

Haddonfield police car radios, possible riddle ?

Member Posts: 83
edited July 2018 in Lore

If you go to Haddonfield and stand by one of the police cars, you can hear the radio talking.

I've managed to get a hold on the audio of theses radios.
There are 4 variations, here they are.

Variation 1- https://clyp.it/i3z4v4ff
Variation 2- https://clyp.it/jpeh051w
Variation 3- https://clyp.it/0kxna1jt
Variation 4- https://clyp.it/ygwp4ibj

I've been unable to understand what they said. Noise has been intentionally added to it so a noise reduction was met without results and I'm no expert on the matter :^(

I decided to share them since maybe somebody out there could hear something else, or manipulate them in a way to clearly hear what they say (If even possible).

On my part, I can hear on the 4th variation something like this :

" 5-2 this is en route to (Crotuss?) Prenn Asylum (inaudible?) "

After hearing the fourth variation I know there's something to them (Language is obviously English since the 5-2 can be clearly heard at least), but I have no idea what. More heads are better than one so I put this here in hopes of finding what they really say...

EDIT 1 : I think I hear the first variation start out like ; 256 this time... (inaudible??)

The word physical (??) can also be heard at around 3/4 throught the 1rst variation.

EDIT 2 --- I Will put everything decyphered down here :

Variation 1 -

(Inaudible frst word) 56 (this time?)... Copy... 10-8 central, the first (logs?)...6-0 Physical (??) to department 18 (3/4 in the audio)...

Variation 2 -

(Inaudible) 10-4 (When second person start talking) ... Hold on (just fixing this?)

Variation 3 -

(Inaudible)... but I'll continue (this reporting?) (on the last few seconds)

Variation 4 -

5-2 en route to (Inaudible?)

Post edited by TheBretzel on

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  • Member Posts: 1,165

    Feel like The Entity could be using this to see if anyone is investigating the mysterious disappearances of the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 94

    interesting find. I honestly cant understand anything.

  • Member Posts: 83

    Yea it's hard to get a hint at what they say. Hence why I put it here. If anyone hears something distinct just put it in the comments and I will update the post for each word/series of word found. We could solve this honestly.

    If we can make out the whole 4 variations I think we might get a big clue on something.

  • Member Posts: 192

    Could be clues to other things that happened in those Entity bubbles, possibly linking them together.

  • Member Posts: 83

    @apathytheclown said:
    If you listen closely you can hear when the update is coming out on console. :)

    LOL here have a hug if you're a console player. hug

  • Member Posts: 47
    edited June 2018

    On the first one I hear faint screaming starting at around 9 seconds. It seems to be high pitched so I'm assuming it's a female screaming.

  • Member Posts: 47

    Part of me feels like the audio clips they used here are just gibberish that has noise added to it, but another part of me feels like there could be something hidden here.

  • Member Posts: 182

    Variation 1 is something like .
    COP: " Car 56 to dispatch ...star unit biscuit
    Dispatch: Copy Wynard
    COP: Got a distress call, the first lights are at errr at this terminal 60724 at apartment 84 feel like and terror

    Variation 2 doesn't sound english based on the last 2 secs
    Variation 3 starts off as possibly not english but ends with "can you tell me where he is parking" in english

    Variation 4 is " 5'2 en route for a meadow signment confissle

    These are my best guesses and good fun to try and work out
    Good find

  • Member Posts: 118

    I've been hearing the third variation and I think i got the last few seconds, I think the guys says: "But Ill continue reporting". Interesting.

  • Member Posts: 83

    @AnIntellectualClone said:
    I've been hearing the third variation and I think i got the last few seconds, I think the guys says: "But Ill continue reporting". Interesting.

    Good hearing, I'll update.

  • Member Posts: 1,640

    variation 1- ....9-0 hostiles in the area …..critical….
    variation 2- (i can't hear anything)
    variation 3- i can't hear anything
    variation4- 5-2 This is the other side of the business (what?)

  • Member Posts: 295

    @TheBretzel said:

    @apathytheclown said:
    If you listen closely you can hear when the update is coming out on console. :)

    LOL here have a hug if you're a console player. hug

    I play on PS4. I need that hug now.

  • Member Posts: 204

    interesting... i might have to mess with these in an audio mixer

  • Member Posts: 1,073
    edited July 2018
    What I managed to hear in the first one:

    Officer: Crotus-56 to dispatch (gibberish)

    Dispatch: Copy. What do you got?

    Officer: 10-8 to central. The first logs are in there. Numbers (gibberish) 6-0. Critical (gibberish) in apartment 8-4 (gibberish)

    Sound file 2 appears to be a continuation of the conversation.

    Dispatch: ETA (gibberish)?

    Officer: 10-4 (gibberish) a 10-88 at this time... (sound like a car door open with keys in ignition. Officer potentially exited vehicle?) Hold on a minute there. Uh. Hold on just a minute.

    Sound file 3. Unsure about this one. Sounded like he had been cut off at the beginning.

    Officer: (gibberish) let's dismiss the (gibberish) service. I am continuing to responding.

    Sound file 4. Different officer. Driving police car with lights and sirens active.

    Officer 2: 5-2 is enroute to the Progmeto Farm at this (gibberish).
    Post edited by Khroalthemadbomber on
  • Member Posts: 1,073
    As I hear more I'll edit and add to it.
  • Member Posts: 83

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    As I hear more I'll edit and add to it.

    Good hearing I'll update the post.

  • Member Posts: 1,073
    Not sure how accurate my hearing was on it. It's tricky to say the least.
  • Member Posts: 83

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    Not sure how accurate my hearing was on it. It's tricky to say the least.

    Yea it is quite tricky but no biggie we're all here to double-check and understand what theses things say. So everybody's best guess is fine. Also I know for sure you got some things quite right so I will put them on the main post. The things I am not too sure about I just leave in parenthesis + the comments are always here in case.

  • Member Posts: 1,073
    Lol thankfully I've got a lot of cops in my family so I'm familiar with radio lingo. The 10-88 code I thought I heard is in reference to a phone number of some sort. May not be that 10 code though. The 10-8 to central meaning he's heading back to the main station. Not sure what else to go on. I'll listen again next chance I have some peace and quiet to do so.
  • Member Posts: 118
    edited July 2018

    Mhmm, I think the third variation says right at the start "58". I also think the fourth variation does say 5-2 is in route to (gibberish) asylum (gibberish) but I dont think its the Crotus Prenn Asylum they are taking about.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Stalking intensifies

  • @Detective_Jonathan said:
    Feel like The Entity could be using this to see if anyone is investigating the mysterious disappearances of the survivors.


  • Member Posts: 1,367

    I heard Asylum in the 4th variation too. Maybe the Police were investigating Nea's disappearance?

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