List of survivors who are good and bad survivors according to the mmr system.

Acoording to the mmr system, these survivors are amazing:
1) A Claudette that hides in bushes all game, lets the teammates die and then uses a key or the perk left behind to escape is likely to get to a very high mmr.
2) The selfish teammate that lets everyone else carry him and leaves them to die on hook because he wants to rush the gates supposedly did a good job.
3) The teammate that sacrificed himself to save 3 other survivors from certain death but dies in the end is a worse player than the one who just escapes and lets everyone die, even though there were 3 escapes instead of just 1.
I could go on for a long time, but you get the point. However, since the killer mmr system is good, it means that good survivors that are not selfish will keep bullying new killers but still die because they will sacrifice themselves or protect their team, so it kinds of gets boring due to only facing low level killers.
The devs say they do not want to base mmr on the number of escapes because this game is designed for selfish survivors that only care about themselves to prevail or whatever, but then mmr is hidden, so really their is no trophy you can show off for your selfishness, so you might as well make the mmr based on skill?
I mean the number of times I have sacrificed my self so others could get out suggests I am bad. The number of survivors who are lower grade then me (Iri 1 mid reset usually) and them being ash and telling me I'm trash is astonishing. The fact that you can't see MMR and don't know that Grade does not = your real rank makes it even harder. Love the messages from the teammate who legit touched a gen for a second get down in 5 secs of a chase that messages me. I just send them video clips of their chase and my chase that lasted a full 2 gens they usually return to the wood work because they release the are not as good as they think.
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Couple things:
Hatch doesn't affect MMR. It's counted as null.
I wouldn't necessarily equate leaving teammates behind as selfish. Difference between selfish and smart. There's often not a whole lot you can do in the endgame if the killer is remotely competent. Not really fair to say the person on the hook has a right to a hook trade, which is almost certain to happen. And it's not a smart play to turn a 1k or 2k into 3k/4k going for a risky save. It's awesome if you pull it off and have the perks to do it, but nothing wrong with leaving if the player doesn't have the loadout or numbers to pull it off.
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Just had a yui as a teammate who was an absolute god. She ran huntress for like 4 gens on midwich before she got downed by noed and facecamped. Clearly she was just not as good as me and the other 2 who just held m1 on gens. We escaped after all.
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With the rank system, I didn't care if I survived by surviving or 4K by killer since I could achieve Rank I through the overall quality of my match.
With the MMR system, I became a selfish survivor who would rather escape than help teammates and a killer who camp/tunnel to rack up the most kills to keep my MMR. But that doesn't amuse me.
Aside from all these issues, BHVR continues to claim that MMR works well.