Told By An Individual That They Hope I Pass Away Slowly!

Just be respectful to your fellow DBD player Guys, It's only a game if the game doesn't go your way or you get tunneled, camped whatever you can vent your frustrations in a respectable manner. For the love of god wishing harm or death on anyone is absolutely disgusting behavior. Hold people accountable for actions yes but in a humane way. Rant over just wanted to share an experience I had last night. Take Care everyone and be safe.
I wish I could say people will take this to heart, but I currently have a new high score of death threats for playing killer.
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It's Absolutely disgusting behavior! No place for it period.
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like from old age?
I got another 60 years at least till I go can't get much slower than that.
Its bascially an insult that's wishing you a long life, I take it insults weren't their strong suit.
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Man, at this point I've got like maybe 5 years.
Maybe these guys will wish me a long life?
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only a single match? this kind of things happens to me on a daily basis (and no, before you even say it i play chill without camping and tunneling, but even in that case it's unjustified behavior nevertheless). it's useless reporting those people with proofs since they won't get banned (i've opened a lot of tickets in those years, noone of them succeded). just laugh of them or straight up ignore what they will say...
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People who say stuff like this are ######### luckily modern video games people actually get banned for chats like that I'm convinced being banned from a video game with that type of talk was impossible before 2017
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Racism, death wishes and other disgusting behaviour. Someone asked a ukranian killer, if he dont have to fight a war instead of tunnling and camping people in dbd.
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Excellent thing that this is bannable
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You could inform them that other’s have expressed similar sentiment, however the outcome wasn’t sustainable, as with each of these comments you always end up achieving full reserection😏
punderstand? 😬
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I mean, I hope we all pass away slowly, over the course of 80 long, healthy years <3
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Sadly that's just how some players are. I've grown used to the amount of death threats and people telling me to off myself in this game. And reporting them does literally nothing.
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Wait for people looking for reasons to blame YOU and tell you, you shouldnt be such a snowflake etc
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Every person I have reported with an additional ticket (when they are on the steam platform) has been perma banned for death threats or if they wished I was dead via self harm. Support team takes those reports seriously.
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Bruh its literally an internet comment its for me one main reasons why i play online to see twiggert players like some people shuld just disable chat
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The best thing to do it either ignore it or make fun of them for it
example, some guy called me racist for killing a Claduette first
i then replied with “the fact that you stayed behind to yell at me for that is funny tbh”
they responded with “I’m not yelling“
I then said “I know you’re yelling, how do I know? Simple, I’m right behind you” and then left
humour is the best way to handle stuff like death threats honestly
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What do you mean by that if you don't mind me asking?
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My health continues to fail me. I can't really eat without being sick, I can barely sleep, I had one organ quit, another is well on its way, I get horrible migraines and I just found out I have a heart problem too.
Sooner or later, something important is going to quit on me. It'd be a modern miracle if my health improves.
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that is what we call a temper tantrum. You can sleep easy tonight knowing you're far more mature, happy and less demented than they are, especiallly because, like you said, its a video game. it doesnt run that deep and anyone who gets THAT upset about losing does not have the mental capacity to understand when they've gone too far, let alone feel remorse for crossing the line. I sincerely apologize you had ot encounter that, but just know you're a a better human than they are.
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@Ruma found them
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not even two posts later, as well.
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I wouldn't wish this kind of scummy behaviour on anybody, it's unfortunate that it happens
I hope you live a very long and prosperous life OP :]
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That is awful, TurtleSushi, I hope you live a long and prosperous life. Don't let that behavior get you down! The people who do that also deserve compassion as quite clearly, they are hurt. Deep down.
Peace and love, brothers and sisters.
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You saying this with the cage over your picture makes this 1000x more hilarious
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Don’t listen to that nonsense ! Hope you live a long and healthy life.
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Unfortunately DBD has one of the most toxic online communities in gaming history.
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I'm really sorry to hear that, man. I know nothing I say will mean much given the circumstance, and I don't know if it's something that can be helped or abstained, but I wish for your comfort and the best results for a possible recovery, if so. Please take care
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It's never good to get a death treat from either Killer or Survivor but, all multiplayer games will have it all the time and there's not much we can do about it. It would be nice if people were more civil rather than hateful in games.
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Really sad
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Damn. How did this even happen?
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Nobody is really sure.
It's apparently unexplainable. I don't really like talking too much about it, but for context in how sick I look, I'm 6'2 and 115 pounds. I look like a hideous skeleton and I don't feel much better than I look.
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then you are lucky... i'm still waiting their bans for those things (even a week ago i reported someone who told me to die... guess what? he's still playing... if you don't believe me i've also the screenshot as a proof to show you)
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You redditors couldn't handle old CoD lobbies.
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That is indeed a rough predicament... Only thing I can really do for you is wish you the best and try and find out what this affliction even is.
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Keyword being old. This is 2022. Please stop trying to drag us back to the early 2000's.
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You shouldn’t let anything a random stranger on internet said to you upset you. Chances are, they would never say the same thing to your face in real life. They want an angry reaction so just say “ok” or “ lol u mad?” to piss them off
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We have to go back.
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Stay strong friend. I also suffer some nasty health issues myself.
But it helped me realise what I couldn't before and think outside the box at least. I would never see life as I see it now if I had different experience.
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Aahhh such a golden time in gaming. You play games where you kill people. Trash talk comes with the territory. If you can't stand the heat there's a block button for ya.