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Do killers lose points for face camping

Game4Fun Member Posts: 48
edited March 2022 in Ask the Community

Do killers lose points for face camping because every game I'm in killers always face camping me and I don't know if they are homophobic because My gamer id is LGBT related and it's like they are constantly targeting me My experience from playing this game they make it their obligations to target me first and let the other survivors escape through the hatch or they farm with them they also turn my teammates against me I had one experience where I save a teammate off the hook and my teammate who I currently save off the hook was pointing her finger at my location showing the killer where I was last seen Instead of giving survivors a timer for disconnecting from the server the killers need one for face camping and I don't want to hear its strategy because it's really being an ######### and people who are new to the game can't enjoy the experience of the game because you got Leatherface players who ruin the game for them


  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    You are not entitled a escape every game you know. Killing you is literally their only objective.

    Please don't be self centered and think this is about you cause it ain't.

  • Game4Fun
    Game4Fun Member Posts: 48

    I never said it was about me I'm speaking from my experience you don't know what I'm talking about until it happens to you

  • Game4Fun
    Game4Fun Member Posts: 48

    And you saying killing me is their only objective but there are 3 other people in the game besides me I've been in games where they ignore the random players and they just want me sometimes they let them go

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    To answer your question without taking into consideration it seems more or less a rant than a real question, no, they don't technically lose points. But they don't earn points because if they facecamp, it means they don't chase someone (no points for it), they don't kick generators or pallets (so no points for it), etc.

  • h3llthing
    h3llthing Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2022

    They kind of lose points for remaining near the hook, but not significantly (it impacts their end of game emblem ratings). It's usually not a fantastic strategy but it isn't discouraged or punished by the game much.

    It might be due to your gamer tag but it might also just be inexperience. Lower-level killers (which you are probably going to be matched with if you are new) tend to face camp a lot. MRR experiments may also be impacting who you are being matched up with as well.

    There are some homophobic people who play this game (I've met some) but BHVR has been supportive of LGBT issues and a lot of the playerbase is LGBT+ or an ally, so who knows? I'm sorry it's happening to you--it makes survivor really unfun when that's basically all that happens every game.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    If you've been targed by a tunneler/camper, you've met a tunneler/camper. If you and only you are being tunneled/camped over and over again, then chances are that there's something about you that's triggering it. There are plenty of reason why a killer tunnels. One of them is because a specific survivor is really bad, and they see the opportunity to easily take out the weakest link. Another might be that they are not even trying to tunnel, but the survivor is bad at hiding/evading while everyone else is good, so it's just a situatition that the target simply keeps making themselves available. Even someone who isn't trying to tunnel has no reason so just ignore someone who has been spotted just because he has already hooked them twice in a row.

    Or it could be you BM. If you click flashlight, tbag, or generally plays in an obnoxious way it can cause the killer to lash out against you in retaliation. You say the tunnelers often play laid back after you're eliminate and even let the others go. That is a very strong indication you might be playing in a generally onoxious manner.

    Personally, I regularly de-mmr whan playing Susie (Legion), and when I do that I just try to 8 hook everybody then let people go so as to drop my mmr while extracting the best score/bp count. But every so often even though I am actually trying to derank and not kill someone, there's some little piece of horsedung that BMs and then I have to discipline them. If another survivor tries to get in the way and does something verbotten to hinder me killing the offender (saboing hooks, flashlight saving, body blocking, etc) then I have to discipline them too and I end up raising my mmr after all. Which sucks. So in your case it might be that the killer was trying to farm all along but you've triggered him somehow by being obnoxious.

    Lastly, it could be that the killer was expecting your team to be a SWF for some reason and went in with safeties off, but upon killing you he realized your team was actually bad and felt sorry for them, and proceeded to play nice from them onwards.

    Hard to say with certainty without more information.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited March 2022

    Who knows why you. But you can be targeted for whatever reason or no reason at all.

    Whenever I face a certain streamer they always go for me until they either fail or achieve tunneling me out.

    My name is not related to anything and I don't wear any charms atm. I also never bm anyone who doesn't bm or grief me or my teammates. I never did that to them btw because they never bm'ed. They just want me dead for some reason.

    Always wear the charms you like and play however you want because you will get tunneled at one point or another anyway. Sometimes a lot. Just part of the game, I am sorry to say.

    Both roles can be frustrating to play for multiple reasons.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,029

    You lose points to your grade, other than that no.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I put my pronouns in my tag for a long time and I always use the pride pin, and I've never really had any issues in game.

    I got flack in post game, but no, not in game.

    I think that's probably just mmr or something.

  • Game4Fun
    Game4Fun Member Posts: 48

    I'm a console player and this homophobic killer main was making threats to me for no reason I said nothing to him and he was talking about if he saw me in real life he would break my face so I reported him to sony and he came back as a new person as In why as in "what did I say wrong" but every time I explain myself they says "I'm entitled" or I think everything is about me

  • N0IDEA
    N0IDEA Member Posts: 149

    Seems really a very specific sequences of events,bro

    Specially given the LGBT nick

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    It's a fantastic strategy against many types of players. Four flashlights in the lobby? Camp for 4k. Everyone comes running to block the hook? What should a killer patrol?

    It's absolutely the best play against bullies, they don't care about gens anyway, usually stop working them completely to fight at the hook. Everybody wins.

  • Game4Fun
    Game4Fun Member Posts: 48

    I have my pronouns in my Gamertag as well and I'm always being targeted most of the time when I get caught I don't even get a chance to not complete one gen because I'm getting face camp by a leather face, teammates work with the killer to help him kill me I really feel like instead of putting a timer on people disconnecting they need to punish the teammates for working with the killers and killers working with teammates because when I look at the description it says 4v1 do gens to escape

  • Game4Fun
    Game4Fun Member Posts: 48

    I don't play with a 4 stack survivor I only have one friend that I play with all the time and we are both part of the LGBT community we can't even go on console because our names are written in their notepads so we play on crossplay

  • Fujo_chan
    Fujo_chan Member Posts: 34

    Yeah..that's such an unfortunate experience, I'm really sorry that happened to you.

    There isn't any point deduction for face camping and sadly, I don't think anyone who does it cares about the points.

    They do it more so to get a reaction out of the survivors.

    From my experiences, and I've only been playing for about a month or 2 now, one of the top characters people use to face camp with is Leatherface. There's, what feels like, an 80% chance it'll be a face camper in which case, whoever's hooked you just can't save without you or your other team mates getting downed too and a 20% chance that they'll be nice and not do that.

    I know it's frustrating but it happens to everyone at one point or another during survivor matches and there isn't anything you can really do other than report them - but I don't know how much that actually does though.

    The team mate thing...I don't know, I don't think I've ever seen something like that before so I can't comment on it but I hope your future team mates are nicer to you! 😄

  • Fujo_chan
    Fujo_chan Member Posts: 34

    I understand that this won't be what you want to hear and I don't mean to make you feel like you need to be closeted, but, and this is going under the assumption that you haven't bought any DLC with this account, it might be a good idea to change your gamer tag to something a bit more subtle so that you aren't being targeted by bad people. It's similar to having TTV in your name, I'd imagine that as soon as a bad killer sees that they may go after them just for the laughs.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Yes, but it's emblem points only for proximity to hooked survivor.

    They don't lose mmr. Actually, by ensuring your death, their mmr increases.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    Puh leese. 80% plus of the people in this game have rainbow charms. Even if you wanted to facecamp them as some sort of targeted harassment you'd have to facecamp nearly everyone to the point it becomes meaningless.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    I'm sure it's not as long as yours considering how much you're seething right now at somebody simply pointing out the obvious.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    It's true. DBD's a queer space.

    honestly, it's a breath of fresh air in comparison to lots of communities.

  • N0IDEA
    N0IDEA Member Posts: 149

    I barelt notice the charms and guess most ppl barelt don't aswell, and having pronouns in their BIO...