6th Year Anniversary

When is this event? Of the Anniversary
Best Answer
Wow so faraway,so many people are talking about the 6th, I thought it was sooner.
Thank you for your answer
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Game came out June '16 so...
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Yeah okay, I mean it's still alot of anniversary hype so far away and this has been going since March so...
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Well the anniversary event is generally being looked forward to because it’s often a content rich chapter and they are talking about their future plans in the event stream. Also last chapter (Sadako Rising) was revealed unusually early and there wasn’t therefore much speculation going on about it.
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I wasn't here for the fifth anniversary, but I found out that the stream discussing the incoming content was in late May (I think it was May 25th?) so we can expect a content reveal in May, then a release early-mid June.
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for whatever reason when I read this I thought you meant June 16th and was like "Wait what." lmao
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They never reveal anniversary chapters, we'll have to wait until the day of.
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Content reveal was for the fifth (and I think fourth) anniversary in the stream directly before the PTB, I guess Kuinzu is referring to that. And last year it did take place on the 25th of May, so saying around June is correct, we can’t narrow it down further, could be some weeks before or after (though it’s likely they are aiming for anniversary chapter full release in June with the stream and PTB 3 weeks before-> end of May or early June)