Remove Disconnect Penalty after 10mins into Trial

Stop cheaters from taking the game hostage indefinitely.
Remove the disconnect penalty if the game has passed a certain duration.
Hmmm how about this:
If someone DC within the first 5 min of the game, the match would be canceled OR there is no punishmenet for leaving.
If the end game colaps will not end the game, you are able to DC without punishments and you keep all your bloodpoints.
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No. SWFs would abuse this.
If they start losing; 1 would DC, allowing the others to DC. And within 5 minutes? That's more t han enough time to go 'We're losing. Bye.' and bail on the Killer punishment-free.
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I like the idea but they should one stop the cheaters and if the game hits the end game timer it should I don't know actually end the game and if they can't do that then sure D/C penalty off for this.
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IMO experience, majority do not DC at beginning.
They DC when they try to flashlight all game and I ignore them, kill the other 3 then chainsaw chop em at the shack.
Then it's "Abandoned Bonus"
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That's not what I've seen.
Maybe 90% of the DCs I see happen pretty early, often on the first down.
It's a thought, but it would likely be abused.
I'm okay with a penalty-free DC if a game goes really long though.
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They should keep the DC penalties, it’s too easily abused otherwise.
As far as hackers holding the game hostage, I think the game should have an automatic sudden death if nobody scores any points for about five minutes. It’s hard to imagine a scenario where starting a timer to end the game when nothing substantial has happened in five minutes would be a bad thing. At that point either the survivors have either not been doing gens or opening the gates and the killer has been getting and hits or downs or hooks for five minutes straight, it would be a stalemate that I’m pretty sure both sides would just want the game to end in a draw essentially.
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- After 20 minutes; people can leave penalty-free.
- Add an event timer when the End Game Collapse happens; make it the length of the timer's maximum duration (IE: If people were slugged for the whole timer) plus 2 minutes; any Survivors still registering as alive after this timer expires automatically have their accounts flagged for review.
- Make the timer server side, so cheats can't mess with it.
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Cheater: codes a way to give themselves points so the game "thinks" it's still legitimate.
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Points are capped. Even if a hacker spoofs doing scoring events it eventually would hit the 8k cap.
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5 minutes is definitely way too long but they could make it so it doesn't apply for anyone in the swf group. Because if someone's buddy is DCing then maybe it's time to find a new friend to play with anyway lol
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Can't they also just get around the BP caps? Idk how much hackers can do
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It’s probably harder to get around the cap than it is to fake a scoring event since the cap is something that the system is responding to an input versus an input being given to it by the player. Plus if it were possible to override the cap there would probably already be hackers that get 1 million Bloodpoints per match which I don’t think I’ve heard of so far? But who knows? 🤷♂️
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Instead of having the server kick players after 2 hours in a match they should lower it to 30 or 45 minutes. Matches that long are a rarity and it would drastically lessen the time a hacker can attempt to hold a game hostage.
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I'd say push 15 and then it's good. You have to understand some matches can go past the 10min mark, while it's not gonna happen at high mmr I can definitely see alot of low/mid mmr games reach that especially if they're more stealth players
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Oh it could be.
I thought it would be for a solo Q buff like - Someone rage quits because "I don't like this killer REEEEEE" or "I got downed first" etc. So everyone can jump move on and not have ruined game.
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"I would love to DC at my first down every game. Please make it happen bhvr"
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Agree. If someone dcs at like 5 gens everyone else should be allowed to dc without a penalty.
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No. Once again; SWFs would abuse it:
- SWF1 DCs at first down. Rest of SWF DCs without punishment.
- SWF2 DCs at first down. Rest of SWF DCs without punishment.
- SWF3 DCs at first down. Rest of SWF DCs without punishment.
- SWF4 DCs at first down. Rest of SWF DCs without punishment.
- SWF1 DCs at first down. Rest of SWF DCs without punishment.
Add that they will not DC ONLY if they are winning, which will probably happen now and again, and they will literally never get more than the base 5 minute penalty.
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Or, they could force end the match after EGC timer expires instead of waiting for all survivors to die.
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There wouldnt be much of a difference there, since everyone in the SWF would still have to wait for the other one's penalty to end.
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Seems like you didn't read my reply right above you since you would not writte such nonsence like this haha.
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Except they are avoiding heavier penalties.
The idea is not good.
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Bad idea: A DC Penalty needs to exist to prevent the abuse of it; especially the fact a swf teammates can give their teammate Hatch by disconnecting.
I more interested the a Match timer, around 20 minutes before the Endgame Collapse is triggered; especially when no Generators is fully completed, no Hatch has been close, and no Exit gates is powered and open. Yeah, the Survivors will be killed; but at least they get a warning 3 minutes in advanced; and there is a sense of urgency in completing both your objectives instead of playing Hiding Simulator 2022/or cheaters holding the Survivors hostages ans not even starting the Endgame Collapse.
Also, would be nice if the DC Penalties is resets after a month; so that you can gain less timer per less DC. I do get sick of having 5-10 minutes nearly everytime I do encounter cheaters/Toxic SWF whom genrush me with no hooks, map offerings, 4 dead hards, etc.
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To prevent abuse it’d need to be 20-25 minutes imo. After that I’d be fine with penalty-free DCing.
But yes track the end of the EGC and force end the game after that.
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Gates force powered at 25 mins, Killer auto wins and game terminates at 30?
Games can go as long as 20, but unless its a hostage situation, they shouldn't go longer than that.
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No. The amount of salty people who DC because they think they're better than the killer but the killer beat them is still massive, there's no reason to allow them to keep everything they earnt while denying the player who beat them final hook and sacrifice points.
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I would say that if the match last more than 30 mins then you can dc without penalty but anything less than that would not be ok. If you could dc without penalty after 10 mins so many would dc if killer is winning and killer would dc too if match would go badly for him. I would say if killer tunnels you then dc:ing without penalty would be fine but I don't know how that would work or if is even possible to do.