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I Honestly Don't Understand How CoH Ever Got Added



  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Even still, that doesn't fix anything else about the rest of the perks. Boons being unlimited means individual boon perks can only be so good without being busted. I would rather they just change the system in general and then readjust each of the 4 perks to be balanced with those changes, rather than having to make special exceptions to the rules for COH.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Boons being able to be infinitely relit is a concept that should, instead, be capitalised on. Instead of limiting the usefulness of boons, and making them completely redundant like most survivor perks, why not put a timer on them? Since CoH is the complaint here, let's say the boon deactivates after 45 - 60 seconds and will need to be reactivated.

    It should be active long enough for a single heal after just being activated, but not long enough for it to be a problem. This means the killer won't have to snuff it, it creates a scenario where at least one person has to do something other than gens, and it's still strong enough to be a better pick than self-care.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    As a former dev stated "boons are a secondary objective"

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Because a game should be fun for both sides. When one side is the victim being hunted and slashed, it should be that they are able to heal if they wanted to.

    Not doing the primary objective and spending a lot of time to setup a way to heal is actually a huge buff for killers.

    I can't believe killers don't see that.

    I also can't believe BHVR nerfed it like 3 or 4 times.

    DBD is not supposed to be fun. A 4K simulator.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Yeah, well, that dev missed a few things:

    1. Survivors have 4 people, so 1 can do a 'secondary objective' while 3 do the primary.
    2. Killers are 1 Killer, so if he's doing a 'secondary objective', he's not doing his primary, which helps Survivors do their primary uninterrupted.
  • Member Posts: 1,838
    edited April 2022

    Not doing the primary objective and spending a lot of time to setup a way to heal is actually a huge buff for killers.

    I don't know if you are either a troll or just unable to see the Killer side, but see my above post about how Survivors can do 2 objectives at the same time, and Killers can't.

    It's in no way a Killer buff to anyone looking at the game mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    You are forgetting killer perks are very oppressive. When you have a HEX perk, you are literally in more than one place because you are slowing down all of the survivors. When Ruin is active, it won't cleanse on its own. Without any effort on the killer, somebody is forced to find a very difficult to locate totem - slowing them down. I've seen Ruin or Devour Hope go until all the way to the end. CoH doesn't win games.

  • Member Posts: 1,838


    Coh wins games all the time.

    You also fail to remember that 1 Survivor can cleanse Ruin while 3 Survivors work on gens. Again; Survivors can do 'secondary objectives' without STOPPING their primary objective. Survivors can do gens AND Boon a totem. Survivors can do gens AND break Ruin.

    Killers CANNOT. Killer's can't defend totems AND patrol gens. Killers can't snuff CoH AND chase Survivors. Hell, Killer's cant's chase Survivors and pressure gens, even.

    Sure, Survivors get 'slowed down' by having 1 or 2 Boon/Hex hunt. But Killers get outright STOPPED when they have to Boon hunt.

    Killers are not half as oppressive as you like to pretend.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    The only time Circle of Healing is better than Self-Care, speed-wise, is if Circle of Healing is within 2 seconds walk of the aura and a generator, lol. It's a horrible perk now. If you are more than 3 seconds away from the Circle of Healing aura, you're better off using Self Care.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    Self Care is considered a bad perk because it takes so long to heal. Why would a smart survivor waste a perk slot of Circle of Healing, which actually takes longer than Self-Care to use. You are basically giving Self-Care to everyone on your team.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Circle of Healing only takes longer than Self-Care to use because of the time it takes to set it up. Time that the other three survivors don't have to put in, because it's already been set up.

    Ergo, CoH is better than Self-Care for the whole team, just not if you only consider the person who brought it.

  • Member Posts: 8,314


    Also, why is each successive heal marked as 31 when the numbers only add up to 25?

  • Member Posts: 370
    edited April 2022

    Do you understand :

    • why DH is still here ?
    • why play with your food has been added ?
    • why ruin is sometimes too strong and sometimes too weak in a "competitive" game ?
    • why there are 25 pallets on the game ?
    • why there are tons of windows, sometimes creating infinities that you can't block with bamboozle ?
    • why on some maps you have 2 to 3 LT spawning face to face ?
    • why BT is usable to do a protect hit instead of only to avoid tunneling ?
    • why you can equip DH/DS and being under BT all at the same time ?
    • why there are still strong items for survivors to heal in 5 seconds and repair gens in 40 seconds ?
    • why they implemented the curve possibility to Billy but made almost all the tiles impossible to curve properly on ?
    • why resonance of pain + dead man's switch is a possible combo - op when all scourge hooks are well placed ?
    • why hag can still set traps next to saves while other killers cannot place their power next to saves ?
    • why the nurse is still in the game ?
    • why gen speed is still so fast and why the killers are still forced to use 3 to 4 gen regression perks to just make the gen rush 1 minute longer ?
    • why they have locked the Oni rotation during the rush but forgot to fix the exploit to get 180 turns ?
    • why you need to use exploits with Blight to perform ?

    Well i can continue the list but i'm tired of this. There is clearly a problem in the game design and the ppl working on it should re-think many things cause it is wrong but guess what, they think they are right and we are wrong.

    Do you need us to tell you why all those flaws are in the game, unfixed for years, and why everyone, even the biggest DbD streamers are saying the game is garbage now ? Most of them have left the boat.

    Don't you have an idea on why the game is this way ?

  • Member Posts: 911

    People underestimate how helpful being healthy is, and how useful it can be to heal yourself whenever you want without running out of medkit charges. Those 32 seconds of healing can translate into a 60 second longer chase. Being time efficient is great and all, but running Resilience and glueing to gens the entire game isn't helpful when you need to unhook RIGHT NOW and everyone is injured.

    Healing up with SC or CoH takes time, but it's an investment that will almost always pay off unless you're playing against an insta-down killer. If the only thing needed to escape as survivor was time efficiency, you would see No Mither + Resilience + Prove Thyself and tricked out toolboxes every single game on every single survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Survivors can't do gens and do Totems either. And save other survivors, help those on the floor, do this and do that.

    You act like a killer has to drop everything they are doing and find the boon when they hear it. They aren't that strong. You don't do that when someone has self-care so it is not that imperative for the boon either.

    Hexes? Oh my. They are strong enough they have to be found, otherwise, Ruins continues to remove progress, Devour Hope is 1-shot, Lullaby causes impossible skilchecks, Blood Favor causes pallets to be locked. These are all very debilitating for the survivor. They have to be found.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Survivors can't do gens and do Totems either. And save other survivors, help those on the floor, do this and do that.

    Yes, they can. They, literally, can do 4 things at the same time, because there are 4 of them.

    You act like a killer has to drop everything they are doing and find the boon when they hear it. They aren't that strong. You don't do that when someone has self-care so it is not that imperative for the boon either.

    For CoH; yes, he has too. If he lets a Survivor go after hitting them, and CoH is in play? That Survivor is healed less than 30 seconds later. The Killer's entire 60+ second chase is erased in under 30 seconds. And will continue to be erased unless he tunnels (which Survivors whine about non-stop), or removes the boon (Which then gets re-applied once he leaves the area to chase survivors/patrol gens/hook someone)

    Hexes? Oh my. They are strong enough they have to be found, otherwise, Ruins continues to remove progress, Devour Hope is 1-shot, Lullaby causes impossible skilchecks, Blood Favor causes pallets to be locked. These are all very debilitating for the survivor. They have to be found.

    So does CoH. It removes the Killer's progress. It can remove the entire affect of 1 chase, which can be upwards of 60-80 seconds, with pallets, good loops, Dead Hard. Not to mention if Survivors sabo hooks, or a flashy or pallet save, & the Survivor wriggles free, runs off, and heals at CoH.

    You seem to have a habit of ignoring or massively inflating anything Killer-based while trying your hardest to make Survivors sound as under-powered as possible.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    But that is your fault for losing that survivor. They can only heal if you lost them. A lot has to happen before they can heal.

    Find totem and bless it (search time + blessing time). After escaped a chase, they then have to go to the whatever corner of the map to heal (several seconds of running in the open + healing which is now painfully slow like self-care). All of this time not doing gens. That is a lot of time.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Allot of time for ONE Survivor, while 3 do gens; 1 chased? 3 on gens. 1 Booning totem? 3 on gens.

    Meanwhile; Killer has to find totem & snuff it. And no one is doing chases or kicking gens while he does that.

    On top of that; the healing speed is given to ALL FOUR Survivors, meaning 1 person in an SWF bringing CoH leaves the other 3 to run full-META (though CoH is META in it's own right). Basically 1 CoH = 3 free perks; 1 per Survivor using it.

    And once it's been used twice; it's now paid for it's time investment for Survivors via less time spent healing.

  • Member Posts: 440

    Had a match in Ormund as Myers, had to snuff out the same totem like 8 times lol, cost me 2 gens walking up over there to snuff it out all the time.

  • Member Posts: 10,286
    edited April 2022

    They were a bad idea. Perks that give 4 survivors a perk from 1 survivor equipping them usually are.

  • Member Posts: 768

    isn't it obvious

  • Member Posts: 123

    Funny thing is that solo que survivors still get 4ked despite perks as strong as CoH, not only that but the amount of time wasted blessing a boon and subsequently having even the most competent killer chain snuff them out back to back to back results in almost a detrimental perk. Boons are hilariously easy to deal with, you can literally hear them as far as survivors can and then walk over and snuff it out, it's never going to get value as long as the killer knows exactly where you're blessing them at which is a one time discovery.

    Here's the real question, how can we give solo que players in lower ranks, probably 90% of the player base, the tools to not get tunneled or proxy camped out of the match leading to a ######### tier gaming experience? Borrowed Time? Decisive Strike? The only tools available buy you a few seconds only to get tunneled or camped again. Who cares if the whole team can heal when killers are just tunneling and camping more than half of all matches and going uncontested because the devs decided that they should be able to do that without recourse?

  • Member Posts: 618
    edited April 2022

    now compare the amount of meta killer perks vs meta survivors perks, the amount that killer can bring depending on the situation or the killer is much much greater because they are all on about the same level of strength and with certain weaknesses

  • Member Posts: 698

    You think noed is fine, but cry about circle of healing......kinda ironic bro.

  • Member Posts: 416

    I'd be fine if boons where like hexes, it'd spawn randomly on the map in a dul totem, but it wouldn't make the lound sound it does right now, but once the killer took it out, it was definetly gone.

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    Only one is good?

    I think you mean one is broken from the concept alone while the others are fine heck I love it whenever a fellow survivor brings shadowstep

  • Member Posts: 84

    BHVR doesnโ€™t play their own game. This is obvious when you look at the mountain of glitches that have been released in the past, as well as numerous completely broken perks they have added.

    If they actually knew their games, perks like CoH or pre-nerf MoM would have never seen the light of day.

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    And as someone who plays survivor you tend to get healed more often instead of you self caring as why have 2 people self caring in the circle of healing when it's faster to heal eachother in said circle of healing the people who say it's fine obviously only use it to self heal and are rarely with team mates which is why they say it's useless because it's slower than self care while ignoring the BLATANT brokenness of the perk

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    Noed is fine coh is busted

    Imagine comparing noed to coh with the introduction of boons you should have no excuse to complain about noed as people who runs a boon should know most of the totem spots by now lol

    Heck I tend to find noed pretty quickly unless it's on the swamp or rpd and snuff it out before going for a save(in the event someone gets downed)

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Medkits promote tunneling? Seriously? At this point is there anything a survivor is allowed to use without it being used to excuse tunneling?

  • Member Posts: 1,838


    NoED: Can be shut down before it ever procs, except Survivors are lazy. Can be shut down after it procs, but Survivors decided that's unfair. Requires the game to almost be over to do anything. Cannot be re-activated once removed. Survivors can cleanse it while doing other things, because there's more of them.

    CoH: Can be activated at any time. Reduces the time spent healing, which increases the time spent doing gens. Requires the Killer to stop achieving his goal to Snuff it. Can be re-applied every time it's removed, meaning the Killer wasted time he does not have.

    I wonder why NoED is fine and CoH is an issue? It's a mystery! ๐Ÿ™„

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    It's almost like a Killer has to focus someone down, or have his progress deleted via the healing perks & items. And then Survivors complain that's unfair. Weird, huh?

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    It's almost like killers use everything as an excuse to tunnel. If you want to play that way it's your right to do so. Own your choices though.

  • Member Posts: 416

    I lost a game as killer once because of this perk. Shadow step

    I would constantly lose survivors midchase and I didn't understand why, then I realised it should be this one

    Really frustrating

  • Member Posts: 698

    Use thirll of the hunt, if you refuse to get good just say that, also the healing speed literally got nerfed twice ๐Ÿ’€ i can tell you have never play a single survivor match in your life.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    And I've said the healing speed was not the issue. Everyone who plays both sides understands this.

    It's that snuffing it is a waste of Killer time, and no matter what the healing speed is; it's a free 5th perk for 3/4ths of the team and pays for itself within 2 heals. Survivors can place it while doing gens. Killers can't snuff it while chasing Survivors or kicking gens.

    I can tell you have never played a single Killer match in your life. See? I can make sweeping, judgemental statements, too. You want to try adding real discussion? Or are you just going to flail at facts and reasoned discourse?

    I've played both sides. Just because my points are valid, and that angers you, does not mean you should slip into attacks, mate.

  • Member Posts: 698

    Cleansing every single totem to counter a perk that the killer might not even have is wasting time. I don't see the issue, stop crying and get good.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    Not sure what their thought process was, or how it applies to the asymmetrical balance of the game, but I think we can all agree that CoH itself doesn't need nerfs so much as all Boon perks need hard buffs - and Boons themselves need to be given a severe nerf to their kit.

    Everyone would likely be a lot happier if boon perks were stupefying in strength, but are removed from the game when snuffed.

    A super powerful 1 and done.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    Everyone would likely be a lot happier if boon perks were stupefying in strength, but are removed from the game when snuffed.

    I doubt that. It'd be frustrating for the killer until the boon is destroyed, and it'd be frustrating for the survivors once their perk is permanently removed.

    I'd much rather see moderately powerful effects with snuffs being more rewarding. A killer should get rewarded for putting a boon totem out, and that's not sufficiently the case right now. Slap a 90 second cooldown on the ability to bless a totem whenever your boon gets snuffed and I think we're good to go.

  • Member Posts: 543

    As villain I run CoH every game. As hero I have at least one, usually two, running CoH. I can't remember my last hero game without one.

  • Member Posts: 575
    edited April 2022

    Calling Shadow Step and Exponential "terrible", lol. Low MMR hands definitely typed this post.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    At a very high price. When you are blessing, you are not doing gens, you aren't doing other things that help the team. You are helping the team by blessing a totem.

    When you complain that the other survivors are free to bring meta perks, what meta perks are you talking about? Probably Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike. That is very healthy for the game because survivor meta perks can only be used when a killer plays in an unfair manner.

    So if CoH can free another survivor from having to bring Self-Care, they will have room to bring Borrowed Time or maybe Unbreakable. It is not fun to be slugged for ages.

    The nerf for CoH is very unhealthy for the game because survivors will be forced to use a medkit or self-care if they want to heal, potentially not having another important perk that is critical.

    It is common now for CoH not to be in any games. I saw it a lot when it was first released but the continual nerfs are taking a toll on it.

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    Wrong the other boons are fine and don't need to be messed with all that much it's coh that's the issue

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited April 2022

    It goes to show how little they use it because of coh heck me and my friend love shadowstep when we see it we get a smile on our face as we know where to run to lose the killer

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    And the survivors have effectively 4x the time that the killer has.

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