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Update: No More Playing Favorites

SherwoodsLive Member Posts: 20
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Don't let killer play favorites with survivors anymore, it's completely game ruining and unfair behavior and has NOTHING to do with game strategy. Remove the ability for killer to let the last survivor go. If it is the last survivor the killer shouldn't be able to drop the survivor, or open exit gates for the survivor. Increase the end game death speed while last survivor is carried on killers shoulder. The killer is forced to hook or let entity kill last survivor.


Killers who let a single survivor go while killing the other survivors should be punished by decrease in bloodpoints.

Post edited by SherwoodsLive on


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    As Nemesis, I usually let the last survivor go if they didn't bully my zombies.

    I don't want nice survivors to get lumped in with zombie-bulliers.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I'll play favourite and let whoever I want escape, thankyouverymuch.

    And how would the game know that I let someone escape? They could have just wiggled off on their own and been better at that very last chase and gotten away with it.

    Seriously, you see people whining about the killer not letting the last one go, and then there's you, wishing for the killer to murder every last one of you.

    But you have a picture of Jeff, you're just jealous 'cause you're never the chosen one.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I do what I want when I play. Do you understand me or do I need to draw you a picture? God why do people always think they have some imaginary right to decide how other should play. And just to stirr up that hate of yours I'm am exactly that type of killer you complain about. When I'm demo and you are Steve you need to actively bm me to get killed same goes for nemesis and Jill

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    Only if they know that they have to boop the snoot, right?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Actually technically intentionally throwing the game by working with the opposing team or being afk with a bot can result in a temporary ban. It’s probably rare that survivors report a killer for doing it though.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Why would you care?

    If they let you go, then it's a win for you.

    If you died before the end, then why stick around to see who even gets let go? Ready up, and you are in a new game.

  • HexDaddyissues
    HexDaddyissues Member Posts: 328

    heaven forbid anyone in this community have any shred of empathy or sympathy. HOW DARE KILLERS LET SURVIVORS THAT ARENT ME GO FREE

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I can't believe booping the snoot isn't part of the survivor tutorial!

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    it's because Trapper bot 1.0 is the only bot they have so far

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Sadly. But imagine having to program an AI for each single killer, for them to use their powers (and perks) effectively.. I doubt we'll ever see that anytime soon.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    I just wish I COULD equip whatever perks i wanted to in a kill the/survive with bots just for fun game. Just so I can see if I like the perk, if it were easy to use, how often I may be in its niche, ect. Just without sandbagging my team or screwing myself as killer. Variety is the spice of life and DBD has so many meta defining "security blanket" and "crutch" perks that it's hard to experiment and do well.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Yeah.. being able to use whatever character/perk you want on both sides would be the logical thing.. No need to change anything since the player does everything, it doesn't require them to program the AI or any of that stuff. You could practice stuff on your own without needing to go in Kill Your Friends with other people.

  • jaawn
    jaawn Member Posts: 80

    This is valid, but also the game itself should solve the problems that lead to one survivor having a worse time, being let down, etc by their teammates. It has been a long-standing issue and it shouldn't fall on killers being kind or whatever to address it. There are many ways to address this in gameplay design and they should be pursued.

  • SherwoodsLive
    SherwoodsLive Member Posts: 20

    When your entire team purposely works with the killer and does NOTHING and they all get let go and you get mori'd or tunneled off hook for actually playing... it's a huge problem. Especially when dev's say crap like "I decide who lives or dies as killer" it's not helping anything. They need to make changes and that involves limiting killer (teaming with survivors) much like they limited survivors with the update when they ruined hatch because killers get salty. Ruined keys too and made it so only the last survivor can use hatch? Yeah if that is the case then limit killers so they cannot TEAM with survivors and RUIN gameplay. End of discussion. Idc what dev's say if it's just ignoring the issue.

  • Letholldus
    Letholldus Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2022

    They didn't ruin hatch they literally just rebalanced it because keys were one of the most disliked mechanics in the game by literally everyone from normal players to almost every major streamer to some of the devs themselves who said they did not like the mechanic as it was before. The only people who actually liked keys are those few survivors who would rely on it for an easy escape after getting just enough gens done to spawn hatch, or by waiting on their team to die in a corner. Secondly, teaming with survivors during the match is not the same thing as giving the last person hatch at the end, and has nothing to do with the point you tried to bring up in the original post. It is a totally separate situation, albeit a slightly more valid one to complain about, but not the same. Everything you've written is just filled with salt and hate and sounds like mad ranting more than anything productive. Literally, there is zero reason to get angry over the killer letting the last person crawl out or take the hatch if they want, who cares? At that point, it's just a matter of blood points as they don't even get MMR for it. It's up to the killer to make that choice. You're just shouting into the wind here.

    And to note, killers are already "'punished'" by letting the last survivor go with decreased blood points like you're asking for. You lose any hook points you would have gotten on them AND sacrifice points AND you lose the no one escaped bonus you would have gotten.

  • SherwoodsLive
    SherwoodsLive Member Posts: 20

    losing hook points for a hook you never got is not the same as a decrease in bp as a punishment. Also, the only mad people in this thread are all the killer mains complaining about the OP. Go shout at the wind somewhere else. Nobody is listening. Also Teaming with the killer is TEAMING no matter how many survivors do it. It's called unbalanced when two opposite teams work together to ruin the objective of the game. Get better at the game and stop replying on free escapes by killers.