Dead hard shouldn't make you invincible

It doesn't make sense game wise and logic wise. I dont think dead hard is completely broken but the fact that you are invincible for the moment is just stupid.
Traps: It doesn't make sense that they not capture you...your not jumping over them your just moving faster trough them.
Hatches/Main weopon: It doesn't make sense when you hit the survivor, they even give the blood hit effect but just continue moving. The weopon is hitting you even when you dash in a direction for a moment.
Dead hard can keep his distance but it doesn't make sense that your are invincible, especially not when you are dead harding towards the killer and he swings. Just remove the invincible frame and the perk is balanced.
So you want just the distance?
Brace yourself for what's to come.
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I know I will suffer now
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The distance is worse than the I-Frames
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I find it more annoying if they dead hard, my weopon is basically in there back and the game says "lol no nothing happend"
I stopped playing Trapper because of a few reasons but dead hard Was a big one. Oh the survivor can dead hard over the trap and nothing happens, how fun, thanks for the awesome Power.
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How about it's just deleted and replaced with a well-designed and balanced perk instead, which doesn't rely on twitch reflexes that don't work with latency anyway.
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Well what would your idea be then?
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A good rework would be to make Dead Hard a token perk... You start the trial with 3 tokens and if you Dead Hard you consume a token You can use it whilst healthy or injured. Problem Solved.
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The distance is what makes DH busted.
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This is terrible for survivors who aren't cracked at dbd.
Well, not necessarily. I think that traps should trap you, but you should be invincible to killer attacks, but that is all you're invincible to.
DH is basically what allows me to survive during a chase (if I'm running it which I usually don't)
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How about making dead hard give you a 2-3 second sprint burst for actually dodging a hit by either window faking or spinning.
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This, but let's be honest. The survivor community ain't ready to talk about Risk/Reward