If seeing nurse and blight every match bothers you...

Then let other killers have actual powers that match kavagnah's last breath and blighetd corruption for once, and maybe we start seeing some diversity in public matches


  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 458

    im confused by this. people say they see them all the time but when i play surv blight and nurse COMBINEd make up maybe 5-10 percent of matches. my games are overwhelmingly sadoko and freddy to a combined amount of like 50-60%

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    At high MMR and during prime time, you will see a lot of good ones.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I get a ridiculous amount of Blight's and Nurses. Fortunately it usually comes with a team that can handle them. Here I am down in front of the exit gates hoping I can make this one fat finger the pickup and open the exit gates for us.

    I've heard this game has other killers but I only see them when I play them.