Can we get an option to disable Pinhead's voice lines?

And Ash and Trickster for that matter. Like I get it, they're iconic and all, but after hearing them twice they're also annoying as hell. Can we get an option to disable them for my own well being, please?
Maybe just decrease the frequency of them? It's dumb to have Pinhead quip after everything he does. Feels like an Avengers movie.
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im gonna be honest i really dont care for any of them and i just want an option to flat out remove em. would do wonders for my enjoyment of dealing with him, not having to hear "oH nO a WaStE oF gOoD sUfFeRiNg" every 12 seconds.
the only one i enjoy is "the box... you opened it... i came" or whatever variation plays. nothing else, please
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Yes please.
Also add an option to disable Hillbilly's roar and Artist's sound effects when she summons Dire Crows. I love Artist, but her sound effects when summoning crows can get annoying after a while. And Hillbilly's roar is just stupid and can get really annoying when playing him.
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why not disable all killer sound effects for that matter?
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Because those are the main ones that repeat over and over again. But yeah, an option to disable all killer sound effects would be nice too.
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Wut? I dont really get what the problem here is? I could understand Demo, Blight or Oni screams cuz they can be pretty loud but voice lines?
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mkay demo, blight, oni noises are annoying bc theyre repetitive? same issue with the voice lines, theyre very repetitive and i have no attachment to any horror licences so theres nothing there. every 3 seconds is another line ive heard before and its just dull and frustrating and i do not want to hear them anymore.
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Can we also turn down Plague's whispers while we're at it?
They are deafening.
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don't really get the hate for ash/pinhead/trickster's voicelines personally but oni and demo are insanely annoying in lobby and the godawful volume "sliders" don't help so i would like an option to disable killer audio.
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why not tbh i just dont wanna hear NO TEARS PLEASE THEY'RE A WASTE OF GOOD SUFFERING 15 times a match
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The only one I have a big problem with is Plague's chanting/whispering. It's insanely loud and drowns out other sounds. I'm not a Pinhead main, but whenever I've played him for dailies, it doesn't seem like the lines are overused. They seem like a once in a while thing and not just every time you do an action. Didn't seem bothersome to me
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understandable tbh i just never vs pinheads enough for it to matter personally
not like having the option means i'm forced to use it lol
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No, you must suffer.
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Yes... and the only thing I want to hear out of Huntress’ mouth is that enraged wail she lets loose at the agony of every pallet stun.
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Isn't alot of the killer sounds for balance? I'd like to be able to know if legion is in frenzy nearby. Or if artist is placing a crow.
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Huntress lullaby too it's annoying I don't want to hear it 24/7 while playing her..
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Come to think of it, yeah that would be nice to have more sound options than just Volume and Menu Music.
For now you just gotta lower the volume in-game (but idk if that even helps)
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If they're not disabling the ability to hear huntress, oni, demo or plague then pinhead probably wont get one
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Understood,nerfing the perk Whispers.
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thats why i said option. if you wanna hinder yourself (survivor side only was my post i dont play pinhead) bc you cant hear things anymore, which i absolutely would use vs pinhead + trickster, then go for it.
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Hahaha are people for real, trying to get voice lines nerfed whilst they're completely fine with flashlight macros?
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2) if you payed literally any attention youd know im 100% against flashlight macros.
try better with ur bait
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While we're at it, Huntress, Plague, Nemesis, Demogorgon, Artist, and Oni could all use some sound adjustments. (Also delete Hillbilly's roar plz devs)
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When Pinhead hooks someone and says 'I must be going now.' This confuses the killer main.
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Agreed. Pinhead's voice lines hinder my gameplay because I keep letting the survivors pick up the box and call me :l
On a side note, considering Pinhead's eternal torture theme, it seems fitting that you suffer when playing against him.
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Someone opened the box! But that's irrelevant right now as I'm trying to tunnel out David with 4 gens still left.
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Look who's sh...... in the tall grass.
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Dont get me wrong but I am still very confused, this seems you have some kind of problem in general about those kind of things, not really the game's fault. What I mean is you could use this argument to literally anything.
Gen sounds, hit sounds, screams of survivors, footstebs hell even the wraith's bell. You can say this to all of these things since they are all repetetive, should be there now a option to turn off every single sound in the game? I dont know seems just unnecessary to me to be honest.
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Yes pleaseee
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should be there now a option to turn off every single sound in the game?
Not every single sound, no, because a lot of sounds are needed for balance. However, turning off certain sounds on the client side which only disadvantages you by doing so, I see no problem with. Turning off the sound of Huntress humming permanently makes it much easier to hear things. You lose nothing by not hearing "OH NO DON'T DO THAT" every 20 seconds, because of other sound effects that play alongside it too.
Similarly, turning off chase music, not great. Turning of Trickster going "THAT'S IT" in Korean every single time you reload won't be doing much.
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Agree with both of these, having misophonia kinda triggers me with certain things (especially the artist) and so bar none it would be nice if there would be a way to replace the noises with the entitys whispers or something that isnt so annoying but still is the audio disturbance that theyd like to have
although, the moment when i heard the trickster bellow out an honest, genuine "HAA!" was super magical, and i do really like the fact that they exist from an artistic and creative view point
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Players were so disappointed when Pinhead lost his voice lines after release.
Now we officially got them back with the original actors voice (great job btw), and now you wanna lose em'.
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Lose them? No. I would like an option to improve my own personal gaming experience whilst not affecting that of any others, as it is simply an ✨option✨.
And for the record, I couldn't care less about the voice lines. I didn't care if they were in or out, and now they're permanently in I'd like an option to disable them, as well as many others, because they are annoying to me. Personally. Hence why it's an option and not a flat out removal.
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Play with sound volume set to 0
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They are annoying, especially the one when you get hooked. But I usually avoid hearing that one because I tab out as soon as I'm hooked to avoid the scream anyway.
Yes please.
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You seem to be missing the point of what I want ✨
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In the other hand what harm does it do?
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It pisses me off and I don't wanna hear it? Lol
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I guess I just cannot get my head around it, a option to freely disable and enable that would be always nice since its a compromise for both sides, however I doubt honestly BHVR is gonna put recourses into that.
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"I must be going now 🏃"
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me in the middle of my exams when i realise i know nothing