The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Lower the Disconnect Penalty, Because the time builds up WAY too fast.

I get it, the DC Penalty is to prevent leavers from ruining the match, but I honestly find the penalty stacking to be a bit excessive as someone who, while they do frequently leave, leave with the intention of perserving the fun of the experience. Getting placed into matches where I don't exactly get the opportunity to properly play or get cucked by who I'm matched up with isn't exactly fun, and for that, I've left myself with a 1 hour matchmaking ban fairly quickly. You say that it's about the frequency of leaving matches mid-game, but the fact that I'm still massively penalized even after leaving the game off for an entire day doesn't exactly make things better.


  • Youhadabadday
    Youhadabadday Member Posts: 19

    Well yeah, but that doesn't excuse BHVR's poor matchmaking ruining the game for me. I consistently get matched up with Red Ranks no matter what match I play, so if you want to stop me from leaving, either lower the penalty, or ######### fix your goddamn matchmaking system.

  • Youhadabadday
    Youhadabadday Member Posts: 19

    It's not as simple as "Don't disconnect" People get emotional, and their emotions warp their decisions. If it's not fun, people are more likely to ragequit out of emotional rage. You have to understand that.

  • Youhadabadday
    Youhadabadday Member Posts: 19

    Then that just means you have better anger management skills, and some people want to play games that they want to enjoy but can't due to variables out of their control.

  • Youhadabadday
    Youhadabadday Member Posts: 19

    OKAY. I GET IT. Yes, it is a me problem, but maybe this community should consider, oh I don't know, THE POSSIBILITY THAT YOU ARE THE REASON IT'S A ME PROBLEM TO BEGIN WITH!?! You teabag at the exit gates, you always make sure that you come in groups with in-game communication, and when the killer plays unfair because your playing unfair, you call them out on it instead of considering you were doing the same thing. This community is highly toxic, and you seriously expect me to put up with all that as if I were a goddamn robot!?! I can't do that, no-one can, and that's why I leave. You MAKE me leave because you refuse to treat me like a normal human being with thoughts and feelings. I'm not calling out you in specific, I'm calling out the community as a whole, and ya'll need to clean up your act and start playing more casually.

  • Letholldus
    Letholldus Member Posts: 49

    I'm a killer main, I do none of these things as I hardly play survivor and I personally am not bothered by it too much when it happens. Now to note, I know you're apparently not calling me out specifically as you say. And I also don't mean to imply that t-bagging and clicking don't annoy the piss out of me sometimes as well (I have a friend who can't play with clicky survivors due to the flashing light causing seizures with him). But at the end of the day, d/cing when you get mad or if a game goes bad is just as toxic as someone t-bagging or being rude, especially when you're survivor. It ruins any chance your fellow survivors had at winning in most situations. It also is rude to the killer. I mean, usually, it's just free BP and an easy win for most killers, but rarely someone dcing just because their teammates are not very good at the game or they were hooked first, has messed up rifts and such for me before as both killer and survivor.

    Anyway, the point being. Yes, the community can be toxic, I do not try to be toxic, that's the best I personally can do as there's not much else to be done from the player side of the situation to improve it besides trying to be better yourself. And d/cing constantly mid-game is just as toxic as a t-bag or click IMO and should continue to be punished. Saying it's the community's fault to justify d/cing constantly and demanding to not be punished for it is just as bad as someone saying "Well, everyone else does it" to justify them bming, clicking, and t-bagging. Supposedly in the upcoming update, they made it harder to t-bag if that makes you feel better.

  • Youhadabadday
    Youhadabadday Member Posts: 19

    Alright. I'm sorry for bursting out like that. I was just extremely frustrated by the situation. I'll try to keep this in mind, your own stability and patience really helped me calm down.

  • dinomazing
    dinomazing Member Posts: 119

    I always recommend my friends to just open the menu to dc, but before they commit stop and consider: "will the dc penalty last longer than this match?" If you've DC'd in the last day more than twice, it probably will be, so as little fun as you might be having, you'll be able to move along to your next (hopefully better) match faster if you stick through it than if you DC.

    And if you're having such little fun that you don't even care if the penalty is longer than the remainder of the match, then dc, but that's honestly probably your sign to log off for a bit. Try another game or activity and take a break from DBD because it's getting to you more than it should. No one should be stressed out from a game.

  • Juicyman
    Juicyman Member Posts: 135

    Rich coming from me, but simply don't DC. You get 3 free DCs a day (because 5 minutes is nothing), if you've used them up you're clearly not having a good time and it's good to have a little break.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    No offense, but if you DC to the point of an hour+ penalty; you need to step back and take a break.

    You don't get to use 'I have anger issues' as a 'I should not be punished' card.

  • gentacle
    gentacle Member Posts: 260

    Learn Blight/Nurse and never let them teabag you again, gamer :)

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,396
    edited April 2022

    There is an ability to leave a game without DCing though, if you feel strongly about the opportunity to leave as you please. You can intentionally die on hook.

    Edit: reading your other replies I see you are a killer

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386
    edited April 2022

    Half of my long DC penalties is the server just suddenly DCing me for no reaason,which your support "has been looking into" and "can't tell anything about" for the past 8 months. Or hackers. Sorry I dont feel like being held hostage.

    I dont agre with lowering penalties on fun,but my experience sucked a fuckton.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    Glad you chilled out.

    This kind of highlights the problem with the forum, people angrily suggesting things which quite frankly are not needed.

    It then clouds Behaviour who do read these forums with unnecessary suggestions, preventing them from seeing the actual good ones which can make the game better.

    But overall glad you saw this and apologised, game can be frustrating as we all know lol.

  • Youhadabadday
    Youhadabadday Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2022

    Coming back to this after getting another hour long matchmaking ban, and I feel like I've kinda figured out why I'm DCing so much: I'm playing a game casually with a community that treats the game competitively. Hence, why the DC Bans and all this ranking ######### exists. I don't want to be locked in a match where everyone other than me is tryharding, especially in a situation where the people I'm matched up with are SWFs and High-ranks that have no reason to be matched up against someone who has no idea what the hell they need to do mechanically. If Behaviour finally got around to creating solo-play, or even created an entire mode dedicated to casual play, with No DC penalties or rank progression, then maybe I can actually have a more enjoyable time playing this damn game without having to be locked in a match where the game just randomly decided that it would throw something at me that I have no way to properly counter. It would be a win-win for everyone. I will no longer have reason to complain about what the community deems is a good move by the devs and play in a match that is more suited to my tastes, and those who treat the game seriously can continue to play without my potential toxicity getting in the way.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    You do realize the game has the mode you are looking for, its called custom games.

    I know on xbox there are plenty of groups looking for people to play customs with and I'd assume there are on other platforms as well, reddit the dbd community discord look around try some groups play for fun and make friends if thats how you want to play. They already gave you the tools you just gotta use them.

  • CTN
    CTN Member Posts: 6

    If he thinks getting a matchmaking penalty is annoying, wait till all those groups refuse to play with him at all because he leaves all the time.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,915

    Is BHVR gonna do anything about people who disconnects during loading or because they got a map they dont like?

    Some players do it, even brag about it on Twitter and I for sure do not approve of waiting in Q for long and then having my game aborted because someone was unhappy.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Well thats where finding the right group in terms of skill and temperament comes in. Since the matchmaking is what seems to be the most frustrating for them.

  • Youhadabadday
    Youhadabadday Member Posts: 19

    There's a thing called "Having no friends to play with" as well, you should look it up.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    A little uncalled for, but considering your tone, not ultimately surprising that having friends would be an issue for you.

    Thankfully that's completely irrelevant to my suggestion, my suggestion was to look into groups of players already playing custom games looking for players. As a result of doing that you may make friends to play with, or at the very least find that casual experience with a handful of random people also looking for the same experience.

  • BearMerchant
    BearMerchant Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2022

    While I understand why they do this, it is IMMENSELY frustrating to get penalties for connection issues or other pc related problems. I had a nightmare the first few months playing this game where I got constant crashes due to a faulty motherboard (that I wasn't aware of at the time). It took me nearly a year of back and forth between the company I purchased the PC from, and during that time I received matchmaking bans that meant I had to sometimes stop playing for days at a time. I literally could not play the game I paid for and it wasn't even my fault.

    I was told by BHVR support that they essentially have no control over lifting bans, even for cases like mine. It soured my first impressions of the game as a whole.

    TLDR; I get it but they are a double edged sword and I wish BHVR would look into finding a way to lift bans if you send in a support ticket.

  • allMadhere
    allMadhere Member Posts: 101

    Disconnecting ruins the match for other people, the penalty is necessary.

    If you aren't having fun then take your L and move on, there are other matches after it's done, it's not that serious to lose sometimes...

    "Leave with the intention of perserving the fun of the experience" - I'll never understand how people can launch a multiplayer game and then treat it like it's a single player one instead. You're not the only one in the match, 4 other players waited in queue and a loading screen in order to play. You deciding that it's not going how you want it to and bailing ruins it for everyone else. It's not all about you.

    If you aren't having fun to the point where you are repeatedly leaving matches, then go play something else.