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Please Buff Onryo for Mid Chapter update

smexxyhexxy Member Posts: 39
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Currently she has nothing going for her; demo teleports better (even Freddy teleports better tbh), Wraith and Ghostface does a better job at stealthing, pyramid head does a better job of Mori'ing survivors; she has no anti-loop or gen pressure.

Basically she is jack of a few trades master of none.

BHVR was too afraid of making an OP killer that they made another killer that is weak af at the bottom rungs; picking her is basically griefing yourself.

Some good suggestions for changes:

  1. Make her able to see the exact condemned status of survivors so she can strategically teleport and add condemned.
  2. Make her teleport faster or her speed boost after teleport longer; even Wraith's bell speed boost feels better than Onryo's.
  3. Further reduce the condemn needed for a mori to solidify her power; make Condemned a more of a threat than a nuisance, as it stands currently.
Post edited by Rizzo on
