by saying that the Deathslinger is an excellent engineer who thought of making insurance in case of a miss (I write this just in case).

These were my ideas, and you, please, write your ideas and promote this discussion to the top! I am sure that together we will attract the attention of developers! And sorry for mistakes.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 7,056

    this is my favorite deathslinger post

    Im gonna agree with everything here because I physically feel the enthusiam and I love it

  • Member Posts: 467
    edited March 2022

    If you miss a shot you're ######### basically survivor is already 10km away from you , his aim is too slow and leaves a huge window for survivors to react plus he can't do nothing across a pallet needs to break it first but huntress and trickster can his kit wastes a lot of time because of the animations plus his slow speed and massive terror radius.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 325

    Keep the terror radius the same and give us back the old aim. Imagine him and Nurse were the only 2 Killers in the game. There is no comparison. The old quick aim STILL would give him nothing on Nurse... You are not entitled to a chase btw. The fact that most Survivors "claimed" to have trouble with that could've been a unique specialty to that Killer only, but no the complainers always get what they want. The terror radius was the big problem. The fact that they touched the aim just shows me how easily the devs will bend to the whining regardless. xD

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Don't worry, your English is just fine :)

    I agree, though. Deathslinger didn't need a nerf. But at the same time, I don't think he's as horrible as people say. He's certainly still playable, there's just no reason to play him over other killers and spare yourself the frustration.

  • Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2022

    I was playing Deathslinger recently.

    Today I played 3 hours, had fun, most games were 3-4k.

  • Member Posts: 35

    I've watched some games and I will say that of course you often hit the survivors, but sometimes they merged because they were altruists or didn't want to fix the genes. Some were even weak. I may have missed a lot of other matches because I didn't watch the entire stream.but you are a skill player.

  • Member Posts: 35

    What other ideas do you have to improve this maniac? The developers never reverted the changes they introduced, as far as I know.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I use Google Translate so I apologize in advance for the errors. I think it's better to bring back the old Deathsinger, in order to defeat him, you just need brains, namely the winding of generators. He is bad at controlling the map, but good at chasing, why it was nerf, I do not know. If you do not change the aiming speed, then you need to increase the harpoon's flight speed from 40 m to 50 m, so that there is a higher chance of hitting the target from a longer distance, since it is easier to dodge the harpoon due to a small hitbox. Again, I apologize for the mistakes.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    I think the reason that Slinger only gets to shoot once before he has to reload is due to the nature of his realoading. Huntress and Trickster have to reload at lockers, during which time they're completely stationary. With them you have essentially have to leave chase in order to reload. With Deathslinger, you can reload anywhere, which means you can get your power back without breaking the flow of chase, keeping constant pressure on the survivor you're chasing.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    how didnt i see this earlier? oh well, im here now and thats all that counts.

    while i wholeheartedly agree that Caleb is in the serious need of some buffs right now, i dont think we should expand on the changes he received in that patch.

    We should honestly just revert him to his old state. He was perfectly fine where he was before the nerf and the changes he received (this includes the nerfs and the compensation buffs) all went in a terribly wrong direction.

    I fear the more we expand on those nerfs to somehow try and justify them, the more of his identity he is going to lose. he is already but a discount Huntress and i really dont think we need to distance him any further from his old self - i think we need to bring him back to being what he once was: a unique, fun to play and (very) balanced Killer with a lot of depth to his, seemingly straight forward, abilities.

  • Member Posts: 3

    But how ? Don't the developers care about the players who want to bring back the old Deathsinger?

  • Member Posts: 47

    They should revert the nerf entirely and just keep the longer cancel aim animation. Deathslinger was just fine.

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