Nerf Pinhead pls too op and strong

Don't get me wrong, I really love Pinhead's implementation into DBD and how unique his kit is (on paper), but with all due respect, it's annoying pls nerf now. Without a coordinated group, Pinhead is more oppressive than Bubba on a hooked survivor. Speaking of Bubba, if you don't count Pinheads tether, Pinhead requires less skill than Bubba. Too many gen too little box = die.
The box genuinely is a no skill natural pressure piece of his kit that grants him insanely slow gameplay based on him doing nothing. He is usually always in a chase too due to him being able to just teleport to the box. And oh em gee my fellow survivor allies that do not believe me say that "oh no just take the box to killer shack or wait until he hooks a survivor gg ez no re". THE BOX, I do not like it. Sure yea just grab the box and run to killer shack, by that time chains will be on my teammates like white on rice. If you wait during chain hunt to open the box, oh well the chains will interrupt YOU OPENING THE BOX so it's harder to solve, giving Pinhead much more window to teleport with again, no skill involved.
Not to even MENTION his busted ass add-ons that are so big and busty that it puts your mom to shame. Iridescent Lament Configuration and Liquified Gore + Larry's Remains are two seriously good add-on situations that make the worst sides of his kit even worse. Now, for the most part, BHVR has listened to the whiny survivor mains and nerfed his unfair add-ons, so good on them. Only if they drove the blade further on this toxic trash killer.
And now, his perks. God his perks are unironically just as annoying as the killer kit itself. A hex perk that can curse 4 totems during the entire game that your team MUST cleanse or else he's a stealth killer the whole game. And god Deadlock just giving the killer no skill gen rush slowdowns, perfect synergy for this killer since he is literally based on 0 skill 100 reward. Imagine if God was a killer and he equipped Plaything and you were deaf your whole life, that's how I feel about Plaything. Pls nerf Plaything BHVR if you care about the health of the game.
Pinhead's influence on the game is him being good just based on how coordinated the survivor group is. I'm sure everyone knows Pinhead is ridiculously good if everyone is a solo que but really mediocre if you have a swf. Another element in this game where solo ques struggle to win and swfs become strong. Another situation of the game that encourages solo ques to quit and swfs to stay and remain strong, which in turn, killers see more swfs and that gets killers to rage quit. It's a cycle, and a cycle that this trash toxic killer encourages and a situation that is and will continue to shrink the player base.
So BHVR, pls nerf pinhead good. I will continue to quit games and force Pinhead to kill me until he becomes balanced to go against.
He just got nerfed mate. I’m pretty sure Nurse and Blight are way more of a priority to nerf than Pinhead.
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And Pinhead doesn’t tf? I’d argue Pinhead takes more skill than both and is also way weaker.
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I just don't see why you can carry a Sadako tape in your inventory with an item but you can't carry a Pinhead box with an item.
I want my flashlight back, I forgot where I picked the box up at.
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Because you have to interact with the box to solve it. With Sadako's tapes, it only changes how you interact with props.
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But I want my flashliiiiiiiiiiight
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He really isn't OP though.
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Welp, time for me to explain yet again why a killer is not OP.
Pinhead's power being annoying is very subjective. And LOL, he is not more oppressive than Leatherface in any way, even when he had unnerfed Engineer's Fang.
I've never understood this idea and this over-emphasis that Pinhead's chains takes no skill. Yes, you could argue that because his chains don't spawn in a set place every time, his power is rng instead of skill, which it is and that hurts the killer player as well a lot of the time. But if you looked hard enough, you could justify the argument that just about every killer power takes no skill. Trapper's trap escape attempts vary, so he takes no skill, and Legion can be near 1 survivor and get an injure or near all the survivors and get 4 injures, so his power takes no skill either. And Freddy is the worst offender of this, because survivors fall asleep automatically, the most skilless power of all!
Before Pinhead's add-ons got nerfed, he was sometimes able to interrupt the solving of the box to get a down AND a chain hunt instead of just teleporting, getting a down, but losing the chain hunt anyway because that's what the tp does. So really, teleporting to the box is something that Pinhead ideally never wants to do unless he's not in chase or defending gens and desperately needs some pressure on someone because he currently has none. And the chains interrupting you while you're solving a box is a bug, not a feature, which can be avoided by going for the box early instead of the last second when the chain hunt starts. You don't even have to solve it; just take Pinhead's power hostage because for some reason simply holding the box stop everyone else's chain hunt!
His add-on nerfs were completely unjustified. Most people absurdly agree that Engineer's Fang was too strong for a pink, even when it had to be combo'd with a green or purple add-on for that effect to be meaningful. But the rest of his add-ons? Nobody can defend why they were nerfed. It's like the devs took every single add-on, bar one or two, that did anything significant and said, "These are toooooo strong!" They were nerfing even his brown add-ons, I mean come on! He has like no strong add-ons now, so I don't know why you're complaining about them.
His perks are model perks, except for Gift of Pain which you failed to mention probably because it's a fine perk (in other words survivors can pretty much ignore its presence in the match, it's so weak). Hex: Plaything is a model hex, even though it gets countered by Spine Chill or SWF, but took a nose dive in playability once boons were out, and with Pentimento it came back into relevance, but now people know better and just boon over all the hexes. Deadlock is slept on and is basically a mid-game Corrupt, and it's a shame that Pain Resonance just ignores it or else more people would use it. It's 30 seconds of blockage and can only work 4 times, totaling to 2 minutes like Corrupt, but that's not regression or anything. It just slows survivors down so that the killer can play the game somewhat normally instead of having to worry about whether they've wasted too many precious seconds being suboptimal (since they're human) to win the match.
I know Pinhead's good against (bad) solos, which makes them want to play SWF and depletes the solo population, but Pinhead did not start this cycle. Survivors being too strong when they play optimal is what started the cycle. And I'm tired of people acting like solos have no clue what they're doing. When they're all bad and are expected to do stupid plays, there I accept that reality. But at higher MMR, it's basically like SWF. BT saves, body blocks, healing, committing to gens, 99ing the gates. Every survivor player is capable of that level of game knowledge and coordination if they just put in effort. It's not the responsibility of killers to simply accept nerfs so that bad solos can beat them. It's the devs responsibility to fix their game and break the cycle of solos being 'weak' but SWF too easy.
I really don't think that people who DC when playing against a specific killer should be talking game balance. It shows they're waiting for the killer to be weakened so that their mediocre skills can finally beat them, instead of learning the killer's counterplay which dramatically increases your chances of winning. When you DC against Pinhead, you create a self-fulfilling prophecy. "He's too strong to beat! Let's DC so I don't have to deal with this!" thereby making him win the match because now it's a 3v1 for the teammates you have betrayed.
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Nerf Pig KAPPA
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Keep on giving Killers kills.
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Pinhead is very weak. He has good stats because noobs won’t solve the damn box. That is the only reason.
The chains don’t prevent you to vault pallets or windows, or even repair generators.
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Have you considered doing the box if your teammates don't?
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lol whut
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None of them can even hit their shots. I hope the devs don't read ur post and agree he needs to be touched because YOU personally don't like him. One of his strengths is relying on the lack of coordination/communication. Play better and learn to go against him
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This right here is the reason the phrase "git gud" was invented.
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Exactly. The only time he is even annoying is when everyone is waiting for everyone else to solve the box, and no one does. Even when he teleports to you it's usually far enough away to make an easy escape.
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Never solve the box until someone gets downed that way you can easily solve it and if he does teleport its away from your downed survivor. you also want to try to do it before a chainhunt like you said. Engy fang was always a bit too rough so it needed adjustment still tho a amazing hellpriest is rare at least. Wait until your mmr goes up and you stop seeing him and start seeing more nurses you will never complain about pinhead again
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I’ll be honest I’m not sure how often you see Pinhead but I literally haven’t seen one in my games in months. I have actually seen more Twins recently than I have Pinhead and Twins has the lowest pick rate.
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Pinhead is the absolute worst to go against in solo queue. I’d much rather face Nurse or Blight as at least with them my ability to escape depends on my looping/mind gaming skills. Pinhead is a mindless GG EZ for killer with solo queue because either nobody does cube and the rest of the match is permanent chain hunt or everybody is going for the cube and nobody is doing gens so the match takes forever and everybody dies with at most two gens done.
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Despite the fact that he was already very weak, he was nerfed.
I'd rather not slam him into Legion tiers of irrelevance.
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I am inevita……pathetic
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The problem with Pinhead is intense slowdown. The Box, Ruin, usually his perk that causes no terror radius. There is never a Pinhead doesn't find the box. Is there a secret I'm not aware of? He simply gobbles up Solos because it takes perfect coordination with the box.
And...he has anti-loop on top of that. A recipe for disaster for casuals trying to enjoy.
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I really hate playing against Pinhead, but he doesn't need a nerf.
Yeah his passive ability is hella annoying, especially in solo queue, but it's the only thing that keeps him being a decent killer. It's easy to avoid if you pay attention to how far along the Chain Hunt timer is and solve the box before that. If anything, solo survivor needs buffs to accommodate for killers like Pinhead.
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How can you hate playing against my boy😞
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I play Solo most of the time and I just find his passive ability annoying to play against. Half of the time my teammates don't do the box and I have to search for it, then Pinhead ends up finding me because he's always somewhere near it, then we just end up dying because of that. But I love playing as him, though.
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Do you think Blight and nurses base kit needs nerfs or just their add ons? Cos I think their base kits are fine.
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Blight add ons but Nurse needs an overhaul.
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Try playing as pinhead and you'll see he's more skillful than Bubba cause last I recall Pinhead doesn't have an insta-down and also if you stay near objects and cover you can avoid his chains pretty easily not to mention you can break them instantly if you go behind anything solid. Deadlock only really useful in certain situations and Plaything isn't that bad considering Boons can appear and just prevent some totems from being lit.
Play the killer and see how well you do because even a good solo as I've seen and played with can outrun a Pinhead and finish all the gens.
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I told you @Tsulan before, see. People just don't like Pinhead, i have always dc or suicide when i play him. I don't know why but he is one of the most hated killers.
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I find Pinhead is the most well designed along with Pig. They have weak chase power but build in slowdown. Long chase is what make the game fun for survivors, but not hurting Gen speed.
Though with current game state, Pinhead is definitely the most effective tunneler & camper. Since 1 survivor can not rushing Gen but the box.
Facing a non tunneling Pinhead is the most fun, but I can say the same vs other killers.
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"Wahh, I lost to a weak Killer, please nerf. Wahhh, he is unfun to go against!"
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Yea, Pinhead is so OP that you see him as offten as the other top tier kil.... Wait... Nevermind...
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Get A Grip!
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That opinion is certainly out there that pinhead takes more skill than blight and nurse, not that I agree with it since in a vacuum pinhead is a normal killer with passive slowdown and at most a projectile to aim
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You summoned me, i came.
All i get from his post is, that SWF is OP. Since he admits that he´s mediocre at best against SWF and since the devs plan on bringing solos to SWF level, he´d be in for a buff.
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just because you don't like his power/mechanics doesn't mean that he need a nerf... actually he's average, nothing special to deal with. imo he needs some buff to his summoning of pain actually (it's easy to juke and when you hit someone with it, it isn't rewarding as you expect since you can break those chains easily by yourself or using the environment). So for me it's a no, he doesn't needs any kind of nerf
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He's not overpowered but he's definitely annoying to play against
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Well if they buff solo survivors, i am not against killer buffs. All killers should be viable at all levels.
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We definetly need more variety on top mmr. Can´t be that there are only 2 or 3 killers, with the amount of killers this game has.
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The Cenobite feels especially painful when only two people are left, and the Lament Configuration appears. Chain Hunts are incredibly annoying when you're the last survivor.
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You're honestly a dumbass for writing this post and thinking he is OP in any way.
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Skill issue
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Ah yes; the old 'I throw matches if the Killer dares play anyone I don't like' entitled Survivor viewpoint. 🙄
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imagine crying about a B tier M1 killer lol.