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Your opinions on face camping?

For roughly two months, I have had the majority of Killers face camp in games. I understand if they are on the verge of losing and would like to secure a kill, but early in the game I don't agree with. This is one of my largest issues with Dead By Daylight, but I feel like camping isn't necessarily prohibited.

What are your opinions on face camping?


  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    It's a little annoying when it happens, in solo queue, but I won't bully/disrespect a killer in end game chat for doing it.

    It's actually a little bit fun however if I'm playing with my SWF. We probably sound like we're playing CoD with how we plan out to save the person on the hook. Then we're screaming and laughing trying to get away with it, so we don't take it too seriously.

    Sometimes I'll teabag or flashlight click a little in those situations but it's never to make the killer feel bad for face camping — and I'll never do it excessively. Just a little to have some competition fun.

  • ChilleBean
    ChilleBean Member Posts: 22

    I like your outlook on it. I prefer to avoid conflict with players outside of the game, I personally just feel bad for the players that get face camped. Thanks for your comment!

    (I would like to say that it's always so nice to find people like you that refrain from disrespecting someone for how they play.)

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  • LittleMcGriddle4
    LittleMcGriddle4 Member Posts: 5

    For someone who is brand new, I've been playing one day, it is bogus and lame. I had 3 games in a row where this happened and I died on first hook one time and 2nd hook the other two times. I've been lucky to have really cool team mates who try and save me and who take the hits to unhook me but the killer just immediately takes me down and re-hooks me and face camps again. So to me, it's lame, cuz I'm not getting to learn how to play the game cuz I'm hooked the whole game. Maybe I'll feel different once I get experience, but starting out the game like this, probably not, lol.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,249

    Real Facecamping doesnt exist anymore tho. But since terms are quite fkuid in our community....

    Facecamping is a strategy. Doesnt matter if anyone hates it, its in the game and free to use for their enemy.

    And it doesnt stop anyone from playing the game, if someone brings that up later. Getting killed is part of the game.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Real facecamping meaning total blocking of hook prompt does still exist, but only for a couple of killers as they can clip inside a hooked survivor which blocks the unhook triggers.

    It also does stop someone from playing the game as they're literally not able to engage with other mechanics of the game. Which is what people mean by not being about to play the game. Getting killed is part of the game, but it is a fairly passive part of the game.

    No one is saying anything about taking the ability to camp away as that is an actual impossibility, but it isn't exactly the most engaging way to play the game. Though right now it is pretty hard to get a decent game without camping someone out early to just slow down overall game progress for survivors if you're not playing killers with high mobility or strong map pressure.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,705

    It sucks when it happens but I move on after, i don't hold a grudge. I play solo and if it's happening too much I'll switch to a stealthy build for awhile to get a break and be able to complete objectives. Easy.

    I agree that its absolutely a strategy, but it's also not a skilled one. Anybody could just pick the game up for the first time today and get a bunch of kills by camping.

    I remember someone in the community once saying something like 'camping, tunnelling, tbagging, flashlights... it's not that deep.' And that's kind of my motto when playing. Knocked down in the first few minutes and face camped to death? It's not that deep, move onto the next game.

  • Ula
    Ula Member Posts: 276

    Face camping is a cheesy strategy, and the only viable counter play being smashing generators is not great. The risks you take to unhook a face camped survivor are ridiculously high so it's not worth it.

    I'd like that some changes were made to make face camping more interactive.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 467

    Plenty other things unfair in the game.

  • Cookie_Des_Lys
    Cookie_Des_Lys Member Posts: 64

    I my opinion it's not fun.

    As survivor :

    When the killer really doesn't want to take the chase of a mate (me or an other) and just stays "on" the hook, I'm just going away and do gen. The killer makes a poor run : 1 kill, 9k bloodpoints, or 2 kills 12k bloodpoints.

    When I'm hooked and face camped, I use to have an other parallel activity (doing my shopping on drive, reading a book, drawing, playing an other game ...). What a fun game !!! I need to do have something else than DBD in a run of BDB... That gives me an idea : Behaviour, can insert mini-games for survivor on the hook ? Like snake, minesweeper, jewels, ...

    I could hold on on P2 if that gives an avantage to my mates (like time to opening the door). I could let me go without holding because I'm boring.

    After 2 or 3 games like that, I leave DBD.

    I know people who stop definitly DBD because of facecamp or tunnel or both.

    Personnaly, I won't buy any DLC or skin on the store (with real money or auric cells) until the gameplay allows to camp. I think my wallet is the best way to protest. And I won't invest more in a game that i'm not sure to continue or have fun in.

    As Killer :

    I use to don't camp. But I've the weakness to camp and tunnel teabaggers. I take that like a challenge : "OK ! Let's see if you have the level to teabag !"

    For fairgame, without teabaggers, I received the most beautiful love words in DBD for not camping and tunneling <3

    Really love you too fair survs <3

    Some "ez" too, but i don't care about that.

    As both :

    I still understanding why taking chili and barbecue for camping ?

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    I don't mind facecamping all that much, myself. All my vitriol is reserved for tunneling. Granted one generally leads to the other but facecamping is more easily punished. If facecamping becomes an issue for me I can arm myself with Kindred.

    Plus, in some contexts, facecamping is almost a badge of honor, if it happens because you upset a Killer enough to make damn sure you die.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    Outside of a last resort kinda thing to get at least one kill or when end game is near/happening I just don't get it and that is what makes it so annoying. I think if I understood where people are coming from it might be less annoying.

    That being said, I learned some of the strategies and tactics to get past a facecamper so in about half the cases it's manageable if someone else is being facecamped. But in solo q being face camped outside of near-endgame / for no apparent reason, is one of the things that makes me leave the match ASAP cause every second spent in that match is not just wasted time but also time void of any enjoyment.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,852

    It sucks but at the end of the day it’s a legitimate tactic that only works on survivors who are overly-altruistic

    it sure as ######### doesn’t feel legitimate when you’re on the receiving end but killers will stop doing it when survs stop rushing to the hook like sharks around blood

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    As I like to say, it's not camping if they give you no reason to leave.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The thing is standing around the hook for two minutes if the other survivors aren’t coming for a rescue is typically not a good strategy, you’re better off spending that time getting a second down and pressuring the others off the gens directly so that only one survivor at most is doing a gen at a time hopefully. If you can get into the cycle of having one downed or hooked, one being chased and a third going for a heal or rescue with only one left on gens then you are in a much better position as killer than if you have one on a hook and three on gens.

    That’s not to say standing at a hook is never ever useful, if a survivor is pretty close to dying on hook for instance you may as well stay there a few seconds to make sure it happens. And Bubba for example can stop hook trades entirely so gets a bit more benefit from it. But most killers in most cases are better off being more proactive.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    There really needs to be a financial (BP) incentive not to do it.

    Let's all be honest... it's scummy, has nothing to do with actually playing the game, is mean spirited, is a bad 'strategy', and is cheap as all hell for bloodpoints and MMR.

    While we can't really do anything about it being mean, scummy, or ancillary to actual gameplay - we could find a way to doc the Killer's BP yield and/or MMR score as punitive measures.

    So if a killer is standing within 4m of the hook for an extended period of time - or remains within 8m of the hook when there aren't any survivors within 24m for an extended period of time - then you start slamming them with -1,000 BP scoring events that stack.

    Killers are happy playing AFK simulator if it means they get a cool 20k BP at the end, but if they get that number slashed down to 10 or even 5, they may start second guessing how they should mix up their game to, at the very least, walk away with some sort of BP reward.

    In those extremely rare circumstances where the killer player doesn't even care, but wants to 100% kill one particularly infuriating survivor - I don't think they'd mind taking the BP and MMR hit for it. If anything, taking the Bp and MMR hit shows either just how scummy and 'invalid' the strategy is... while also not doing too much to actively stop it from happening.

  • JonathanByers
    JonathanByers Member Posts: 167

    I find it amusing if anything, it doesn’t get me upset or anything it just makes me laugh at seeing the killer face camp me.

    especially bubbas that make me laugh at seeing them waste the whole game camping me while my teammates get the gens done, 90% of the time my teammates are too scared to go in and trade even though sometimes they haven’t even been hooked once and some of them have BT.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Its a strategy. A bad one tho. If u recognize this, just rush the gens and go out with 3 guys.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited April 2022

    It is simply part of the game, sometimes it is simply the correct play for the killer and sometimes it isn't.

    In the end both sides have things that are not nice for the other. I do run BT in nearly all my survivor builds.