Why is BHVR afraid of making strong perks. (Nerfing on/before release or leaving them weak)

Yes I know there a strong perks on either side I'm just talking about in recent History
are they afraid because of the backlash of "Boon: Circle of Healing"
Its fine to test out perks and then tone them down later if needed
But they Nerfed "Parental Guidance" Before Public release when it had a good chance of being somewhat strong it wasn't 2 strong but the nerf that they give even though it seems small kind of killed any chance for this perk to reach the spotlight.
Then they make a perk that should of been a default or even tied to "Technician" I'm talking about "Corrective action"
While I think the Perk "Boon: Exponential" isn't horrible , its another perk that relies Heavily on it being used in a SWF.
Another example of a lackluster perk is "merciless storm", Its another perk in my opinion that punishes solo queue and low rank players while doing almost nothing to high rank survivors or SWF Example: "Knockout"
"Coup De Grace" Got nerfed before live even when it had such a mediocre effect, even before the nerf it was bad.
rant i guess. just sick of the meta.
Parental Guidance got overnerfed. Should’ve been 8 seconds.
Corrective Action is okay for what it’s meant to do. It’s meant for newer players and that’s okay. Technician needs to lose its extra regression penalty though.
Exponential is bad and will always be bad until they fix boons. Until then it can’t be made a good perk without making it busted.
Storm just feels like a complete meme ngl. It’s funny on doctor though.
Coup de Grace never should’ve been nerfed, literally nobody complained about it.
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Sad how they keep doing this
No wonder people constantly suck up to the meta
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CoH is broken. The devs have two problems. Addressing core gameplay issues through perks (BT/DS), and the solo Q / SWF gap.
Do we need more DMS? Nah
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They also don’t understand the problems with certain perks and/or how to change them.
For example, they buffed boil over but made it absolutely broken, and buffed buckle up and furtive chase in a way that kept them terrible. I won’t lose my stacks on furtive chase for killing the obsession anymore? Cool, now instead of being useless half the game and deactivating, it can just be equally useless all game.
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The problem i have with perks that "Are for newer players" is that they are locked behind a paywall making them meaningless.
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That is true.
I mean if anything CA and technician could be the same perk and people still wouldn’t use it. But let’s face it that’s never gonna happen anyways.
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They can't introduce strong perks that shake up the meta because the meta is broken. Also releasing a perk and then toning it down months later is not alright. That's how we got into the mess with CoH and old MoM.
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I don't think "Parental Guidance" should of been nerfed at all. especially since most killers unless they are running enduring or spirit fury maybe nemesis(the perk) will bait the pallet and such. stuns are much harder/ less frequent at higher level play.
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I do agree they should be taking quicker action but they fixed boil over (good perk not busted anymore) and CoH there still trying to fix. and i think its good
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Meh I think 10s was a bit much. But 7 is not enough.
Unfortunately the survivor meta is full of perks which are either broken, or are necessary to deal with certain killers and playstyles (BT and DS). So a perk that would shake up the meta would very likely also be broken, which COH was and still is.
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Because they can't seem to differentiate between perks that will be brokenly strong and perks that won't.
Ie, nerfing Coup de Grace in the PTB but Circle of Healing made it through and is still crazy 6 months later.
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I dont really think it was a bit much at all, giving me a " a wee bit overpowered"
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I dont mind if perks are stupidly strong for a little bit as long as they dont take the same ammount of time to nerf or balance them like circle of healing
its not a bad thing to test extreme ideas
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Well, this goes back to BHVR being extremely slow at updating.
I wouldn't be so upset about the lackluster Ghostface changes if it meant he'd be buffed soon.
Adjusting 1.5 Killers per patch and changing 5 perks per patch was great in 2018 when I started playing, but the game is WAY too big now.
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I wouldn't mind if they took more time on midchapter patches, the legion(awesome music) , ghost face(awful music and they kinda nerfed him a little) and Haddonfield (even if I think its a horrible rework of Haddonfield) are nice to see all done in one patch, i hope with the twins changes they make them less sluggish to play
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Perks are already too strong, if anything they should tone down all the meta perks.
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Because they have no idea where they want perk powerlevels to be. Things like dead hard have been untouched (buffed if you count validation) but they nerf parental guidance and put stuff like corrective action in the game. They can't make perks stronger than DH (see: boon healing situation) but they need to decide where they want the powerlevel to be. imo balanced landing is a good power level, situationally strong but not amazing in every situation. I think that's what perks should be, you choosing which circumstances you excel in, not be overall amazing.
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I think I'm gonna make a more indepth thread on this topic at some point as I've got a lot to say on the matter of perk balance and the like.
Let's take Boil Over as Example #1:
It was a useless waste of a perk for many years, they finally decide to buff it and give it a secondary effect so overwhelmingly strong that not only did it have to be nerfed, not only did it cause RPD and Eyrie of Crows to be edited but It's also being nerfed again.
Now I want to raise the question, why did BHVR make Boil Over such a strong perk without taking into consideration how much it would be (and was) abused? Was it simply the case that they came up with the idea, made it work and just figured if it was too much they could just scale it down?
Personally I like that they were willing to take a completely uninteresting perk like boil over and make it actually do something, the problem is that the perk was:
A) Easily abuseable due to maps, other perk combos and coordination
B) Perks that cause the killer trouble with hooking are generally kind of unhealthy because they cause situations where the killer physically cannot hook you and has to bleed you out. DS doesn't count as one of these perks, as it's on a timer and it's conditional - not always active
Now let's take Buckle Up as Example #2:
It's a useless waste of a perk (As part of a money only DLC I might add) that has two effects that both do nothing. What did BHVR do to rectify it? Added 4 seconds to an effect that barely goes off. Disappointing.
I can only speak for myself in saying that, I wish BHVR would just take all of the garbage perks on both sides and re-do them from scratch.
(mostly applies to survivor perks though ngl, their good perks are so good it feels like there's no point using anything else, killer at least has some variety)
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but now they have nerfed it twice again and in my eyes it has become a good, but not op perk
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I think it's perfectly fine in the coming midchapter
I'm more so wondering what their logic is when it comes to changes like this. Even in the PTB I think we (as a community) made it quite clear Boil Over was going to cause so many problems but it hit live anyway
But then you get stuff like Buckle Up which was useless and is still useless. Makes me sad
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Yes im not denying that they take too long to nerf some things. and that some 2 strong perks leave ptb. but then they nerf weak perks for no reason its like they spin a wheel.
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The only possible explanations I can think of as to why some things do/don't get changes might simply be because of a 'wait and see' attitude, QA testers or maybe BHVR isn't aware how strong/weak something really is
I'm not sure, but you're right the logic behind changes seems a bit random sometimes - Parental Guidance is a good perk but the main way to get use out of it is pallet stuns and most good killers don't let themselves get stunned. Usually.
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On killer side, everyone knows the answer: because of the ***** nurse!
Imagine how fun starstruck / i'm all ears / (10+ perks) could be if this ass killer did not exist!
Delete nurse, then huge buff for all fun perks, tia :)
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I agree that nurse should of never been a thing, but not that she's here we are stuck with her.
I never want to see a killer like nurse again