Game doesn't look scary

Lаurie Member Posts: 13
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Everytime i go on DBD i think about how the game used to look and how scary the atmosphere used to be. I feel like it no longer is a horror game. I have been playing on and off ever since 2017 but the last time i actually enjoyed the game was probably before the new animations were added.

The maps are soooo bright nowadays, and the fog is non existent. The old sounds when you used to load into a game were removed and it all feels like you went out to take a walk somewhere, rather than the horror game it was designed to be.

Don't even get me started on the new animations, i cannot believe the injured animation still hasn't gotten changed! It looks like the survivors haven't taken a sh1t in a long time. The new running one looks like you are jogging with your dog. And you no longer look around when standing still... i mean the survivors aren't even scared anymore.

Trickster looks like a fashion icon rather than a killer, coldwind and eyrie maps are too bright to even stealth on. New badham and new autohaven look like a dollhouse.. the maps dont even look real.

I just miss the old nice animations and the old maps darkness.

Bring back the moon bouqet offerings, make coldwind and eyrie night maps again and bring back the old animations or fix the new ones.. I want to play the scary game that i paid for.

On a positive note: the new haddonfield looks amazing.

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