Dead by Daylight Without Generators

I know that new gamemodes are likely not an option, but hear me out on this one.
A mode that emphasizes hide-and-seek and thrill of the chase, without worrying about Survivors winning by holding a button across the map from you.
Here's the details:
•All generators are blocked indefinitely by The Entity.
•All generator-related perks and add-ons are disabled.
•Survivors gain Bloodpoints based majorly on their interaction with the Killer, and slightly on their ability to hide.
•Killers gain Bloodpoints on their ability to end chases quickly and hook Survivors within a certain timeframe.
•Matches have hard-cap limit of 20 minutes. All Survivors alive at the 20 minute mark are counted as Escaped.
With the base game rules out of the way, here's the extra details to balance and address each side's flaws.
•When unhooked, gain a permanent Endurance effect until hit again, or until another Survivor is injured/downed. If you are unhooked by someone with Borrowed Time equipped, Endurance will last for an extra hit.
•If the Killer remains within 32m of a hooked Survivor for 30 seconds, and there are other Survivors alive in the trial, their aura is revealed until they are not within range anymore. This applies even if the Killer has the Undetectable status effect.
•If the Killer remains within 16m of a hooked Survivor for more than 30 seconds, all Survivors within 24m of the Killer are impervious to damage until the unhooked Survivor is 24m away from the Killer. (This prevents Killers from facecamping)
•The Killer sees the auras of all Survivors at the start of the trial for 5 seconds. If the Killer has Lethal Pursuer equipped, the effect time is added on.
•Every 60 seconds, the Killer sees the auras of all Survivors for 5 seconds.
•If a Survivor obtains even a single crow for idling, their location is revealed (similar to Rancor effect) and their aura is revealed for 15 seconds.
•When a Survivor is hooked, all other Survivors' auras beyond 24m are revealed for 15 seconds. (Barbecue & Chili will now simply give extra Bloodpoint gains)
That about does it for now. I think I covered most of the bases for a fair and fun experience. Let me know what you all think!
Now that I've thought more about this, BHVR could implement this as an event week/month, and reactivate it every couple months to keep the game fun.
Best case scenario is it gets implemented as a permanent mode, though that's wishful thinking.
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No problems with this, sounds good for me. :)
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I've been thinking on this again recently. Might make some edits soon. Give me some ideas for how this could be better!
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This does sound very fun
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I liked it, but I would make some adjustments
if it's supposed to be a hide and seek mode, maybe it's better to remove all addons and perks that reveal aura of survivors. It would also have to disable the doctor's shock therapy, leaving only the short-range shock that causes stun.
In place of generators, there could be more lockers across the map and chests.
From time to time, some important event could appear on the map, like some special ability that both survivors and the killer could interact with, to give more action in the game, like: gain invisibility power, be able to reveal the nearest survivor's aura, camouflage in object of the map, etc.
I also think it could remove the hooks. Survivors placed in dying state would be banned from the map for a few seconds (the killer doesn't need to grab), being grabbed by the entity on the ground and spawn somewhere else on the map (inside a locker, or camouflaged as some object, or the most as far as possible, etc) and if the person falls 2x, in the third, person automatically dies.
Ps: I think 20 minutes is a lot. 10 minutes is enough time.
ps2: As it would be an event mode and for fun, it is not necessary a double queue for survivor and killer, everyone is placed in a single qeue and as soon as the match starts, one of the five is chosen for be the killer. Even if there are groups on queue (squads, duo, trio), one of them can be chosen to be the killer and not necessarily the solo person.
Ps3: Dead survivors stay in the ghost state until the end of the game, they can only walk, but can't interact with anything and anyone (and cannot be seen by anyone alive). If at the end of the time one survivor remains alive, the whole team wins (which would decrease the survivors' chances of sabotaging themselves (taking the killer to where each one is).
Post edited by randonly on1 -
There's a lot of ideas here that I like, but I'd just like to reiterate that it isn't necessarily a hide-n-seek mode. That would get quite boring, as I've simulated hide and seek in customs before. It just doesn't translate well into gameplay.
I also tried to offer ideas that required the minimal amount of coding, because we all know DBD's spaghetti code is a hassle.
The extra periodical objectives is a good idea that I totally vibe with, though.
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Other ideas for the new event game mode
To make it difficult for the survivors and create a second chance for the killer, when there is 1 minute left for the game to end, two randomly closed hatches would appear on the map (like extraction zones) with their aura revealed to the killer. In that 1 minute countdown, the survivors would gain exposed status and if survivors are put into dying status during the countdown, they are automatically sacrificed by the entity on the ground, even if they haven't fallen once before. At 30 seconds both hatches would open and now with their auras revealed to the survivors.
If the killer quickly closes both of them without anyone escaping, the survivors lose. If there is at least one scape the game is over and the survivors win. If time runs out even with hatches open and no one escapes, the killer wins.
The key would still work to open closed hatches, but it would be a race against time, because if the killer closes the second one before survivors manage to open the first one without having scapes, the game ends with the survivors defeated.
ps: keys could only be used In that 30 seconds countdown (to prevent opening them before that)
ps2: remembering that it's a kind of second chance, if the 4 survivors are still alive with 1 minute left, even if minimally, you can win as a killer, which otherwise would be practically impossible.
ps3: maybe killers like nurse would be op, but the idea is to work with game knowledge. If you can see that in the 1 minute countdown the killer is going to position x on the map, then surely the second hatch is on the opposite side and will be revealed in the final 30 seconds for both (survivors and killers)
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I always thought that map should have themed objective... the Hook/Generators objective would fit the coldwind farm (which is hillbilly's I think)
and autohaven wrecker (the Wraith's map I think)
other amp should have objective more according to the lore of the horror movies... that would be more interesting and bringing diversity...
without needing to make a different Queue... only offereing would allow to choose the game mode that way.