Again with no change in Dead Hard?

How long are we going to have to deal with this perk? Did you do an amazing mindgame? It's your problem, deadhard will negate all your skill. Do you think you'll catch that survivor at last? Mistake yours, he'll give the Dead hard to that window or pallet and get even more time from you.
How many times do the dev's gotta say on stream "IT'S GOING TO TAKE TIME THIS IS A PERK THAT INVOLVES PING AND SERVER CONNECTION" before it gets across that it's going to take a hot minute to change because of all the sensitive things tied around it.
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Sprint Burst is coming to get you more frustrated if they hard nerf DH. A good SB usage is way more efficient than DH. Be prepared.
Can't wait for the SB nerf threads. We all know killer mains forum strategy.
Nerf nerf nerf!!!
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It would actually be pretty easy to to make the necessary change to Dead Hard (deleting it)
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And still no impactful CoH nerf
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How do you suggest its nerfed? I don't see what can be modified other than the exhaustion rate
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I honestly wish other killer mains would stop being so immature towards DH entirely, it's cringy as hell.
Like just, come up with an idea to nerf it instead of screaming for it to be deleted, or made useless.
And harassing those who use it is just... sigh -n-
- A Blight main. Zoom Zoom.
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While it's unlikely a tricky object like DH will be fixed this quickly after it's been acknowledged, I'd like to point out that this isn't the full patch notes, it's the developer update showing some of it ahead of time.
There'll be a little more in the patch notes themselves. Probably not Dead Hard, but still.
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Also, where is everyone seeing these changes (or in the case of this thread, they didnt change it)? did i miss some update in the forum? am I blind? I don't see patch notes
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Here's how I'd personally change Dead hard
- Keep it tied to servers and make sure it keeps priority.
- Remove the distance you get to 0
- Make it so you faze in and out and within that period if the killer swings the hit isn't counted.
It's that easy. It would reward you for using it when you think a killer is gonna swing into a pallet or if you're about to go down it will save you enough to hit them with a pallet and it removes the dead hard for distance.
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So like the air dodge in smash bros? I like it.
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Ill gladly eat a sb over a dh. Sb just helps the beginning of the chase. Dh flat out increases the chase if used properly.
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They can't nerf Dead Hard, every game would be a 4K except AFK Pig.
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The new broken combo is broken key + addons which lets you see the killer's aura at all times while you use it.
You can use it for AGES and even if you mess up with this you can still dead hard.
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Lol, SB is way more than "just helps in the beginning of the chase".
Survivor can keep SB 90 or 99 in the middle of a chase and when the killer is close enough, they're gone again.
Also repairing gens in a dead zone SB can help you to get out of there, DH can't do nothing about that.
SB users can avoid 1 shot killers easily wasting their precious time and power.
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I'd expect it to be around the years anniversary or after. Changes take awhile even if it's just a change to the distance.
I personally cant wait, DH has been far too common, free and easy to use. I cant wait to pick up some basic attack killers more when it drops
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Exhaustion as a whole needs a revamp.
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If someone got to 99 a sb during a chase, the killer either screwed up or changed targets.
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If Sprint Burst was actually as good in practice as Dead Hard is then 3/4 survivors would be using Sprint Burst in my games and not the other way around.
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Seems like you never played as a survivor to understand my point.
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People have made good suggestions. My personal suggestion is that exhaustion perks should require a safe unhook before becoming available for the rest of the trial. This will stop them from being used in the first chases when the killer needs to start building pressure. It's also been suggested that you can't vault or throw pallets for 3 seconds after using it. You can still dodge projectiles and getting mindgamed, just can't dead hard for distance
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Well, I only see killer buffs in this patch. And again... killers crying
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Sprint burst is better than dead hard in my opinion, I personally wish they would Killswitch DH and COH just so I could prove a point that even if they took the two most complained about things away people would still find a reason to cry because most of these people are cry babies who aren't good at the game and they're gonna make excuses for losing
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wouldn't it make Dead Hard more predictable if you're using it to dodge a killers hit?
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I mean it's already predictable.
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I just feel dead hard will become useless then if it's just to only dodge hits, a good killer will bait it out, just make it make distance and remove the i-frames. Dead hard in it's current state is very stupid but, I don't want it to become dead weight like smash hit or Balanced landing.
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Coh being complained about is valid as it Kneecapped the hit and run playstyle
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It's never getting changed. It will single-handedly kill the competitive game.
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You can still hit and run I use that strategy quite often even still, I have an unpopular opinion that circle of healing is for bots who are too afraid to play injured so they stall the game by resetting every time they get hit and meanwhile every time you do that resources are being used by your team , a 5 minute game turns into a 10 or 15 minute game while sure you can take pressure away but you're essentially just ignoring the downsides like the longer that match is in play the more of a chance someone will die in the trial, you guys want circle of healing nerfed and I want it Killswitched and completely redone because it promotes bad gameplay by 75% of the people who use it, I can honestly say the only time I've seen circle of healing used in a good way was in a swf I was in and we did all but one gen and used circle of healing to quick reset and pop the last gen while someone was being camped but other than it being a need to quick reset it's a total waste of time and adrenaline and genrushing will always be better than COH, my theory is once COH is nerfed the gen rushing adrenaline meta will make a comeback.
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They will still be saying this in 5 years 😂😂.
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Honestly Sprinto Bursto has never been a problem after all you'll just catch up in no time. BUT DEAD HARD TO A PALLET ADDS ANOTHER MINUTE TO THE CHASE. I say this as a killer who's played for 5 years and before Dead Hard existed all of the megs and their sprint burst were easy to deal with qnd to this day I see Megs with Sprint Burst and oh i simply catched up and killed em.
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And what kind of change are you expecting? I can't see how devs can change this perk.
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At least SB takes a brain to use.
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I mean just change the perk entirely to something balanced like what I'm about to say..
Instead of it being a dash forward and making you invincible when injured change it to something like: After pallet stunning the killer two times Dead Hard activates.
When healthy press the action button while looking at the killer to dash at them and stun them. Dead Hard is disables until you pallet stun the killer two more times.
After using Dead Hard become exhausted for 160/140/120 seconds.
THIS actually makes the survivor work for it and it now just stuns the killer.
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Have ALL my upvotes
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PURE FACTS: You have to know when to use Sprinto Bursto and if it's worth walking or using your Sprint Burst and something. Dead Hard is literally just PRESS A GOD DAMNED BUTTON!
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I have no problem with Dead Hard whilst playing killer. I swoosh, they time it right...good play.
They got me once, I wait, they waste it...swoosh you're down.
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Because some people just echo the same thing over and over again on here until they get what they want.
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Or we can give it the haddonfield treatment and disabled it till the changes arrives. lmao. But that works too, I guess.
Anyhow, as a Clown main, the perk doesn't bother me at times. It does bother me when the survivors 360 and DH into my fat belly, thinking that they can go though me -_-. like #########? Even if you do, I back up and slap you silly...yes, I seen weird people use DH in stupidly odd ways that get them killed.
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Its honestly baitable once u know which one has it, but sometimes survivors can pull some serious bs with it that u just stand still for 5 seconds thinking about your life choices
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It's been almost 6 years.
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DBD is a casual game. The entire comp scene is a complete and utter joke.
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Thats very hard. They would have to update all the character models for that and code it to where it doesnt occur when they dont equip dead hard. They would also have to rely on the connection of others. But I feel like when people complain about DH its most likely because they have too much rage and are just letting it out.
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No way.
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If it's a casual game, why are all these casual players asking for balance changes?
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Killers always will be crying, because they want put 0 effort in game and always win.
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Strawman argument. Balance and casual aren't mutually exclusive. Sit down.