Perk idea "Strong Hands"

DogeDogeMan Member Posts: 22
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

You have trained a lot, so heavy items are nothing for you.

Pallet stuns are 1/1.5/2 seconds longer, but a successful stun will break the pallet. An unsuccessful stun will break after 2 vaults.

Off-perk idea: Pallets should break after 5 vaults.

Post edited by DogeDogeMan on


  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Every pallet stun will be longer than DS's stun? No thanks. Seriously, no thanks.

  • DogeDogeMan
    DogeDogeMan Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2022

    Here is the change log:

    Version 1: Pallet stuns are 2/3/4 seconds longer, but a successful stun will break the pallet.

    Version 2: Pallet stuns are 2/2.5/3 seconds longer, but a successful stun will break the pallet. An unsuccessful stun will break after 2 vaults.

    Version 3: Pallet stuns are 1/1.5/2 seconds longer, but a successful stun will break the pallet. An unsuccessful stun will break after 2 vaults.

    Post edited by DogeDogeMan on
  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    I like this idea a lot actually. I think making vaulting the pallets break them is a bit too far in an effort to keep it from being too strong. I think the pallet breaking itself keeps it from being too strong. And pallet stuns arent always consistent, so a longer stun seems like a decent rewarding for getting one.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I could see this being an exhaustion perk, but it's far too general.

    Sadly, there are entire maps that are festooned with DOZENS of pallets.

    Especially if multiple survivors take a perk like this, the value can become immeasurable and, sadly, killers will have no way to counter it - they just have to accept the fact that a bad pallet hitbox or a cheeky stun will render them useless for 6 seconds.

    Even if killers that respect pallets will see it destroyed before their eyes - it serves very little 'interest' in the game, especially when pallet stuns are a part of the meta in general.

    This places the perk idea in a 'lose lose' bin.

    The survivor loses out because if the killer respects the pallet, they are basically dead.

    The killer loses out because if they ever get hit with a pallet - they're stunned for more than twice as long.

    I can see the high-risk-high-reward logic behind it, but I do believe that, tragically, it will make the game unfun for both players involved.