Why cant be the killers balanced around 4 stack SWF?

Its just feels bad that out of 27 killers like 2 usable at high mmr to achieve results.
I get it that solo survivors dont have the tools to deal with that high power level, but then if they got the tools, then would be no problem to give killers the power to deal with SWF.
So what makes it okay that most of the killers useless at high level?
I like to point out that Solo survivor very bad, but same for killers, and I think the root issue, is that neither got the tools to deal with problems.
Killers no tools against SWF
Solo no tools to be close to SWF
But regardless, why do you think the reason that killers left are miserable state?
4 and 3 man swf's should just have lower repair speed in my opinion.
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I personally believe the devs should add information mechanics to bring solo que up to par with swf (seeing teammate auras when someone is hooked, an icon for when someone is in chase/repairing a generator, etc.) Then balance the game off of swf, this hopefully would allow fairer matches.
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But the question remains why isnt that happening?
What could be the reason for the imbalance remain for so long?
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Not every SWF is a 4man, nor are all 4man SWF's even that good
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The devs claim that they worry buffing solo que will just buff swf as well. I honestly think it should be tested in live matches before assumptions are made though.
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soloq or duoq only, weekend turn on the swf as 4,so the people can relax with their friends
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Entity should help killer , resist SWF.
Post edited by Cameragosha on3 -
Wait...I lost a game? Must be 4 stack SWF on comms. There's no other way.
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You'd have to bring up the power level of SoloQ, as you observed.
But there's a cognitive dissonance in the community. Take a simple example. Even something as benign as a totem counter in the HUD, which wouldn't affect at all 4-man seal teams, was fiercely opposed by this community while in the same sentence they were asking for killer buffs and then soloQ buff to bring solo to the same level. Even more illogical, considering that if we want to say totems are objectives, than we should treat them as such.
But the disconnect with the living game starts with the dev team itself, not just the community. Staying on the same example, the almoghty head of the balance team thought band-aiding with perks (aka adding the totem counter to Small Game) was the great soloQ buff all soloQ were asking four. And he even flaunted about that in a loading screen anniversary quote.
Given these premises, don't expect a consistent direction in the balancing of the game. And the responsibility belongs as much to the community as it does to the devs.
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Why can’t we balance around good killers?
So that all these bad killers can get up to speed and stop blaming SWF. Like, it’s beyond a joke at this point.
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As much as im against any nerf to swf or a penakty added why is this an argument?, Like people said slinger had no counterplay if he missed, so everyone assumed perfect slingers were basically all slinger players, complained he had objectively no counterplay and he got gutted like a trout, same with nurse, thr argument that nurse has no counterplay contemplates the nurse player as making as few mistakes as posible, and it is widely accepted, then why is evaluating swf as people who are good at the game wrong but making assumptions of killers saying the player is good correct, I actually don't understand the difference here.
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I just hope the system that devs are working on (HUD) is not just basic that only helps beginners, but that it distributes relevant information to the whole team. A ping system would also be welcome, allowing survivors are able to share relevant information with each other and set up pre-defined strategies.
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You definitely have more options than Nurse or Blight. The only killers SWF really affects at a power level are Trapper, Hag, Twins, and the stealth killers. And even then, Twins are one of the better killers in the game and very few know how to deal with them. If a killer is losing badly to optimization, chances are they are incredibly sub-optimal themselves.
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The MMR cap needs to be higher, top tier players should sit in queue for over an hour if necessary to vs other top tier players who treat this game like an e-sport.
SWF and Blights/Nurses would end up so much higher in the mmr bracket that it would naturally balance itself out.
There's no reason I should be matched against the teams I get when I'm playing Pig for example, but because the cap is so easy to hit, and the matchmaking prioritises speed over balance, it's nothing but sweatfest after sweatfest.
The only reason the atrocious balance of this game was tolerable was because matches were so random before MMR, If DBD wants to be a competitive game then it needs to be balanced like one.
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I actually agree that the soft cap does pose problems. A 2600 MMR Pig and an 1800 MMR Pig are not even remotely the same in terms of skill, but they're pretty much treated as such by matchmaking.
It's problematic in the other direction too. Survivors might be near the soft cap but not all that sweaty, and along comes a warlord 3000 MMR Nurse that got softcapped down to 1900.
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And heal speed/perk limitations.
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because solo q would be ######### over even more than they are already
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imagine getting punished just for playing with your friends
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As much as I want there to be some balancing around swf, it would be unfair to randoms. I think a better solution is give the killer some benefits if they are facing a swf.
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But why is it ok for the killer to be punished? Swf especially with comms is unfair to the killer player. Sure, you may be just friends having fun and not a sweat squad.
But, at the end of the day it's still an advantage. You can call out locations, you can pre plan loadouts, you can coordinate during the match. A perk like knockout is useless against swf. "Oh guys im down at the killer shack."
So the killer gets punished but, it's ok for the survivors to have that advantage. The killer should at least be givin something to compensate for swf.
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So the alternative is to punish the killer and make their gameplay even more stressful than it should be?
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But you still have to balance for potential, not for most people who are bad.
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Killers aren't punished. This is a long-winded way of saying "killers can't win if survivors actually play well/smart", and that's simply not the case if the killer is good.
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Here is the answer
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Cant balance swf if it doesnt exist in the trial. No bloodpoint scoring eventdifferences between randoms and swf-folk or anything.
Theres nothing in the trial or game mechanics that acknowledges the existance of swf. Unless we count the swf lobby. Technically, theres no solo or swf. Just survivors and survivors using comms by third party means. Survivors just play differwently if they a) care about other survivors or b) use comms.
Unless you give survivors something to emulate voicechat ( chat wheel / message system) or straight out voicechat, the advantages of swf/cwf wont be balanceable.
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The devs can’t balance around SWF because the game has no comms and isn’t designed nor balanced around them.
Considering they refuse to add comms, they need to add more information mechanics to solo queue, which would allow them to buff the majority of the killer roster without overpowering solos.
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I'm not arguing that point. The killer can most definitely win even against a swf. Im just saying that swf is an advantage. Even more so on comms.
The game is too random to think you can win every game on either side. Best way to play it is just don't care win or lose.
I just think killers should be compensated in some way. To make up for it.
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Is swf “unfair to the killer” or is solo queue “unfair to the solo survivors”? Is it that solo survivors are too weak or that swf survivors are too strong?
I think the devs currently want to try and buff solo survivors with additional information to help bring them more up to where swf survivors are in escape rates. Then if that turns out to be too much in the survivor’s favor maybe help killers across the board somehow (e.g. very slightly increasing the time it takes to finish gens). They may be ok statistically with where the swf groups are but think the solo survivors are having too hard a time.
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Yep like CUT IT COMPLETELY IN HALF with 4 people.
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wait that was stretched... even worse lol.
Don't mind me XD
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It is already balanced around 4 man SWF. As someone said, you don't balance around new or bad killers. If you are losing to a SWF you need to improve your gameplay.
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It's not balanced around anything
I remember when League of Legends removed critical hits because they were too random. DBD is 90% random BS.
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Good one Sluzzy.
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nah sluzzy is right
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I don't get your point?
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This was a 4stack, it's an easy strat, ignore the flashlight macros, and proxy everything
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I don't get your point?
if they just held m1 and let you camp then they would get out in 4 minutes.
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Just stay within like 12 seconds of the hook at all time, pressure gens + hook, ez strats
also they were to busy tryna bully the clown to realize, that they were the clown
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Imagine punishing a killer because people play on comms and have a huge advantage because of it...
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That could also work.
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I mean I just like to hang out with my friends.
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There you go. you got some stupid memers. so what's your point?
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I play with friends too and it gives you a huge (unfair) advantage because communication is extremely strong in this game. Not to mention that 70% of the swf's are really toxic on top of that.
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70% We all know the question I'm about to ask
They barely healed so they could do gens.. Issue is they sucked too much at looping to work that.
Often there were 2 or so ppl on gens
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See, slowdown is not always necessary.
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I'm sure this won't fix the issue, but there should be some sort of indicator in post game screen that let's you know if your opponents were solo or SWF.
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But if the games is already over, why should they show you if they were solo or not? Swf gives survivors a huge unfair advantage with no downside. It's unfair and maked the game unbalanced.
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We can do this all day. One picture doesn't mean anything. I have had games where survivors don't do anything either, but i don't use that as a metric to say everything is fine.
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Maybe even more, but my point is that swf makes the game unbalanced and that's unfair.