Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Show SWF groups to players in the lobby



  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146

    You start at MMR 1200. So its not easy to go down for 200. And on the other hand esp. in the evening killers are rare. So can easily get mixed up with swf squad and experience unfair and unfun match. If there are 20 top swf squads but only 5 killers that can compete with them the other 15 swf squads will get a very weak killer. For this killer this is 100% bullshit!

  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146

    They already do an i did too when i still played killer. A private profile?! Oh they wanna hide its swf. Wait some time and then dodge. And you get mixed up with the same group very often. My personal record was 7 attempts to mix me with a probably swf squad. I refused and they waited round about 8 minutes just because of on killer.

    As surv i sometimes have to wait up to 15 minutes until a killer will play with us. And frankly speaking i completely understand them. If there is a server just for all who dont need swf these swf squads have to play killer themself and then they will realize how unfun and unfair it is. Maybe then they will understand.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Private profile often makes people think of hackers to

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    The numbers were illustrative in nature, not exemplary.

    You may complain about disparity in desired killers and ACTUAL killer availability. But this is already a problem with the current system anyhow.

    That's like not asking for what you want because you're afraid of not getting what you want.

    The point is - killers should not be warned with a giant neon sign that says 'DODGE IF YOU DONT WANT SWF' but rather, the numeric behind the scenes should work overtime to try and find more even matchups.

    Instead of rewarding killers that dodge SWF lobbies, just make it so it's less of a deal in the first place by adding a longer que and a more difficult matchup for survivors that tip the game to their favor in this way.

  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146

    No i just put some salt into the wound and its a big wound in deed. And the numbers are not illustrative but the sad truth. And on top your killers cant have a bigger difference than 200. So e.g. your best killer is at 1500 your worst cant get lower than 1300.

    And when dreaming you forgot killers are rare my friend. At a east coast server they got a 1:50 ratio and its not getting better. On the contrary. And if a killer dont want to play SWF no one can force them or dont you think so? The problem is SWF and as long SWF exist the problems will exist.

  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146

    I play 100% no crossplay and if someone has a vac ban i can see it even if his profile his private since you cant hide vac bans at all. And if there is a vac ban i am not interested anylonger. This person had no sruples in the past to cheat and fraud others for the lowest possible motives and therefore i dont trust him (or her) anymore.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I think you're misunderstanding.

    I was using a number as an example of a proposed change. Not as how it does work, or as a literal example of how it may work.

    Sorry for the confusion.

    I'm not expecting a lot of survivors to have 100 or 200 MR - nor am i expecting results that I was putting forward unless major changes were implemented from behavior.


    Killers will return to the game when it gets fun again. The killer drought is a major problem - but it will quickly evaporate once Boon totems are fixed, perks are reworked, and the MMR system sees many QOL improvements. Attracting killers is besides the point anyhow.


    The problem itself is not all about nerfing crossplay, but about placing SWF groups at the top of the food chain instead of averaging their scores out to find a killer.

    As it stands, the MMR system finds 'fair' killer matchups based on the survivor team's cumulative MMR scores.

    While not a massive long terms solution - having SWF teams bumped into ques much more challenging than before, it will cause SWF games to be much more difficult for survivors - who were previously just breezing through them - and would also mean that killers that saw SWF teams would be given survivors that, individually, are far less skilled than non-SWF survivors.

    True, once you get to the top, things get a bit redundant.

    Adding 75% MMR to a team of 9999 MR survivors isn't going to magically summon a 17,500 MR rank into existence. But for the low end killers, the average killers, and even many of the higher end killers - this kind of change would make SWF lobbies a lot more manageable passively by ensuring that the benefits begotten by comms are spread across vastly inferior players.


    To put a more concise mental image on it. Using a very basic and non-literal hyperbole from the old ranking system:

    SWF in brown tier will always get you a Green killer.

    Green tier SWF group will always get a purple killer.

    Purple SWF groups will always get Red rank killers.

    Red rank SWF will always get the best killers currently playing the game.

    It doesn't nerf SWF or make killers dodge ques. It just makes SWF lobbies wait longer for harder killers. And killers get to face overall less challenging survivors that are playing with an advantage.

    This isn't PERFECT at all or anything. It's more than fine to disagree.

    I just have the feeling that you're misunderstanding my original statement, because it sounds like you're challenging my approach based of the MMR numbers i put in there - taking them a bit literally.

  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146

    But if the matches were fair why is it so hard finding a killer and why so many killers dont want to play with swf squads? But for this problem with not enough killers many killers will match up with too strong swf squads thats why i think an information will help. Maybe there will be a few killers who will accept swf or even like the challenge. But most will avoid it.

    And we still forgot solo survs esp. if boon totems and so on will be nerfed. A swf squad can compensate it. For solo survs its getting worse. And bhvr basically did nothing to protect solo survs from this. Thats why i think mixing up all three groups is a fundamental mistake. They should separate them and all players have a chance to decide on them on which mode they wanna play. SWF is still possible but no killer will be forced into it like now.

    Are you english by mothertongue? I am not so this might cause some misunderstanding. If so i am sorry for it. Lets make all points clear. THX!

  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146

    No they do and esp. in evening hours many survs experience this. With more killers avoiding swf more matches will be unfair since they cause a gap and many too strong swf will find even weaker vict... ehm killers who will get more and mor frustrated too. I would call it a vicious circle ..

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    Killers don't need to see it, but I as a survivor would like to be able to see it so that I can dodge 3-man SWF teams who will offer me up like a sacrificial lamb.

  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146

    Camping and tunneling and playin leatherface more often is a reaction to op swf squads. Unfortunately the most weak solo survs suffer even more from it. Separate these groups will improve gaming experience for all in the end. For swf it shouldnt be satisfyin to stomp a weak killer cause system dont want to make them wait for proper killer.

    And if killers and solo survs will find a way to play together toxic bheaviour will reduce too imho

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Well, first off - hopefully we are not miscommunicating.

    All of your concerns are tangential to the original conversation.

    You're speaking of things like the fundamental death of killer players in the community - which is completely different than balancing SWF.

    You're speaking of perk balance and the health of the gameplay - which is completely different than balancing SWF.

    Good points to bring up - but altogether different problems that need different solutions.

    English is my mother tongue.

    I have many friends who have English as a second language, I understand the difficulties.

    All is forgiven, I'm glad we can have a peaceful conversation about a game we both love :)

  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146
    edited April 2022

    Frankly speaking balancing swf might matter. But it would be fine if all (killer and solo survs) can see if there is a swf squad in lobby. I made even bad experiences as solo surv with swf squads. Some just sacrify you others ignore you etc.

    And if there is a match 4 solo survs vs. 1 killer imho survs need some buffs to get a fair match. Its important for killer to. It would even improve mood and reduce toxic behaviour.

    And thx for your patience and understanding :)

  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146

    I experienced it too. Sometimes these swf did know the killer and try to get into his lobby and work together. I prefer a 100% solo random group and some slight buffs for them to make it challenging for both sides. BT and Kindred as base set might help the solo random team and give the killer at least some challenge. But i hope bhvr never implement ingame voice chat. It completely destroys the idea of this great game.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I support showing them after, with a BP multiplier for the killer.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I like that. Take the licks of the match and come out with double BP in a 4 man.

  • Sbrunch
    Sbrunch Member Posts: 43

    Completely agree.

    If killers would then dodge so be it! Let killers chose their fights and come against a 4swf prepared perk and addon-wise.

    You cannot force killers to play unfair games, survivors can suicide and killers cannot give up.

    Either we allow killers to give up or we allow them to lobby dodge swf.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    I said this before on another post and I will say it again.

    I would be willing, to let killers see SWF in the pregame lobby so they can adjust their build or dodge if they want. However, only if survivors get to see which killer and what addons they are running, so they can adjust or dodge as well. This fix would mean that sweaty survivors should only go against sweaty killers, and if they don't, it means one side didn't care.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,427

    Solo q are typically the weak links when matched with swfs - we can't communicate and get a heads up about killer perks or location, and swfs won't stick their neck out as much for us as they would each other. Killers know this, and they won't cut us any slack. 100% if they have to settle for a kill it will be the solo players they go for. Killers being able to see who is a swf and who is solo would just be another disadvantage to solo players imo