This is hilarious

Even the bot match immitates the matchmaking where high grade nerds bully an Ash 4 killer lmfao. Is this a troll by BHVR istg lmfao
This isn't a conspiracy by me that MMR bullies killers,I play survivor and I get baby killers because of how easy it is to gain MMR as killer. Just found it hilarious that the bot match reflects this trend too. You can tell me grades =/= skill but imo,they're better at it than MMR.
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I'm Iri 2 as killer, i played around 10-15 different killers, some of them have very low MMR (i only played against relatively new players) and i'm very bad at them. Getting high grades is very easy especially as killer. It really depends on how often you play. I also played against a full Iri 1 swf and destroyed them. Players who play this game very often and have high grades could possibly be a bit better but they don't have too. Since you can't lose grades anymore, it doesn't say anything else than how much you play.
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If you go up against Iris in the first week after rank reset it means a fair bit tbh,lol.
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Gonna take a wild guess and say that this is the tutorial.
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My whole post is about the tutorial representing the matchmaking being bad and it's hilarious how someone came to the conclusion that I'm somehow smurfing lmfao
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MMR is, was and always will be fake , their just throwing you with the fastest match possible. This stuff happens in pubs as well where a whole squad of rank ones get someone who just started the game and have no idea how to play, it's honestly laughable when these streamers put "Top MMR survivors vs me" in their videos, it shows me they're just baiting views and honestly don't have a clue about matchmaking, they put that in the title and then some survivor throws down shack pallet without looping it and still somehow goes down in ten seconds lmao yea top MMR alright.
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The issue with that idea is that they assume MMR works in the first place. Which it did! First weeks due to how hard survivor gain was it really did. Now it's back to old rank 1 matchmaking,lol
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The bot Claud did that annoying flashlight macro the entire game at me. I def feel like BHVR is just laughing.
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Its really not that hard as a survivor to gain a grade. Ash, Bronze and silver are a joke to get throw if you are a competent players and gold can be a challenge if you are solo. In red it is much harder to play solo and consistently Pip but once I get to red I will usually start playing in SWFs for grades up and solos just to waist time. Red is harder to pip because you have to pull be off hook heal and do as many gens as you can and that is mush easier when there is communication.
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See I only pip when I play solo,when I SWF I usually meme. Plus what I said was people gaining Iri 1 very fast is still a big correlation towards their skill/perf.
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Oh ok I see that now thought you meant that it was hard to grade up as survivor. It depends on what my SWF wants to do. Usually there is the two who meme and there are two that gen rush while the other two keep the killer confused and abused (head on is used by them a lot). Only reason I care about grades is I want my 1m bp at the reset.
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No,since you cant depip from a grade anymore it's really not that hard. Just talking about the early post reset Iri grades being a better indicate of skill than MMR.
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Yeah for sure MMR rarely reflects true skill as a killer who just gets lucky and gets 4ks a few times in a row can have a higher MMR and still be new to the game. Iri grades within a day or week of reset shows some level of skill but with not being able to go down in a grade it also just shows that you play a lot. Only takes 5 good games to pip in red and 20 games over all to get to grade 1.
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It even busts the myth that killers earn more bloodpoints than survivors!
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but...they do...?
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Not according to this screenshot.
Or are you telling me, that bots are more efficient than actual players?!
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The trapper bot had two hooks the entire game...Of course of you don't do anything you don't get BPs,lmao
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Well the survivor bots obviously did something more than gens. Otherwise they would have ended with 13kish bloodpoints.
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The killer bot literally constantly misses the swings,allowing you to loop him on anything for minutes until BL3 and abandons chases at random. If you play like that that's on you,lmfao/
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At the start it was real. I spent 2 weeks just losing every game. I refused to kill anyone and just slugged them and let them leave. The games got so easy that it wasn't funny.
It could be the smaller playerbase here, but i do get confirmed swf most of the time.
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Yeah,as I mentioned,at the start it was really hard to be high-mmr survivor so you only went against comp squads. However with no realy MMR reset,it's really easy for a lot for the playerbase to reach that softcap or get stuck in low-mmr because they memed a bit too much and now have -1h teammates.
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So you´re saying that people earn less points, when they play bad?
*mind blown*
Who would have guessed, that all the people that claim, killers earn more bloodpoints. Simply played bad as survivors.
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You know i´m convinced that survivors can easily earn just as much bloodpoints as killers can. That the points earned are a direct reflection on how those people played during the match. Someone who escapes with 11k bloodpoints did nothing during the whole match. Any by nothing i mean, no variety.
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You're inherently wrong. Survivor BP gain is directly tied to the Killer's decision. If Meg gets chased for 5 gens she will only get 8k points while her teammates will only get objective + altruism. To get 24k+ as survivor you need to be chased a lot,do a lot of gens and also have time to save your teammates and escape also at the same time. Survival also goes up only if you're obession/healing youreself/unhook yourself. You're plain wrong.
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Also jesus christ,I said if a killer plays badly they earn less than survivors
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If a survivor gets chased during 5 gens and has no air to do anything else. Then sure. He´ll hit the 8k point limit and thats it. Never claimed something else.
BUT you don´t need to get chased a lot as survivor to earn 24k bloodpoints. Boons will earn you 1500 per blessing. Repeat this a couple of times and you´ll hit the 8k limit without ever seeing the killer. Now add some gen action and some unhooks/heals and you have earned yourself 24k bloodpoints without escaping. Healing yourself with our favorite boon, will also net you 300 bloodpoints per heal towards the survival category (the hardest one to max out).
So where was i wrong again?
I think those challenges we had in the past, where we were supposed to repair 1 gen + get 1 unhook + cleanse 1 totem. Tried to show people that are so adamant, that survivors earn less bloodpoints than killers, that doing something else than 1 thing will earn you nice points.
Oh and on top of that, since you said the killer is tunneling a survivor for 5 gens. Well guess what, the killer will barely get more points than the tunneled survivor and everyone else will leave with more points than the killer.
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"arned yourself 24k bloodpoints without escaping." Except there's no time to do that and escape in half the trials. And people,you know,like winning. Even if the winnning condition is as silly as simply escaping. Ask any creator,any player with thousands of hours in the game and they'll tell you killer BP gain is better... I won't even start that you can bring BBQ and chili to just outpace survivor BP gain even further...
Stop trying to make a controversial take for the sake of making one,it's just wrong lmao
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May i introduce We Gonna Live Forever to you? Existed before BBQ, gives the same amount of bloodpoint bonus and its easier to get stacks with it.
I mean, if you want, i can spam you with screenshots where i as solo survivor earn the same amount or even more bloodpoints than the killer.
The myth that killers earn more is like 5 or so years old and outdated. The devs did a fine job in matching the bloodpoint gains for both sides.
If you take a full farm build with WGLF, Prove Thyself, CoH and BT. You´ll reach max bloodpoints in no time.
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There's no way you're saying that safe unhook in solo are easier to get without throwing the game than just hooking a survivor once 😭😭
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It's not impossible but it's super rare, the killer has to do REALLY badly in order for a survivor to get more points. I'm gonna go ahead and assume you get low MMR killers where they don't sacrifice and you can easily win chases.
Blessing a totem does give you points but it gets maxed out super quickly. To get all iris you need to do at least 2 gens by yourself, safely unhook 2 players and help with healing, get chased and win all chases because you can't get downed / hooked and then escape. I've gotten more points then the killer when the killer is an absolute baby, but that rarely happens.
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just do 70 actions as survivor and take 4 perks instead of taking one perk,getting more BPS (because WGLF IS ONLY ALTRUISM) and having all other perks dedicated to gameplay...
yeah sure lmao
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But i do. You can get 3 stacks in that single unhook. If the match is almost over and i haven´t been hooked yet, 75% bonus points sounds like a fair deal to me.
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"without throwing the game" if u literally insta hook bomb and trade in solo especially at the start ur highkey throwing the game like 😭
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Its not super rare if you focus on earning as much bloodpoints as possible. As you said, you´ll max out the categories pretty fast. 1 1/2 gen with Prove Thyself is enough to max out lightbringer (not the emblem, just the bloodpoints). When i spot 2 dull totems that are close to each other, i´ll toogle between the 2 until i maxed out Boldness points. Of course, i´ll do that by the end of the match, not at the beginning. Now for altruism, i´ll try to go for save unhooks (both of us), but when there is not much else to do, i´ll happily trade a hook stage vs 2 or 3 stacks of WGLF.
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This dude has been saying WGLF is easier even before when it was only safe unhooks lmao.
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I´m not sure what you are trying to say with "WGLF is only altruism". Since the bloodpoint bonus applies to all actions. Not just altruism.
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Missed the "when the match is almost over" part, huh?
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Hi Seanzu! Long time no see!
Unhooking (1), getting a protection hit (2), getting downed while protecting (3) IS more efficient than searching, hitting a survivor twice and hooking for a single stack. Even more, when a survivor disconnects before the killer gets his stack.
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You make it sound so easy im sure you are definitely not a survivor main.
Doing 2 gens by yourself is not as easy as it sound unless the killer is focusing on one or 2 chases and stay on it (not winning chases or having a hard time downing someone), again, most likely u go against baby killers cause good killers will keep you off a gen.
Cleansing 2 totems won't give u all the points you need, then you need to get chased and then win the chase, not just one, unless it's a long one.
The beat someone for the unhook and do some healing, taking hits, etc for altruism, which also keeps u off gens, then make sure to safely escape.
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So basically don't ever get hooked vs a competent killer in solo queue until endgame and hope your teammates are okay with being farmed, hope the killer doesn't tunnel through bt, killer needs to have no way to insta down or prevent unhook by other means, don't get grabbed, and hope you can still escape the trial for the 5k survival points.
Vs completing your objective as killer, sacrificing survivors to the Entity.
One of these is more situational than the other ✨
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What point are you making here? All I said is that you've been saying it's easier even when it only counted for hook saves take your issue up with Karu.
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But you don´t do the gens solo. Prove Thyself only gives bonus points on coop actions + a repair bonus. Now that gen takes not 80 seconds, but only 41 seconds. Blessing a dull totem takes 14 seconds. If those totems are close to each other, you can bless one, then the other one and go back to the first one. You´ll max out Boldness in less than 2 minutes.
You don´t have to beat someone for the unhook. If you reach late for the unhook, don´t turn around and help healing. You won´t get the stack, but you´ll earn healing + coop points. Sure the proposed "hook trading for 3 stacks" is only a last resort. When there are only just a few hooks left. So i would do this only at the end of a match, IF i didn´t get any unhooks, pallet saves or protection hits before that.
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But you don´t get stacks for sacrifices as killer. You get them for the first hook of each survivor. Someone who disconnects, or dies to the entity or Pizzahead/Myers mori without even getting hooked won´t give any stacks to BBQ at all.
As i said, this is only for the endgame, when you haven´t been able to get any unhooks, protection hits or pallet saves (or flashlight). A last resort to max out stacks and multiply your bloodpoints. You don´t HAVE to do this every match.
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I don´t think that i have any issues with anyone here. I´m just explaining my point.
Actually i think i´m on good terms with everyone here. 😎
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If you get only a single stack, but die, you break even if you have 20k points. 10k in the case of two stacks, which should be pretty easy to get if you run BT.
It's probably harder to get WGLF stacks but not by much. Three of the stacks the Killer can get enable you to get your stacks (because you can't get them off yourself), but you can also get stacks off protection hits without anyone being hooked.
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Blessing maxes out super quickly and it maxes the blessing, not the category, just by doing 2 boons you wont get an iri out of it.
Prove thyself might help with light bringer (which btw just researched and it gives u 1 ooint per gen percentage worked on, an iri is 270 points which means u need 2.7 gens by yourself) but if you don't max out the other categories you won't get more points than the killer, unless, again, the killer is an absolute baby and couldn't win chases, down people, hook them and sacrifice them.
Trading for hook means you won't max the survival points, cause you got hooked / got downed. If you go against a decent killer you need to max out most of the categories to even come close to getting more BP than them.
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Oh i´m only talking about maxing out bloodpoint categories. Not about maxing emblems. Those are 2 completely different things.
I know, that i won´t get a double pip with my playstyle. Even when i maxed out bloodpoints.
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I don't think it ever was, at the start of it all it took a couple weeks of MMR being on for it to start working properly according to BHVR themselves so chances are it was the old matchmaking which even though it took a little longer it was a more balanced match and after "MMR" started working properly a few weeks into it , it's just been a throw em anywhere type system with rank or hours meaning nothing, you could be a brand new player getting a 6k hour opponent
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I know some people can't tell the difference between good and bad survivors, but these people were running past pallets and then face planting walls while nobody does gens and they all die at 5.
Yes it was working to an extent and did give you the newest of the new if you forced it.