Placebo Tablet Rework

Seeing the new Never-Sleep Pills and Prayer Tablet Fragment makes me eager for more direct side grade add-ons that change how the killer plays. Here is a proposition for Blight's Placebo Tablet:
A pill that's utterly ineffective... or is it?
Press the Active Ability button during the Rush to use Placebo Tablet:
- Immediately initiate a Slam without requiring an obstacle.
- Grants 100% Bonus Bloodpoints for Rush Score Events in the Deviousness Category.
- Decreases Rush Movement speed by -15% after using Placebo Tablet until you enter Fatigue.
- Placebo Tablet cannot be used again until you enter Fatigue.
This would hopefully make Placebo Tablet more than a hinderance by allowing the player to choose when they want to shift to a lower gear, as they would continue being the standard 9.2m/s until they Placebo Slam. Some defenses I have seen for the add-on claim that it allows them to have tighter turns at 8m/s, while most detractors of the add-on claim it does worse than nothing. This allows the Placebo Tablet to placebo an obstacle for the Blight to Slam off of, and allow them to have tighter turns, both from the Placebo Slam, and due to their slower speed post Placebo Slam. It also should help with buttery obstacles not bouncing predictably.
Please point out any oversights below. Thank you!
This seems like a fun idea but it'd also make open areas even stronger for Blight, not only making it easy for him to get downs but also giving him some nice solid air to bump off of. I guess that this is partly counteracted by the slower speed, though
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So is it overtuned, and need changes, or is the jury out?
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I don't think it's overtuned per se, but it could make things Blight is already really good at even stronger.
Overall, a pretty good suggestion though. It'd definitely encourage some really creative plays.
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The only problem I see is this also basically says if blight presses the active ability button 3 times he can instantly attack out of rush with minimal time to charge up and nothing needing to be around.
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What? I'm not sure if I understand the 3 times thing. And Blights do instantly bounce off of a wall and instantly attack out of rush already?
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Well heres the thing, press the button once start rushing, press it again bump, press it again start rushing, you have cut out the middle man and made it so the blight doesn't have to plan as much when to start rushing just see a time when it would be a hit then mash the button 3 times.
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Active Ability is the same button Nurse uses to teleport back to a previous location with Jenner's Last Breath. It's not the same button. On PC, to start Rush is m2. Active Ability is Ctrl. For instance, on Hag, m2 to place trap, ctrl to teleport to triggered trap. Blight currently doesn't use his alt ability. I don't know the math, but Slamming an obstacle doesn't mean you're face first against it, you bounce off of it. And the hit doesn't come out instantly. Though I think I'm sort of picking up your concerns. Any advice?
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These meme add-on ideas you've been pumping out are very clever. Really enjoying reading them.
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Appreciate it. Any advice/feedback for these or ideas for some of the other ones? I'm stuck for the rest.
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Honestly? They're much more creative than anything I can come up with and seem to fit the mould of changing up killers' gameplay. I especially like the clown one, deafen is really underutilized and works with the noise they give off.
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You are making very good ideas. I hope some dev sees them.
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Rushes being slower is an interesting idea, because it gives more control instead of being fast fast fast, but it needs to come with something that allows the Blight player to capitalize off that effect. And if the rush is too slow, nothing else matters because the survivors can just react with plenty of downtime to what you're doing.
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That's why the slower speed only triggers after the psuedo bounce. Being able to Slam at any point of a Rush is pretty useful.
Though I am now wondering if triggering the Slam Manually should eat a rush token. Thoughts?
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Would it actually make sense though? Bumping onto nothing mid-rush?
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It's a placebo. The wall is a fake. As far as things making sense, not sure if this is where to draw the line on Blight. Unless that's not what you mean.