Stop disconnecting you cowards

First three surv matches of my night:
- 2 teammates DC as soon as they realize it's a nurse
- 1 teammate DCs at first down from Blight (under a minute in)
- 2 teammates DC almost immediately for reasons unknown
Seriously, these people are the worst, I don't care for waiting in queue forever for that, thanks.
On a related note, you (and the killer) should be immune from de-pipping when you are abandoned by teammates, especially early.
I am not coward, i swear.
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Okay, I believe you. But just you. Everyone else is a coward.
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I want to be believe they disconnected because of something out of their control.
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Against a blight I understand, but other than that they're a coward or their game crashed, lag, or power outage.
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I've seen many comments like "If I know the killer is a nurse I just disconnect". So it's believable.
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Against a Nurse? I can kinda understand why they disconnecting (besides outside of their control).
Given the experiences I've been dealing with Nurses since their return, roughly 75% of them have been somewhat or absolutely sweaty.
In a lot of cases, it's Nurses running heavily oppressive builds (ex. 4 slowdowns) and tunnels and/or camps on top of it.
I don't mind going against one or two nurses, but there have been times where I've went 5 nurses in a row with very similar builds. (It's the same shtick with Blights as well.) At that point, I rather take the 5-minute penalty, take a small break, and come back when I'm in a better mood.
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You know with a certain degree of accuracy when a DC is intentional. If it's immediately after a down/pickup, or right after you hear a tell tale sound (like the Nurse's blink or Spirit's phasing). Not like a 100%, but a fair assumption, as far as assumptions go.
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The correct answer is there is no good reason excusable reason to (intentionally) DC. You queued up, play the game. If that means getting wrecked, so be it.
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People that DC are mostly solo survivors. Blight nurse and some other killers with certain perks are close to a guaranteed loss if you play solo survivor. If you already are fighting an uphill battle as solo and some1 goes down fast on top of that, while the killer possibly still has strong add-ons as well and a juicy NOED waiting for you at the end... A sane person would DC and go next 5 min later.
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Tbf it can get real boring versing just nurse and blight all day...
Not that anyone should DC, and I'm a fond supporter of harsher bans but sadly they never will punish these players enough
I notice if you play really well at game start theres often a DC just because you outplayed them, when in reality they could easily come back
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There is no guaranteed loss, even in solo queue. That's a line people sell themselves on to justify screwing their team.
And secondly, losing is okay, which seems to be a tough concept for some people to wrap their minds around.
Losing against a really tough opponent is how you learn and get better. For me, the biggest payoff is winning against stacked odds, which is why I always play it out.
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It takes a lot of willpower to face the 5th Nurse with Pain Resonance+Dead Man's Switch and I don't blame anyone for DCing.
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rpd tho
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Maybe, but that's not a fair position to put the other three survs (and the killer) in. Maybe it's their first game of the day, or their first nurse. It's a funny thing when people like to blame others for not considering their experience, but then go out an DC, which is just blatant disregard for everyone else in the match.
Everyone who sits in queue and load into a match deserves a fair shot.
Sure they could DC as well, but at that point it wouldn't really be their decision anymore, at least not completely. They can play on in futility and likely lose, or DC. Either outcome was essentially forced on them by the teammate who DC'ed.
If you just can't bear the prospect of facing that fifth nurse, turn the game off and/or play something else.
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That's nothing, the three SWF in my team decided to disconnect at the same time and leave me alone, thankfully I found the hatch within seconds
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Hackers, lag switchers, to name a couple. Generally speaking though it's lame.
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Okay, a game busting hacker is a legit reason
Or any obvious hacker, really. Or a bot killer
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DBD was so much fun without nurse when she was disabled. It was a dream.
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Well instead there was Blight with his unbalanced addons and bug abusers xd
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its almost as bad as going against survivors who run all the same builds all the time... er wait.
Sack up and play it out.
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That doesn't make DC'ing a valid excuse. If you went up against a really good killer and your team mates are potatoes then fine, DC. MMR is terrible and games like that happen sometimes.
But do it 5 times in a session and you're becoming part of the problem. If you don't like the killers that you get matched up against then stop playing the game for a while and let them rotate out. If you willingly keep getting into the game and DC'ing then you're screwing over everyone else just because you're not having fun.
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I don't do it personally I'm just saying I don't condemn those who do.
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I think that people who consistently DC in matches and justify it with excuses like:
"I don't play against X killer"
"I don't play against X perk"
Should absolutely be condemned for their entitlement and selfishness. Killers and perks are a part of the game and they exist to be used.
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Dont worry,its not gonna be a problem once bots are implemented in the game,who knows how long its gonna take though.
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Nah. A born loser would certainly disconnect though. I play solo and never disconnect. Because even if it's a "certain loss" I can at least struggle on hook to give my teammates a chance.
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Blame BHVR for disconnects/suicides against nurse and bliight. Developers ignoring soloq survivors complaints against these killers. So what's the point of playing if the game is lost from the beginning?
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I don't blame them, i go against nurses 90% of my games and when i get the 5 nurse in a row i just close the game right after(not to DC but to go play something else)
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In a way a person that DC's (because he knows out of experience how the game will go) helps the other survivor to end the game quicker so they can go next game as well. You insult those people saying they are losers , but in the end it's the smart decision if you want to have fun (which is the main thing what playing games is for, which lots of people seem to forget).
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It’s comical how often survivors DC over seemingly every little thing.
In half my matches as killer atleast one survivor will DC. I was playing one of my first few games on Blight the other day, got off a nice curve at the start of the match, injured an ace who promptly stood on the spot teabagging, DCd after I hooked him lol.
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So in your eyes it's the "sane" thing that neither blight nor nurse nor 4 men swf should get any games ever again until something gets changed by bhvr?
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So many cowards in this thread. At least have some balls and play it out. You can still DC on your deathhook without dmging your team too much. But please stop with all these selfish excuses, you guys only make it worse.
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I dont get DCing. It would literally just be faster to run at killer and suicide on hook compared to the penalty. Killer gets BP and BBQ stack too, both sides win.
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Normally I'd say if 1 person disconnects it could be internet issues or something out of their control, but based on the pattern from your games...yeah...I'm really sorry this has been happening to you. D:
It is really annoying but I don't really know what BHVR could do about it since there are so many factors for why someone could DC...
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Where are you playing and when? I'm playing a lot of Nurse and DCs are very very rare, even when they get a clear spanking.
The one usual case is the odd toxic clicker wannabe getting downed in a couple of blinks or less. (Europe, evening and night, can't speak about the MMR right now but it's usually on the higher side given the amount of cheaters I encounter)
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The bots will need to be quite smart.
I wonder if I would kill everyone but the bot(s).
Wait, it would mean I would have to finish playing against bots? That doesn't sound very nice.
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Don't Forget Huntress.
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First 3 games had one person intentionally DC - 3 games in a row! You can sorta tell because it's right after a hit or a hook. It's a gut-wrenching sound DC'ing XD I want to believe most are due to internet failure or power outage but I doubt it. Could be I went in with Franklin's because I saw 4 medkit team...
Prolly got mad he lost his kit.
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Yeah because that's totally what I said.......(this is sarcasm btw). If you play solo when you're experienced enough, you can tell from first chase how the game will end 99% of the time.
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Without nurse in the game, much much less people would dc.
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I would call that statement a BS hyperbole as you can A) not determine all add-ons/perks during one chase and B) human error and determination to win and all rng that come with them are not predictable.
I have won more than enough games in lol, r6s, rocket league and other team games from the back foot just by not giving up.
Blight nurse and some other killers with certain perks are close to a guaranteed loss if you play solo survivor. If you already are fighting an uphill battle as solo and some1 goes down fast on top of that, while the killer possibly still has strong add-ons as well and a juicy NOED waiting for you at the end... A sane person would DC and go next 5 min later.
And you say here that once the game goes south against the mentioned character it would be the "sane" decision to end the game against them and not let them have fun.
Again, i call BS here that you could determine ALL add-ons and perks of the killer especially as solo player without communicative Exchange with the other players. Even going as far as mentioning NOED which is absolutely unclear until end game, and the complaints in this thread are aimed at early suicide/DCs.
So your argument remains that the sane option against every killer player using those characters and their good/best add-ons together with an assortment of perks the survivor thinks of as oppressive would be robbing them of a complete game.
And then i extrapolated that line of thinking to the other side and in an analogy every killer should just straight up cut games short when they know/think they face a swf squad with a set of items and perks the individual killer thinks of as "sweaty".
Of course my point was a exaggerating your initial statement but the underlying point remains that point from your post to me remains "if you think the opposition is using strong stuff and I might lose the game, might as well just cut the trial shorter for everyone and guarantee no one will have fun."
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Survivors bm, tbag and mock every killer while abusing busted perks like DH and DS, and then complain about seeing nothing but Blights and Nurses.
It doesn't even occur to them that the sweaty Nurse might have been a Trapper main who just had one too many games where the 4 survivors tbagged at the exit gates and then typed gg ez at the end.
It's actually quite funny.
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Stop being so entitled as well... a person has every right to DC, they'll have a punishment with a timer.
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I guesse you're just not experienced enough, it is easy to tell from the first chase what add-ons and perks the killer has, at least the obviouse ones which dictates most of the games. Yes , I understand you can never know how the game will go but you can be close to 90% right. I rather go next instead to try for that 10% possibility of having that round to become fun. Its rly not a hard concept to grasp you know?
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people are tired of versing nurse and blight all the time all day everyday. thats all you see, i cant blame them i cant blame them for not wanting to suffer a misery experience, on top of that pain resonance, dead man switch, corrupt and startruck or make your choice to proxy camp hook... tbh i cant blame them.
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blight bullpoop is not as terrible as nurse bullpoop. id rather go against 3 blights in a row than a nurse. at least structures mean something agaisnt him. agiasnt nurse it doesnt matter where u are, when, perks (unless dh) it just doesnt. she is built different.
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Against Nurse I can kind of understand, Blight not really (Unless he had powerful perk/addons). Other than that, no real reason to DC, unless the game crashes.
But I can understand the frustration. I've had teammates DC for some me of the dumbest reasons. One time I had a David look at me, t-bag a couple of times, and DC as soon as we loaded onto Rotten Fields. Needless to say, that match didn't go well.
They should really give you more points for teammates disconnecting and have the "abandoned" score event count towards the Altruism emblem.
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My fav is early dc against non meta killers. Billy Snipe bc of lethal? Dc. Clown runs good addons? Dc. Soon prob the same thing will happen if legion gets an early head start.
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Tbh I have the same for one week.
If it's not a gen rushing "easy" post game, no DC, if it's me getting a first hook extremely fast, there is always a DC or a suicide on hook and it is becoming really annoying.
May I play Nurse, Hillbilly, or GhostFace
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What, we have to recreate this very thread every month or so?
Disconnecting is against sportsmanship and will not be allowed, end of discussion.
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Maybe not in a short an frickle game like this but i am used to not throw games like lol (30-40 minute matches) or r6s (best of 7 5minutes rounds) in the first 10% and am maybe setting my standards too high for people to have more spine to pull through, what would be according to your prognosis nothing more than a few minutes, than to just give up on the slightest hint of inconvenience. But maybe i am just too old for this.