Stop Complaining About Killer/Survivor Mains

There are basically none. Most people who play this game play both sides.

Stop crying about 'echo chambers'. There are none: if you actually are a survivor main you will think there are more killer threads than there really are, and vice versa. It's basic cognitive bias. Actually count the threads, it is and has always been pretty much balanced bitching from 'both sides'.

Stop crying over how other people play, and make a critical analysis of how the game itself encourages people to play - and you will find that running the strongest things every game is not a moral failing, but a function of how the game is designed, and the same for camping and tunneling.

Most of the forum is pointless bitching. Such as the PTB forums with a dozen threads where people preface themselves with 'Unlike you snowflake Killer mains I'm not so sensitive' and then proceed to throw a tantrum over crouch animations.

And me? I'm waiting for singleplayer bot games so I can start playing again.
