Do you want a real solution or just some half baked stuff asap

Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

We see a bunch of threads about camping nearly every day.

To get things clear I am a killer main and I am 100% against camping except I can see that it is a tacticall move in endgame situations.

The devs said multiple time they are working on something. It's not like they stop if people stop raging. But from what I can see here often people don't care. They act like all of us are bad people and all of us camp and but us in a bad light and often just want some crazy stuff like bans or zones that make you hit immune.

So I asked my self do they really want a good solution that works and let's the game heal and prevail or do they just want all killer gone and they game dead


  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    they know about it for what? 5 years? and they came up with nothing but band aid fix perks that are mandatory for bad sake.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    No they are working on it actively but every solution they testet so far came out as either not good enough or could even be abused. Funny enough it's the survivor who are very quick to find a way to abuse stuff when they test it

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    That's exactly how I feel it. Like they don't know they can't play without us.

    But I'm not going to make the same mistakes and believe all survs are like that only the really loud ones are

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Was DbD released yesterday? Because camping has been an issue for years, yet you make it sound like it just started recently.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Do I make it sound like that? That wasn't what I wanted but so be it. I'm well aware that camping doesn't suddenly appeared last week but what's your point

  • LadyTyche
    LadyTyche Member Posts: 29

    I don't think that all killers that camp should be banned but I do think the devs should change features in the game to nudge players away from camping. I'd love to hear your thoughts, as a killer, on how the game could be adjusted to prevent gameplay that interferes with the objectives of the game. BTW I think that some survivor behavior should not be allowed as well.

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308

    This is the single greatest comment that should be forced into everyone's head.. Survivor and Killer alike..

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,574

    I’m gonna have to ask if and how you distinguish between ‘camping’ and ‘facecamping’. ‘Cuz the latter, especially when done by a certain figure, is not fine. The former is mostly fine, imo.

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308

    Camping as in...picking Huntress with IRI Head and getting 2 in basement while body blocking one door with the pallet down at the other door. Your hatchet pulled back and ready to go. Just waiting and watching that 1 pallet door and 1 window. Good luck. xD

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308

    Camping as in: Killer shack, Huntress IRI Head, 2 hooked in basement, body blocking the door closest to stairs while letting them put the pallet down at the other door. So you stand there, hatchet cocked and ready to throw, simply watching that single door and window. Good luck. xD

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i would like to have an actual clarification on what "camping" even is before we talk about removing it.

    yes, we all know what the general idea of "camping" is, but as soon as we get into the details that breaks apart.

    for example, when is the Killer camping and when are they defending their hook? or does "defending the hook" even exist? is there a set distance to when we can consider it a camp? what if the Killer is doing some actions around the hooked person? and what if the Killer knows someone is around?

    i could go on, but you get the idea.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    I'm pretty sure when people complain they don't gcomplain about endgame hook defending or even area camping, there are SO MANY face campers these days, literally players who find someone right at the start and face camp. They weren't gen rushed or game is about to end or got a toxic survivor, they just want to face camp. Either cause they just want easy kills or they had a bad game previously and want revenge lol

  • JamnJelly
    JamnJelly Member Posts: 139

    I think in most minds, you're camping if you're remotely within eyesight of the hooked. As much as it's a joke usually, the whole idea of "defending the hook" doesn't exist with a lot of people.

    Hell I know half the time I'm still struggling to get to it with some still running BO and body blocking. So you're damn right I wanna protect who I just hooked.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i have literally been called a "long distance facecamper" before.

    i also got "called out" for camping because i dared to chase someone who went towards a hook.

    i also distinctively remember a game where i got insulted for "camping and tunneling", because the Survivors decided to hookbomb me and unhook faster than i could leave the area, just to have the freshly unhooked player bodyblock me with BT - reasoning: "i camped and tunneled because i always triggered the BT", when they were literally sitting inside a doorway not letting me past to chase the unhooker.

    yes there are a couple of obvious examples, but there are a huge amount of grey areas as well.

    thats the point im making here: there is no clear definition to the term "camping", its a subjective thing.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Make it so killers within x meters of the hook get 10 seconds of grace time before the hook timer is suspended everytime the killer is within x meters UNLESS another survivor is also in the same radius. Then the hook timer proceeds normally.

    Make a weaker version of Borrowed Time basekit but remove collision detection for it as well.

    Adjust generator speeds so that they take longer to do or have an additional objective such as getting parts from chests to either repair generators or exit doors.

    Camping, tunneling and gen speeds are all inter connected. As soon as one is affected the other has to be as well.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    So you're damn right I wanna protect who I just hooked.

    and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    In fact, it is an intended mechanic that the Killer defends their prey against the others, so defending the hook is, at least in my opinion, not at all a bad thing.

    i believe that the term "camping" only applies when the Killer has no knowledge of other Survivors closeby to the hook. For as long as i know there is someone around me waiting to get an unhook, why would anyone expect me to just leave and give it to them for free?

    and this is exactly where so many peoples opinion on what a camp is go apart (amongst other things).

  • JamnJelly
    JamnJelly Member Posts: 139

    It's all biased opinions really. One side defends it because we need to or it might cause us issues further down the line. The others, it's their main objective, escaping alive.

    I'm glad there's at least a bit of legitimate discussion on it because I'd like good, consistent ideas.

    I also think some people see anything you do as BM, like with ghostface I might crouch over a survivor at a pallet to bait anyone out.

  • LadyTyche
    LadyTyche Member Posts: 29

    I agree with all of this! The only thing I think slightly different on is when one survivor is on a gen it may be a decent time but when multiple survivors are on one gen it can go very quickly.

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308

    You must be thinking of some other bloke brother. Started playing DBD yesterday.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Very nice to see people discussing this matter in a civil way.

    To be clear I only really thought about face camping. That it's ok to defend your hook isn't even a question for me.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I like these ideas but only thing I would twist a bit is the first one. Give a bigger radius for the survivor to be in then the killer. (I hope that makes sense English isn't my first language) I think it would be to easy for swf to abuse it to draw out the game

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308

    I believe in an interview the devs said they tried that "get parts for the generators" thing and nobody liked it. Maybe they should've let the community be the judge.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    You sure formed a lot of strong opinions in one day. 🤔

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308
  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I'm skeptical. That was in F13 and that game was very popular. It only died because of the lawsuits

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308

    Patrick. That is the dev that talked about the getting parts for Gens at the beginning of the game and they said they didn't like it. Boom.

  • jaawn
    jaawn Member Posts: 80

    I have played killer on and off some, but I mainly play survivor and I want everyone to be having fun. That's actually why I think hard camping is a problem. Some killers may find it "fun" (though, I don't know why since it is so low interaction), but either way the "fun" tradeoff is just way too lopsided for hard camping. In an asymmetrical game like DBD, you want both "sides" to be having fun overall, and camping reduces fun for everyone, but especially the person stuck on the hook completely unable to play the game. That person's negative experience is why I think hard camping someone from the start should be reportable.

    I'm someone who posted a thread about camping in the feedback forum, and honestly at least from my perspective, the main kind of camping I think should be bannable is when a killer finds one survivor, hooks them, then stands there until they die on first hook, ignoring any other survivors who come by other than to stop them from unhooking. They don't chase people or anything, just watch the hook until the person dies. Other kinds of "camping" may be up for debate, but that one really isn't. It's just bad for the game and imo violates the EULA (as I said in my thread).

    I don't think "all killers are bad people". Not at all. I have friends who main killer, some with thousands of hours in this game, and guess what? They never camp someone to death in the way I am describing. The first chance they get, they will go chase someone. That is what should be encouraged. Hard camping reduces gameplay interaction, including that of the killer who's doing it.

    For late-game camping, I agree it is a different situation. If a killer hasn't camped the whole game, whatever system is in place should handle it differently. I do still think there should be more of a tradeoff or meaningful choice for killers who choose to camp out 1 survivor when only 2 are left etc (maybe something like...the other survivor can see the hatch, not its aura but the physical hatch, if the killer is standing next to the other person on the hook), but it's not the same as when they camp someone to death at the start of a match.

    I agree that the best solution would be gameplay features that discourage the behavior (something built-in similar to the way circling crows discourage survivors from standing still too long), however the specific type of camping where a killer picks 1 survivor and completely prevents their ability to play the game should be reportable/bannable in my opinion. Everything else can be handled through gameplay stuff that just tries to encourage fun.

    I don't think hard camping is all that common when you get above a certain MMR, but for newer players it is way too common and I think newer killers need to be coached into understanding why camping isn't ideal, even for their own success. In lower MMR, a lot of killers get 4K's by camping, so they think it's "viable" or "good".

  • Wendygo
    Wendygo Member Posts: 114

    I don't blame the killer's for camping. Now, I am usually a survivor main besides only really playing artist and sometimes blight. I feel most of the people that truly complain about camping and Tunneling don't play enough killer.

    There are no rules in this game despite what many survivor mains would like to think. You don't start a match or have in the loading screen:

    •You must not tunnel and camp.

    •You must give last survivor alive hatch

    •You may not use any broken or ultra rare add on's. Nor map offerings, only survivors are allowed to do so.

    •You must also go to end gate and let them click, t-bag, and point until they are satisfied.

    Etc. Etc. Really people are going to play how they want. That's simply it. Often I've learned even if you play "dirty" you get allot more wins. More hate but even still.

  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    Obviously everyone hates camping. That said it wouldn't be as prevalent if playing survivor wasn't so much more incredibly easy compared to killer.

    I used to complain about campers and tunnelers but honestly the game so lopsided to survivors (i mean thats where the money and the streaming is let's be real). It's not going to change. You can actually get bored as a survivor and need to find ways to entertain yourself. Try that as a killer. It's not going to go well.