why are all the maps square or rectangular?

seriously... you dont have to put 4 fences in a square and add some trees to create a map. the perimeter could be blocked by natural elements such as the seashore or mountains, or it could be on a hill with some sides blocked by height.
you know in general, whenever you think about some basic concept for this game you go "surely someone must have thought about that before me" but then they didnt and the game has been stale for 6 years. wish they would give it over to another developer. sigh.
Makes sense when they're called 'Trials' by the Entity.
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It's kinda hard to explain properly, sorry.
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I would like seashores/mountains and such but this is not the reason what’s wrong with the game. That would just be a neat thing to have..
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I think innovation is what's wrong with the game, and it translates into balance too. they're too scared to change mechanics or perks.
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It's a Trial of life and death, not a neat vacation on the Dominican Republic.
Seashores or hills would be kinda anticlimatic.
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Because the maps are designed using tiles and tiles happen to be of rectangular shape.
Circular maps or any maps with excessive corners will not only cause balancing issues, but also coding issues that would make things much more difficult for the devs.
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This +1 😅
Post edited by Sepex on3 -
Actually non rectangular maps exist, Groaning Storehouse for example is kind of an odd shaped map..
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Bill: "God damnit' this hook in my chest hurts. Hurry! Get me down!"
Jeff: "Bro, but look at that view though"
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No. Tiles as in the actual single piece of the maps. Those are rectangular.
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Easy fix;
* Create a gladiator killer
* Coliseum for a map (circular)
Done ✔️
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I want a rhombus map
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Lore head on.
The maps are supposed to be the entity's version of fragments of our world. Hence walled off areas.
Lore head off.
Beaches would be sweet.
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an actual reply that makes sense. thank you.
i guess the answer to every question is always spaghetti code uh.
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One reason why I thought the RE and SH maps were so cool. At the gates and outside you saw more. Now I doubt they put anything other than what we can see out there but doe SH you have a cool path probably leading to the town and for RE you see buildings and stuff.
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The original poster was asking about why maps (not tiles) are rectangular. But some of the maps aren't rectangles.
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i know full well that maps aren't literal rectangles. you expected me to name all the irregular shapes with varying number of angles of all maps? lol. clearly the semanthics of my question meant that there are no undefined edges or circular ones in any given map. and @Voodoo_Thirsty 's response makes sense as to why that's not a thing. i imagine that because of the nature of ai generation it could cause problems with tiles half-clipping out of bounds. not that it's an unsourmountable issue, but it's bhvr we're talking about. i wouldn't even dare imagine.
anyway, i would also like to add that the maps are completely flat. like, despite some having two levels, both of those are 2d. there are no slanted terrains or anything like that, and that's pretty sad too honestly.
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But there is slanted terrain. The swamp for instance has slanted terrain, and in fact it kind of messes up the pathing of Artist's crows.
And no, I'm not expecting you to name a bunch of shapes, I responded to the question you typed in your original post, i.e. "WHY ARE ALL THE MAPS SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR?" Don't get snippy with me because you didn't ask the question you thought you asked.
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now that you mention it you're right, swamp is slightly slanted. though i meant something more drastic, like a hill upon which you could see the lower level from above.
And no, I'm not expecting you to name a bunch of shapes, I responded to the question you typed in your original post
sure, you technically responded to my question correctly. sadly there is no prize for you because this isn't a game quiz. everyone else understood what i meant without overanalyzing my wording. like, we're all perfectly aware that the maps are not literal rectangles bro. chill.
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First of all not all maps are square, I believe there are more irregular maps than rectangular ones.
About having hills and trees acting as limits, its a great idea but sadly the game is poorly optimized, having a hill, trees, a lake or stuff like that while cool would probably hurt performance, especially on consoles, as long as the performance remains a problem I think is better the maps remain this way, even if they feel a bit cheap on the borders.
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Dwight has an Aloha outfit for that bitter sweet view.
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yeah you're right, didn't think about performance. especially considering bodies of water, we don't really have any of those. they would probably break the game.
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Whatever dude, I'm not the one that can't accept I typed the wrong question.
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This content has been removed.
Because it's hip to be square.
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Depends on the seashore as a ship graveyard is still a seashore that could be blocked off by the remains of the doomed ships.
...This idea also makes me want to have a Undead pirate killer now.
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Still not sure. I like the walls and how they make an "arena".
Also like someone already said, the Trials are fragments of the characters real worlds. Without walls, you'd be able to see beyond that fragment.
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I meant as in there's a solid wall of rocks/ships wrecks so that despite it being on a beach/seashore there is no escape other then the exit gates/hatch.
Aka more thematically fitting walls for the map rather then just the plain brick walls we have now.