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General Discussions

1 small Quality Of Life buff to your main?



  • Member Posts: 797

    Blight & Nurse: I wish more than anything that Shadowborn was basekit, it would open up so much more build variety having that 4th perk slot open.

    Twins: Revert the Victor hit cooldown nerf, unironically one of the poorest, laziest changes they've ever done.

    Pyramid Head: Make it so there's no slowdown when canceling Rites of Judgment outside of chase, there's no reason for it to give you the slowdown, it just feels clunky.

    Hillbilly: Make the brown overheat addon basekit.

    Trapper: Make the brown glove addon basekit.

  • Member Posts: 424

    Well, people just mentioned two things for Deathslinger. Considering the mere mention of quick scope being back makes people scream and come with a dozen of arguments as to why it shouldn't (even though he was never a strong Killer to begin with, he was just a strong 1v1). I'd be fine if they brought back his 24m terror radius. Out of all the nerfs he got, that's the one that killed him the most.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Billy - improve collision or make it more obvious what is causing collision. Who would win, a sprinting chainsaw maniac or a small twig on a tree? In this game, the twig.

    I think huntress is mostly fine but I wouldn't complain if oak haft was basekit

    I used to main legion and doctor. I think the legion rework is fairly good so no comments. As far as QOL for doctor... high stimulus electrode could be basekit and I think that would bring him up to a better spot and maybe faster recharge time for static blast without would be really nice - always thought a 45 second cooldown would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Delay the roar on the Pig's ambush. There are definitely other changes I'd make, but that one seems like a safe QoL change.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Trapper can 'lob' his traps 5-8 meters while moving, but they take 5 seconds to arm, to prevent using them in a chase. This way; he is not wasting 50% of the match bending over to place his damn traps.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    People have already made some good suggestions for my main, trapper. I've been playing pinhead a lot lately and it would be nice if he didn't break his chains when walking through them.

  • Member Posts: 31

    No more stupid blink charges, like it used to be. I'd agree to trade this for longer blinks+more blinks.

  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited April 2022

    The Shape

    • Evil Within 3 no longer activates when the Evil Within 2 stalk meter is full. The alternative fire now activates Evil Within 3 similar to Oni's Power. This is to give The Shape more control over their power and prevent accidental activation of Evil Within 3 either due to misclicks or latency issues. Activation time takes roughly a second of holding the button down.
  • Member Posts: 46

    It should take longer to destroy a trap with a flashlight against the hag, it's ridiculous that a survivor can do that in the middle of a chase

  • Member Posts: 1,333
  • Member Posts: 438

    For Onryo, I'd like it so that if a survivor doesn't have a video tape, there's some sort of effect that occurs to survivors to encourage them to take a tape. That, or a bigger buff to intermittent invisibility for more mind game potential.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Claudette can now walk through walls and objects.


    Claudette sprouts branches and leaves while crouched and becomes immune to all damage after not moving for 20 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 79

    Make Nemesis be able to break pallets at Level 1 Mutation, Then rework Level 2 to have some other upside to it.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Make Feng Min a little more thicc 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 286

    Some of these suggestions read less like qol and more like buff/rework suggestions 😅

    That being said: Nemo's zombies should really respawn after not significantly moving away from a point on the map for x time (10 secs? - The timer being paused/reset when blinded).

  • Member Posts: 797

    That's not at all what I was saying, and no one asked for your sarcasm.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Remove overheat, reduce stun duration when hitting objects with chainsaw.

  • Member Posts: 795

    Myers, make his stalk quicker when stalking from further away and make him be able to walk through breakable walls while in tier 3 or some type of brute force thing for tier 3.

  • Member Posts: 128

    Trickster-Remove the left/right spread on his knives.

  • Member Posts: 243

    Fix some of the chainsaw collisionbaround vegetation, you bump into thin air sometimes which feels incredibly bad. But please do not touch sky or spacebilly...

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