This is a way to bridge the gap between solo and SWF, and compensate killers at the same time

Survivor status icons should be added to the game, and the killer should be able to see them as well. This would help bridge the gap between solo and SWF, and compensate killers as well. If survivors get to be more efficient with voice comms and/or survivor status icons, then the killer should see those icons too, so they can also be more efficient.
The best way to balance voice comms is by giving everyone else in the game more information, so everyone can have better efficiency. And this wouldn't make SWFs with voice comms stronger, because the survivor status icons only give information that is already easily known and communicated via voice comms.
This is also the best way to compensate killers, because it gives them more efficiency, without directly telling them where the survivors are. For example, if a killer is walking towards a generator, and notices one of the survivor icons stopped being a "survivor on generator" icon, then maybe a survivor was on that generator, and is leaving to hide..... or maybe it's a completely unrelated survivor. The killer won't know for sure, but it would at least give the killer some interesting game choices to make. And killers might be more motivated to patrol the generators if they actually knew when survivors were on generators.
Sure give Killers knowledge of everything. This would totally not be game breaking.
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This might be the worst idea ever for balancing the solo queue. It makes no sense to give the killer more information about the survivors.
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What do you think the killer should get as compensation if solo q is buffed to be closer to SWF? What do you think would actually be a fair compensation for solo q getting more information about their teammates?
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Why should survivors get buffed even more? They are already friggin demi-gods.
They need nerfs not buffs.
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If solo and swf come closer together all the weak killer can get buffed. Atm you can't buff the killers to compete swf because it would be overkill for solo
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While I love the idea of such a system for solo queuers, I don't think the killer should see them. Idk how well of a compensation it would be, but I'd like to see something like Fire Up being base kit for all killers, so the longer a match continues, the more of a threat they can become.
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I think Quick messages would be better. The icons would be too much free information for Survivors. At least with pre-determined messages it would be up to the player to inform their team of their intentions, what is happening, and what they are doing - just like in a voice call. Other asymmetrical games all use this feature, and it works best.
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Why not just give the killer free informational perks like Spies From the Shadows, I'm All Ears, Nurse, BBQ, etc... dependent on the SWF size.
SWF already gets 30+ free perks just for being in voice chat.
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Killers are no longer in the power roll any longer and until that is fixed killers will slowly die out we cannot give more buffs to survivors. If you think survivors need buffs then your clearly at the lower end of the spectrum and this isnt me saying you suck but go watch how easy it is for a 4 man to cause stress in a killers match. I say this as someone who has been trying to relearn Legion before his revamp goes live and i keep getting constant 4man swfs pop up usually with a TTVr in the mix and they are the most brutal matches because they are all in communication the TTV is coordinating and trying to put on a good show for thier viewers. Now I am not saying I am the best but I am also not the worst and a Killer thats not feared will easily get stomped so badly its no longer fun to test out new builds and perks. Its basically saying you need the absolute best of the best as well as a killer that can perform well against a 4man.
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Solo queue getting status icons is a great idea that the devs are already working on. I don’t think killers should get anything in addition to that. The icons will help, but solo will still not be on par with SWF. I think when killers play a 3 or 4 swf, they should get either a 5th perk or some other advantage like gens taking longer to complete, but nothing that would affect solo queue (singles or duos).
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No. SWF are "demi-gods." Solo survivors inefficiently stumbling around in the dark is the reason why killers are kept chained.
Add the action status to the HUD for survivors to know what everyone's up to. Then remove the killer's red stain from the game.
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Status icons + a ping system and then buff all the weak, outdated killers accordingly. There’s also an argument to be made for making perks like Kindred and Bond basekit. But the majority of the killer roster would need serious work to compensate.
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Everything you told is something acquired playing the game. I don't think this is the solution.
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This is incredibly rude and ableist you should re-evaluate what you say before posting. This buff will only affect the solo q it will have almost 0 benefits in SWFs. Giving killers this info would be killer (pun intended) to the game because it would give way to much info to killers. Nurse and Blight with this info would wreck all teams no problem with their mobility.
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4x "Fixing generators"
Yeah, what can I do with that, I know it.
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Knowing that two are not on gens and two are means you know who to target. If they are not on a gen then you don't have to worry about them. That is what that does. Knowledge is power and a killer should never know what every survivor is doing at all times. unless they are just that cracked.
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Basically you have general idea of what survivors are doing, if you know there is something survivors has to do you know they are doing that.
It doesn't change as much as you believe, as it will not say where the survivors are, maybe except cleansing... but then it can be used to bait killers from safer place.
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Ok so I should then know who the killer is going toward through the hud. It will not change much but hey they know I am on a gen there for I should know in advance that I will be targeted by the killer. The killer should not know what each survivor is doing if they are not near them sorry if you can't find survivors that is on you not me as a survivor. You should be patrolling gens and knowing two bots are not on gens means that you can ignore them for the time being focusing on the survivors doing their job. If you do not see the problem here then you never will.
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If Killer plays sweaty he already has to know as much as possible, and by trying to do it result tend to be predicting what everyone is doing, surely I don't see the problem and I never will.
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Killer should definitely not be given access to that unconditionally. MAYBE. MAAAAAAAYBE. A perk that could VERY conditionally grant that in a very limited/temporary fashion. And even then, probably not.
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Run spine chill then you'll get that info on yourself
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I agree.
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run aura perks you will get the info yourself. Bam same argument why killers should get the info on survivors lol. A normal killer should find a survivor in the first 1 minute of the game. If they are doing gens. If you are struggling to find them that is on you not the survivor unless the are UE around and not doing anything. Killers should not know what all survivors are doing at all times because they feel like it would give them a better edge lol. Git Goot
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Are you implying that i already don't run aura perks?
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How would I know what you are running? I am saying if you tell survivors to run spine chill and not be told that a killer is coming at them than I am saying run aura perks cause the killer should not know what all are doing all the time. The same that survivor's shouldn't know at all times where or what the killer is doing lol. That is what I am saying I don't give an F about what you run or don't run.
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Only perk i think you should run, just because its funny is pebble
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I think everyone should see the survivor icons, because killers should be given more information about the survivors to encourage them to move around the map. Currently we have so many killers that just end up staying in one spot, because they don’t know where the other survivors are, and they think it’s a waste of time to leave a hook to find someone else, because they have no idea where anyone is. If there is a hooked survivor, why bother patrolling the generators if you don’t even know if anyone is doing generators? Reducing camping shouldn’t involve punishments for the killer, and should instead give a real motivation to leave the hook, like knowing survivors are actually doing generators.