Anyone gonna do anything about

Pigs blocking a box?
It's a mind game.
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What’s the issue exactly?
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It's her power. She has to put a trap AND someone has to finish a gen AND she has to know it's this box exactly. Sorry but she deserves the kills, they are no free escapes.
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Pig blocks a box the whole game while some or all players got reverse bear traps on! it's just ZZZZZZZZZZZ
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i mean, you can always try reporting them for AFKing.
i've seen people get banned for less, its definitely worth a shot.
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Hmm it may be boring but according to the devs, if you’re not escaping, it’s a skill issue.
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skill issue, get good
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the amount of biased baby killers on these forums is insane. skill issue lmao. let me exploit or else you're a bad player. PATHETIC.
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smh entitled survivors continue to ignore the obvious counterplay to afk pig and cry about it on the forums 🙄
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Yeah it sucks but it's not like behavior is ever going to fix it. The game is simply poorly designed.
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Pig standing in front of a Jigsaw Box is a strategy. If you're talking about AFK Pig, not much you can do about that. It's just bad game design.
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I think people are just being snarky.
if you're up against an afk pig, make sure to 99 the gens. pop them all at once, and you can get hatch to escape.
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Relax, it’s just a game innit.
If you’re not escaping, are you really playing skilfully?
The only metrics that matter are kills and escapes, everything else is irrelevant. Anyone dying to afk pig is being outplayed.
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Maybe a little 🥲
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The killer is just a better hockey player.
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It'll probably get patched out but hey might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
I got 2 head pops for zero chases the other day. Its probably the most relaxing killer game I ever played.
I never went afk once, just hung out to see how many kills I'd get.
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Killers cant have one good hockey strategy can they. (For real though its BS but who cares?)
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What counterplay? This happened in a match that I was in and TWO of us had the same box that she happened to be blocking. Hatch wouldn't have been an option unless one of us killed ourselves on purpose. It's trash and it's boring gameplay and yall need to stop justifying playing like garbage
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It is actually really thrilling gameplay. My heart goes doki doki and I get butterflies in my stomach as I watch the action from a safe distance. I do not believe it is fair to say that I am playing like garbage when I am not playing at all... I am eating popcorn, fam. Do you want me to get butter on my controller?
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"Dead by Daylight is just like hockey"
I'd like someone to try to make a comparison in hockey for thing cause I'm too lazy to finish the joke.
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Except when using the Videotape, she does not even have to put a Trap on their Head. All Survivors start with a Trap attached to their head and they have to complete a Gen at some point to actually have a chance for the game to end.
This is just a cheap "strategy". And I hope it will be changed at some point, however, I already expect a lot of Killer players complaining about a Pig-Nerf because of "crying Survivors" if they nerf the Videotape somehow to avoid this "playstyle". Because in the end, those people exploiting it by blocking a Box at the start without any intention to move from it are those who might get a good Pig Add-On nerfed.
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Exploit? What exploit? Since when is camping a key box exploiting? Since literally never.
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unless she will start the trial with his red addon (survivors will start with a reversed bear trap on their heads), in that case a survivor will die for sure cause he/she won't be able to use the box that the pig is bodyblocking... the only way to won this "mindgame" is to put 5 gens at 99% and then to complete them all at the same time, open the gates, and the survivor that wasn't able to toggle the RBT will escape throught the hatch, but this won't unlikely happen (especially if you play solo survivor)
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Good players have figured out a counter, the rest just whine like children same ol same ol.
The very last time I tried an all in pig the team did exactly this and it worked well, I tip my hat to them.
No hard feelings either way its only a game.
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or you could farm up whatever points you can, let your head go pop and move on to the next game, no point whining like a baby player no matter what side you are on its only a game.
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many people have powerless lives and they need to feel powerful in a video game. That’s all
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Is it whining when you are actively denied even the chance to win the game because someone stands still? Hardly.
Nothing should deny the chance to win a match that easily, regardless of side.
Also, there’s very little points to farm in these matches. No one’s getting injured therefore no one’s healing, no one’s getting chased therefore no boldness points except totems, survival is completley out the window. That only leaves objective. Even being generous and say that you max it out, that’s ~10k. 13k if you do all totems. That’s nothing.
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It’s a red addon. It’s supposed to be strong and rare.
It’s unreal you keep pushing for killer nerfs, especially on a trash tier killer like Pig meanwhile the devs are thinking about introducing bots to compensate for the lack of killers.
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That only works in 4men swf in voice chat.
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I am not pushing for Killer Nerfs. But something like equipping an Add-On and going "afk" in front of a Box should not be a thing. And there is a difference between strong and unhealthy - this is clearly unhealthy, even if it is not strong.
And if the Devs decide to nerf the Add-On because of it, Killers should at least blame those who exploited it.
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I main both pig and freddy and I agree. I don't want her to get nerfed, I actually think they need to buff her crouch and ambush. She shouldnt be able to block boxes tho.
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If she is AFK like you said, all you have to do is 99% the gen, pop them and solve the boxes together.
Maybe someone will not make it, which is OK, it’s a red addon after all, sorry you did not get that 4 man escape. And yes, it’s RNG, but a lot is RNG in this game anyway.
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Red addons should be rare, but they are not.
And there's a big difference between something being strong, and something having no counter.
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Lmao excuse-me, red addon pig has no counter. I forgot she is a god tier, game breaking meta killer, the queen of DBD.
Oh wait, she is not. She is trash and only good against baby survivors in low ranks where she grabs them off gens.
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It's actually a hockey strat. She's the goalkeeper.
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I main pig. Blocking a box has no counter.
Post edited by Mandy on4 -
People would call for nerfs regardless of who this would be on. It just happens to be Pig, as she’s the only one with a deathtimer like this.
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We already told you what the counter is. Read the thread. She can’t get 4k playing this way.
If you think the game should be balanced around 0k, 4 escape, then all of what you are saying makes sense.
Post edited by Mandy on0 -
I did read the thread.
You shouldnt get a kill by being afk. Even a 2 year old is capable of understanding this concept.
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Your insults tell me enough about who you really main.
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Stating a fact isn't an insult. A killer shouldn't get a kill by being afk. Just because you disagree with this, doesn't mean I main something else, sweetie.
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The “counter” completely falls apart if just 1 survivor isn’t aware or doesn’t care.
No, she can’t get a 4k, but she shouldn’t even get 1k because she’s standing still. She’s done even less than a facecamping Bubba. She did nothing but bring a single add-on, as is near guaranteed a kill because of that alone.
add.: Actually, it’s theoretically possible to 4k doing this. Exceptionally unlikely, sure, but not impossible.
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You implied I was "delusional", "dumb", and I had the intelligence of a "2 year old" because I don’t agree with you.
This is the forum of DBD, not your typical end game chat where you are free to be toxic and rude without consequences.
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I understand the standing still argument. But, is it less cheap than face camping with booba insidious, proxy camping with double range nurse, or blight ? I am main nurse, and I have way cheaper strats than this.
- If 1 survivor is not aware, it’s low MMR. It is sad but nothing can be done here, he has to learn the game. The same way survivors have to learn how to escape a nurse, use windows against booba, ect…
- if he doesn’t care he is throwing the game. The same way he would be throwing by not doing gens, doing unsafe unhook, ect…
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No, I said those things because you are wrong, not because I disagree with you.
This being the dbd forums doesn't make it much better, if at all.
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Going purely by player input, yes, it is substantially cheaper. Bubba, Nurse, whathaveyou still need to win a chase. A Pig running the add-on doesn’t even need to do that. And I never said I approved of facecamping Bubba/Nurse to begin with.
”Low MMR” Ehh… This is a hard argument to buy, regardless of the context.
”Throwing the game” Yes. By your own examples, you’ve seen this isn’t exactly rare.
Though, I have to say that none of this matters because the whole strat is simple BS. It’s not OP—it’s, as Aven said, just unhealthy.
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Anne was being sarcastic 🕳️👩🏻🦯
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It's hard to tell sometimes on here because people there are people in the comments genuinely defending this as acceptable gameplay
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theyre just the better hockey player 😃
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they're both violent?