Thinking about changing to a toxic killer playstyle permanently



  • ElmosPayPig
    ElmosPayPig Member Posts: 128

    casuals are often the biggest elists from what I've seen. They always try to force people to play the "fun" way or else they are just some "sweaty try hard".

    Solo survivor is very viable, the problem is survivors in general are dumb and casual and rely so heavily on swf discord voice comms it's not even funny.

    The game needs a text chat already so the devs can balance around the survivors having communication, instead of just pretending like they don't talk to eachother over comms most of the time.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I only play solo survivor and I have above 5k hours and only play on crossplay off, which is way sweatier than cross on where "casuals" hang out in.

    Not wanting to be facecamped doesn't mean you're a casual, means I want to play the game.

    And no, this game does not need text chat because not everyone speaks english, so it would be pointless.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Staying still is not playing the game. You don't really know what "toxic" means do you?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Ugh yeah I do and people like you misuse the term so often it’s lost all meaning.

    I’ll tell you what it doesn’t mean “they played in a way I don’t like boo hoo”.

    All players are still in play even if camping and being camped. I’m sorry you lack the emotional maturity to deal with that fact but that’s a you problem.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Its just there is a disparity between what people expect from a game and what can happen in game.

    When people don’t get what they expect/want they get upset and call the other side toxic.

    It’s not toxic to try and win, it’s not toxic to be good at the game, it’s not toxic to play within the rules leveraging every advantage you can if you want.

    I have an expectation of what I want from the game, I dislike obnoxious play, but just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean I get to dictate how other people have fun.

    As an adult I enjoy the fun games and plow through the bad ones and move on.

    It’s as simple as that.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090
    edited April 2022

    You were the one using the word toxic, not me.

    I also find it hilarious how you're saying I'm the one missing the "emotional maturity" when i'm not the one trying to make people's games boring because I lost in the games before". Can you explain that for us?

  • ElmosPayPig
    ElmosPayPig Member Posts: 128

    Why does it matter if everyone doesn't speak english? The option to talk to people in game is always useful and if they don't speak your language then you just don't talk to them lol.

    Voice chat and text chat worked great in BHVRs other game, Deathgarden(rip).

    Also having high hours in a game doesn't mean you can't be a casual. It depends on your competitive mindset and how you play. And if you don't wanna get facecamped, don't get caught or hope your team is smart enough to coordinate a save or do gens.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Because if you add communication it is supposed to help people, you know, communicate. How do you communicate with people who dont type the same language as you? You don't. Same issue applies to voice chat.

    Yes, teams would be more coordinated, with communication...................... vc and text just aint it.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Sure let me explain it for you...

    The toxic in this case extends to people upsetting themselves over not having a fun game. Wanting to impose your version of fun on everyone is not a healthy mindset to have. Making it a reason to get angry at the game is also unhealthy. Moreso than the unhealthy mindset the OP has about playstyles and toxicity. The OP wants to play "toxic" to punish survivors but the only thing toxic is their poor mindset about the game. Camping and tunneling are just gameplay.

    Let me quote you "Why launch the game if you're not even playing it? Genuine question" Hate to say it but camping is still playing the game... genuine answer.

    Why ask such a silly question when all it does is telegraph you have a idea of what "playing the game is" and that people who don't share that idea shouldn't play.

    That's a recipe for upsetting yourself, upsetting yourself leads people to get aggressive over the game, which leads to people abusing and belittling others in a genuinely toxic manner.

    I never said you misused the term toxic but rather given its the central theme of the post I pointed out its often misused. Its not all about you, but in reply I did point out how your approach the game is part of the problem. Fixing that problem starts with the player base growing up a little about how they react to gameplay.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 458

    its hilarious when survs spam vault in an empty map to get you to leave the hook or gens and its like

    Thanks for advertising your doing literally nothing! ill continue to ignore you while i go after the people actually causing a threat.

    survs trying to get me to chase them usually just tells me not to chase them because they either are very confident in their looping(and i cant counter loop well at all), or they are screening for another move being made by the others.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137

    Nothing in this game is inherently toxic. Now going out of your way to personally insult someone or message you through steam comments, xbox/playstation messages and even streams is.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Bubba is made for camping but can play either style, it's not "Toxic" as you call it but rather a defensive playstyle.