Stop Complaining About Killer/Survivor Mains

There are basically none. Most people who play this game play both sides.
Stop crying about 'echo chambers'. There are none: if you actually are a survivor main you will think there are more killer threads than there really are, and vice versa. It's basic cognitive bias. Actually count the threads, it is and has always been pretty much balanced bitching from 'both sides'.
Stop crying over how other people play, and make a critical analysis of how the game itself encourages people to play - and you will find that running the strongest things every game is not a moral failing, but a function of how the game is designed, and the same for camping and tunneling.
Most of the forum is pointless bitching. Such as the PTB forums with a dozen threads where people preface themselves with 'Unlike you snowflake Killer mains I'm not so sensitive' and then proceed to throw a tantrum over crouch animations.
And me? I'm waiting for singleplayer bot games so I can start playing again.
I'm waiting for the day the devs rework Twins and somehow break Demogorgon and give him an instadown Shred
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Twins dont need to be touched, she is better off being the way she is before ruining her and potentially her add ons
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I'm sorry, but this statement is false.
There are lots and lots and lots of people that only play one side. You only have to look at the threads that pop up screaming about Daily Rituals to see that.
I have lost track of the number of times I've been called a hacker because the other side doesn't understand how an opposing side's perk works.
"You have a wall hack!"
"Yes Bunny Feng, that is how I'm All Ears works. Glad you brought Lithe, by the way."
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I'm waiting for singleplayer bot games so I can start playing again.
Oooh, that would be nice. Custom matches with bots would be wonderful. I could play duo with my friend and maybe have fun again, instead of avoiding the game and trying to find a hypnotist who can remove all memories of DbD's existence.
What are the Twins? Is that a boob reference? It can't possibly be a character in DbD, otherwise I would've seen them at some point in the past year.
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I have a lot of friends who are survivor only main and never touched a killer in 3000+h. So, no.
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You joke but given how the spaghetti code works sometimes I fully anticipate this happening
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I wasn't joking. I'm 100% sure something will break as soon as they touch the Twins' code in any way
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Very funny, but just because you dont see a killer in your matches doesnt mean people dont play them
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I don't believe that mainers are in the minority. I mained killer for like a year before ever giving survivor a second glance, and it made me super oblivious to the other side's problems. And that's the problem with people who never play the other side, and I'm talking mostly about survivor mains ngl, because they have these super biased and out-there takes, and because there's so many of them they validate each other without actually having intellectual discussion to support their views. A killer says something like, "I don't think hatch should give free escapes", and you'll hear "REEEE! It's not a free escape, and it actually favors killers! Stop expecting 4k all the time, baby killer who can't even kill everyone!" But there's no substance to a single one of their points. Sometimes what you say does have to be simple, cut and dry, but there's an overabundance of that which, 99% of the time, can't be supported with a scenario or example.
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Yeah, unfortunately I think there are a lot of mains. I think the easiest identifier of a "main" is that their complain about other mains. People tend to assume that other people operate similarly to themselves, and project. So I think there's a good probability that the vast majority of people whining about one type of main or the other are mains themselves.
And similarly to you, I played killer almost exclusively for a long while; like my first 800 hours was all killer. Since then, I'd say I've played more surv by a 2:1, and settled somewhere at 50/50 overall.
But your casual player is probably going to be more likely to play both sides, as that requires learning two sets of mechanics, which is an investment of time. And casual players probably make up the majority.
So yeah, I'd bet most players play one side disproportionally more than the other.
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Very funny, but just because you dont see a killer in your matches often, doesnt mean nobody plays them
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I'm just sad that there are killers I wouldn't know existed if it weren't for their portrait. Twins aren't the only one, but they are at the top for "least seen" by a huge margin.
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I understand, but hey apparently they're getting worked on in the future, I hope they dont ruin them because I am a proud Twins main
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I agree.
We should start complaining about specific mains instead, not generalize a side.
I'll start:
Huntress mains: Why you gotta practice your hatchet throws when I'm on the hook? It's clearly not working against moving targets.
Ace mains should focus more on doing gens instead of moonwalking.
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Very funny, but just because you dont see a killer in your matches often, doesnt mean nobody plays them
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Spirit mains should focus on maining a better Killer, like Demogorgon
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Are you really saying there’s the same number of killer and survivor posts here?
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Hey, all I do is gens, if I'm not looping or healing. Perhaps the occasional totem.
I actually did 4.99 gens myself not long ago, had to tape it , couldn't believe it.
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Rare one then. All the ones I get moonwalk and spam their flashlight.
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I was a Tapp main for the longest time, so perhaps I have not fully embraced the Ace lifestyle.
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The "echo chamber" is right there. You can count the threads and will see that killer make up the far most threads in this forum. thats undeniable.
And you dont have to run the most op things as killer to be fine every game. And you dont have to play like a jerk too. Thats a common misconception in killer mindset, cause most killer players are bad af and dont have any interest in learning how to utilize a killer properly. thats also undeniable.
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In the ptb feedback there’s only 1 survivor comment, mine
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Two things I disagree with: It isn't exclusively mains that complain about other mains. The average player has a reason to complain about mains because, as I said, those people are very biased and for some reason have sway over game balance. Also, I actually think that casual players are far more likely to be mains than not. There are A LOT of solely survivor streamers, who in turn attract casual survivor mains, or inadvertently encourage them to become survivor mains by showcasing, sometimes deceptively, how "fun" and "varied" survivor can be. Same thing with killers.
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👀. *Shocked in Katana*
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Same here. I've met plenty of people who only play survivor, I can't think of anyone I know personally who only plays killer. If they play killer they play both sides.
Most of them say killer is "too stressful" for them to play more. Sounds Familiar lol.
While I agree the complaining gets annoying, I also understand the frustration they're expressing. Its just misdirected imo and could be energy better spent on having a better, more constructive conversation. But this is the internet we're talking about so they'll probably just "Reeee you disagreed, you must not play my side! You must be bad at the game!"
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I've been playing the game since release and it took me two years to ever try killer. I tried trapper and stepped in my own trap & had to get a pep talk from the survivors after match because I did so poorly--AFTER I took another 6 months to try again. My friend also has been playing as long as me, but she only plays killer like... maybe once or twice a year. She mostly just watches my streams when I play. So, there's definitely people who only play one side.