2 people started match injured and broken?

ive never seen this before in hundreds of matches and no offerings or addons i saw had that as an effect. what happened? The killer was huntress if that matters
No Mither
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Its a perk called No Mither. You get it from David.
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oh, you want to start off hurt and unable to heal?
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No mither allows you to get up from dying state (if slugged) as many times as you want. At the same time you have the disadvantage of always being a one hit for the killer. I personally would only run this perk if I were a god looper xD
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And no blood pools
And 75% quieter grunts of pain
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but the good thing of this is that the killer will prob tunnel you after hitting you (results not the same whit bubba)
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No Mither what it was, it probably didn't end well.
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all of us escaped actually believe it or not
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This clearly makes up for starting the trial while injured!
Tbh, they should give this perk a heavy buff. Something like bonus bloodpoints and starting the match healthy. So the killer doesn´t know that this is a No Mither user.
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Either they were working on the adept trophy/achievement, or they were playing one of a couple different 'just for fun' builds that usually include sabotage and the new boil over where they can wiggle free so you leave them and forget they can get up off the ground, or they were sandbagging their teammates.
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But a good killer would see if you equipped no mither and will not slug you but hook you instantly before you get up. So basically No mither is worthless.
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Yes, but it is fun. And that is why it exists. 90% of the perks in the game are worthless. What's new?
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90% is too high and No Mither is really useless since killer can counter it 100% by just picking you up after he downed you.
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90% is too low. I am giving the benefit of the doubt to people who pretend other builds are viable because they are playing against horrible opponents.
The trick is to not get downed. Which is definitely feasible with maps like these.
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But many perks help not getting downed resp. not getting discovered easily. So i wouldnt say they are worthless.
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As an Oni main, I do commend those who use No Mither 👹🥳
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Never said it did but I wanted to lay out every effect of the perk
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I know, I know. It's just that the perk as a whole is ridiculous. The downsides totally outweigh the benefits.
It's just a perk to make the match harder. But should give some kind of incentive/reward for doing so.
That the killer sees from the start that it's active also doesn't help, since no killer will slug a No Mither user.
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Not everyone plays this game competitively. You've now seen it in the wild. I'm happy it was a 4man escape, that always feels good.