DbD id Dying?

I have more than 5000h and I am worried about the state of the game. The game is worse than ever. I would say that the problem is that people are told that playing as an assassin if you don't kill the four survivors you have lost and playing as survivors if you escape you have won. Proof of this is that they are rewarded with points, instead of rewarding the skill, knowledge and cunning of the players. This causes the killers to tunnel and Camp and the survivors to abandon their companions and not help, ruining the experience and essence of the game. it is difficult to regulate this problem by adjusting perks since it would cause injustice in other cases, but at least they should penalize with points and thus motivate players to hunt and cooperate. For example: If a murderer camp and tunnel a survivor and later returns to the lobby with 5000 points, he would end up understanding that he has to try harder. And a survivor if he leaves an equal partner lying. But since they win more than 25k playing like this... well, they don't make an effort to play, and they keep doing it because that's how they "win", and meanwhile the game dies.
Worse than ever? Nah
Do things need to change? Definitely!
But the games not dying....
Edit: Dropped in players? Sure but mmr will do that, still a big playerbase and other games survive with less.
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I don't think the game is dying yet, there are way less players on steam every month, but nothing to consider it a "dying" game. I do believe that the game could start having issues if the devs don't fix the balance problems, grind, hackers and overall "unfun" ambient the game is getting. Specially considering there are a lot of asymm games coming very very soon.
Me and my swf moved to VHS as soon as we all got a key for it, and unsurprinsigly, not even the most DBD fanboy of my friends even thought to come back to dbd lol
But there are a lot more coming like the evil dead or leatherface games, so I'm pretty sure those who've been playing DBD the longest are the ones that will move first.
But even if it wasn't for old players leaving, the grind makes new players impossible to come and play (having to spend millions of BP but facing people with way more hours than them isn't really fun). For example, I hoped into the account of a friend who hadn't played killer yet, and faced survivors with the same playtime as I do in my main account (2k hours).
So, maybe, with the amount of issues DBD isn't fixing and haven't for years, plus new fun games of the same genre coming soon, I do think it could impact negatively this game. And I hope so too, maybe that way devs will actually start handling issues with this game.
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Its a lie spread by streamers.
Every year march-april is the lowest player numbers in dbd.
Nothing to do with state of the game.
Dowsey just want a game without mmr so he can 300 games in a row with 4k, like used to when there was on mmr in the game.
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Game is not dying but it is not at good state.
Old players are leaving game because they have not fun anymore.
New players are leaving game because grind is insane.
What is BHVR doing? Trying fix anything? No. Sadly, no.
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Nah during day I never find a game as killer and during night I get fast killer queues, and still relatively fast survivor queues,
definitely not dying.
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The game is slowly dying and till they fix the many issue it won't stop
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"Assassin" "Murderer" "Companion" ? Yeah this dude is trolling, I can't take this post seriously LMAO.
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Just a translation thing I suspect, some nationalities call the killer 'the maniac' in English lol. Sounds weird but I guess it still makes sense
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"DbD id Dying?"
It must be. I didn't even know DBD I.D. was a Thing. Is it like an identif card but instead of a photo of yourself it's your forum avatar?
(Looks at photo of the Doctor) "Still better than my driver's license picture.. "
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Bueno como veo q sois unos espavilaos lo pongo sin traducir. Lo d mencionar al killer como maníaco o como sea lo hace el corrector lumbreras. Q xa dato en cada país se dice diferente igual q los nombres d los Killers xa q le des un pokito de trabajo a la ameba q tienes.
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Im waiting on the Leatherface game cause it will have three killers including the grampa.
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I can’t be the only one that rolls their eyes when they bring up the steam charts lmao
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Dying? Yeah.
Anywhere close to dead? No.
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The monthly Dbd is dying thread has arrived.
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Steam charts are only info we have about playerbase but yeah. We have not info about other platforms.
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I think we all know that dbds player base is huge on the PlayStation 2
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What about atari
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Even bigger. Now all the dbd players play on the gameboy. That platform has the biggest pool of players
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Sad thing this Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 have more players on steam and console combined than DbD has now.
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I can't wait for DBD to come out on my vintage Colecovision!
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Yeah it is and they can't stop it. Their only hope is to constantly release the game on different platforms and milk the new arrivals until they realise how busted the game is.
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Regardless of the game's state of play - I completely agree that camp/tunnel players should be punished with the Bloodpoint system - by either adding negative scoring events or by stunting the BP gains from those particular aspects of gameplay.