My Tier List for Killer strength/balance currently (before PTB patch)

These are just my thoughts on where the killers are balance-wise based on my past month or two of playing the game again. I did take a year to a year and a half long break from the game due to anger about the decision making and direction of the game but came back with a fresh, much more casual mind about things.
If you disagree with my placements please feel free to tell me and why you think so! :D
Nurse and Blight in broken tier.
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I should likely clarify that, when I say that average killers can lose to those of lower skill I mean due to luck such as maps, map offerings, certain RNG mechanics such as which windows/pallets spawn, etc.
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Nurse goes to broken, and Blight goes to top tier.
Most of your "Below average" belong to average.
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I debated putting Blight higher due to exploits you can do to intentionally slide off of walls or bounce on near nothing but I decided against it due to him also being rather buggy in a negative way so I put him lower than Spirit as she is very consistent. Also, Nurse isn't broken (imo) due to her just being a reflection of the player's prediction abilities, muscle memory, and game awareness.
I don't think a character that is between the worst killer in the game when a noob plays them and by far the strongest due to the strength being a reflection of player skill can ever be called broken. I just think she has a massive skill ceiling that allows the player to be as strong as they are mentally capable of being in the game.
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The only thing I agree with is that ringu chick is below average the rest I disagree with Lmao
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Blight can make sense at top tier. I will definitely concede that. Which killers do you think I unjustly put in below average? I put Sadako there due to her non teleport abilities being fully counterable at high level or nonexistent effect wise on survivors. Demo I put there due to his loud stomping destroying half of his kit and making him worse at loops than even some short 110% killers.
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Please make your own here as I would love to see what you personally think. I love seeing how other peoples' experiences shape what they think about this:
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I also understand people will have differing amounts of hours in the game which will shift perception sharply. I have currently 3k hours but only play about 3 times a week now after starting to feel burnt out back at 1.5k.
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I made mine
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Sadako is actually a tier as long as you play a hit and run style, everyone knows this.
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Love it <3
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Hit and run doesn't work in the current healing meta with Circle of Healing. The Circle of Healing nerfs that still haven't came out still won't fix this unless they remove the bonus healing speed from it as all survivors heal before you make it back to them to down. There is a reason that Sadako is considered weak by most. I still thought she had enough potential to be put into below average tier near the top though which was higher than a lot of people I know would've put her.
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I will have you know Dowsey beat Otz's swf with an afk and someone who got Condemned without being pressured on the best killer map to prove his placement. You are out of your element here.
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Oh, you are being sarcastic? I didn't realize the first bit that you were making a joke due to it being hard to tell that in text. Some people genuinely believe her to be nearly "S Tier" by disregarding Circle of Healing.
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There are no broken killers, which I agree on. I'd say Blight is a lot stronger than Spirit personally.
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Hag tier is correct but the whole thing isn’t correct enough. It’s more something like this:
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Artist overrated. Deathslinger underrated.
Doctor overrated.
I do have qualms with Clown being ‘near useless.’ Trapper is pain though.
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The whole premise of your tier list is flawed. If you're against survivors that are less skilled than you, you're going to win with whoever you pick. None of the killers are useless, some of them just take more work. Some take a lot more work. If you're against survivors who aren't as good as you, you can win without even using your power with any standard speed killer.
Trapper and Clown are definitely not useless. They just require more work and game knowledge than some of the powerful killers. That's the main problem with the majority of killer complaints I see. People just look at tier lists and stick to the high-tier killers and never bother to learn the ins and outs of the game.
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