it's just not fun any more.

deckyr Member Posts: 795

i just tried to get adept sadako and got lobby after lobby of survivors bringing the strongest possible perks, playing as hard as they possibly could, and being nasty in the chat afterwards.

so i switched, equipped a bunch of strong perks including devour hope, stomped the hell out of the lobby i was in, and noone said anything to me

i don't feel good before doing that, and i don't feel good after doing it. i'm just not having fun no matter which way around i play. playing casually is impossible, and playing sweaty isn't fun it's just miserable even when i win.

i just really want something to be done about the strong perks on both sides. remove all the second health state perks from survivors, remove all the instadown perks from killers, and let's just play the video game normally again, yeah?



  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    If you nerf both sides, the change is negligible, no? I mean, overall, cherrypicking hated perks from both sides would be plausible, but I do not think it would change the cycle of hate, per se.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I feel you.

    I am always trying to play nice most of the time but when you get 0-1 kill and let people unhook themselfs when exits are powered and then get tbagged, etc. Not fun.

    But also when I turn on the "tryhard" mode and don't care about others and I feel dirty, not fun, frustraited even when I get 4K.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I personally recommend not worrying about the dunks. If that is the only reason you are not having fun, it is an easy problem to solve. Well, I make it sound so simple, but really, you just need to not care. For all you know, they could be friendly bags because you let them go and they appreciate it? You never know.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Before mmr I got very strong killers with meta perks, while teammates were potatoes.

    Since mmr I get very casual killers(still meta perks but they playing relaxed), so for me mmr very good.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    Keep playing nice and building a tolerance for getting bullied. Ironically, playing killer makes you a better person if you let it.

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500
    edited April 2022

    Actually, nerfing perks wouldn't be enough, you also have to take maps into consideration since playing on Sheltered Woods and Gideon are nothing alike and a barely achieved win on one could be an utter stomp on the other. Unfortunately, BHVR is more preoccupied with hiding grades and giving bully squads and killers easier games than to, you know, actually balance the game and make it fun. If you aren't enjoying the game now, I'm sad to say it's only downhill from here.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Not really.

    It's still gen regression and it will be until base game mechanics are changed.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited April 2022

    The old rank system was bad because bhvr made it bad on purpose.

    Rank reset essentially got removed, They widened the search parameters so green players went up against red, they didn't remove the safety pip and they made it easier to pip the lower rank you were. All this to make players feel good instead of doing the opposite so they were correctly matched.

    It won't happen because once they do something they refuse to admit they were wrong, (COH) but i would love it if they did a test with the old rank system with everything i mentioned changed.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Does anyone not remember the “small op build” lmao

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    In the old system I was in red rank after 3 weeks as newbie survivor....

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,619

    this is more or less what killers are enduring right now generally speaking... you started with the best intentions for a fair and funny match, playing with non meta killers and perks, but as always certain people will literally bully you to death cause they KNOW that they cannot loose (unless they want it happen) aganist certain killers in certain maps (especially when in a full swf with 2nd chances perks stacked and broken stuff like styptic agents or brand new parts), forcing you to start playing with meta killers and meta builds or resorting to nasty tactics such as camping and tunneling and you'll get why this game is becoming a chore to play each passed day.

    the problem is the lack of variety present in those games: the fact that in order to barely get points (or kills if you gave more importance than bloodpoints) aganist sweaty teams you have to play scummy and in an unfun way, with the best stuff available. this could be interesting sometimes, but it get old very fast (don't worry, it's the same thing when you play survivor: finding only blights and nurses with the best builds and addons could be a challenge, but in the long run it become annoying, boring and frustrating)... in all this remember that most of those people are EXTREMELY toxic without reasons and you don't have the tools to make them pay for this behavior (reports are useless since devs won't even consider reading tickects anymore) and you'll got a general picture of why people don't like those things

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
    edited April 2022

    I'm wondering how balanced things will be if people remove ######### like Dead Hard from the game.

    I can't remember a time before Dead Hard. I just remember it was better than this, and the game has been tanking in fun factor since.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    With these types of asymmetrical games, the more stressful role is the one that's outnumbered which in this game is the killer. Knowing this, I suggest you change your overall mentality when playing the killer role. Play how you want to play. If you play casually and use whacky builds, do it! Don't let the other survivors dampen your experience even if you get no kills. If you're going full try hard and enjoy getting your 4K's that's also valid IMO but know that this tends to bring tougher matches and more stress.

    Since I play killer under my own terms of how I want to have fun, I rarely get frustrated while playing killer. I tend to pick the "worst" killers like Trapper, Clown, and Piggy yet I always have a blast playing them. Lately I've been having a blast playing as Sadako.

    I do hope you can find a balance between playing casually and playing competitive. Trust me, once you do and play under your new terms to stop taking this game so seriously, you'll have fun regardless if you win or lose. Here's hoping!

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I know it's still gen regression, but that doesn't change that it's been nerfed. Pop nerfed. Discordance nerfed. Undying nerfed (mostly used for Ruin). Even Surveillance nerfed.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Dont forget the huge amount of mismatches since everyone managed to get to red ranks skilled or not leading to a mix of hard and easy games on both sides. Only that the easy games for the one side where a horrible stomp on the other and people tend to forget this by a form of nostalgia effect or looking back through rose tinted glasses.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Didn’t you know if they don’t have meta perks they must be low MMR?




  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Not with Counterforce, which they should have just left as the anti-Undying, but no. Not only did they nerf Undying, they also introduced boons which is like a survivor Undying.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    Yeah. Map needs to be reworked. totem for killers will be gone under 1 minute. i bet BHVR only play survivor

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714
    edited April 2022

    I don't enjoy DBD with SBMM so i decided to move to other games, and the few times that i play is basement bubba because there's no other option for how high my MMR is and as survivor i just hope for hatch when the game didn't even start cuz will be a blight/nurse with the strongest sh1t and my teammates will throw the game

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    its not fun for survivors aswell....nobody seems to wonder how strange it is that killers always face swf's, and survivors are stomped by the most sweaty killers who camp and tunnel non stop.....i just dont believe i'm always facing players anymore, as a killer or as a survivor....AI is way further then allong tthen we think, and in tthe mean while we keep attacking eachother about our toxic gameplay....the one i never see in my games....and ironicly the news about so called hackers comes out that are just out to ruin your game.....cause thats what you do as a hacker.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    Sorry. Having difficulty understanding you. If neither side is having fun, maybe that's why the player count is dropping and BHVR is not doing anything to address it?

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    what part dont you understand so i can clear it up ( no rude intentions) and yes, BHVR has a history of fixing things that dont need fixing, not adressing what the entire community is complaining about, so i cant see why players and mostly new players would want to keep playing. As a new noob survivor your gonna get game after game where you get camped and tunneled out (the entire team) at 5 gens.....not a new player myself but this sums up 99.9 % of the games as a survivor.....and as a killer your gonna face swf after swf. This doesn't happen to me as a killer cause i face new players with yellow or no perks....but letting everyone escape to bring balance on my own is getting old, and sinds my heart lies with survivor

    I can tell you that the state of this game today (2022) is the worst sinds i started, there was some balance when i first got in, sometimes you had farming killers, some just wanted to mess around, others respected the fact that you suck and had mercy.....and offcourse the killers who just want to kill.

    nothing of that no more, and that is just impossible, like the whole world just turned into a complete ass with out any emotion......geting hatch....yeah they take you there to slam it closed in your face and then lett you bleed out.

    Camping (proxy and face) and then tunneling out the player(s) is the new normal, and getting a few of these games every day...expecttable, but all....neh, something else is going on.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    What's your Killer grade at right now? It's easier to do adepts in the lower grades (ash-bronze) because the requirement for a "Merciless" is much slacker.

    Play Sadako for 4-6 trials letting all the survivors escape through the gate. This will decrease your MMR exponentially.

    Then go for adept.

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    mmr is a hoax if you ask me, i escape as a survivor maybe once every 20 games, and still i'm getting matched up with the most sweaty killers with all the meta perks who i cant even escape for more then 20 sec and thats including a sprint from one hit.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    Excuse me...what? Killer meta is strongest it has ever been.

    Bunch of slowdowns to choose and stack together. Killer meta perks they're like a kid staring a bunch of candies and doesn't know which of them to pick first. One of the most dump posts i've ever seen. And of course, it's a killer mains post.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369
    edited April 2022

    Make your own fun.

    I've just adapted, all the tbagging, macro clicking, and locker spam has just turned me into more of a bad word.

    Just treat all survivors the same, as sacrifices for the entity. Do your job, kill them all, no matter how.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Yeah, its all about fun.

    We play games to have fun, any other reason is wrong.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    No, it could be much stronger. Those Pop and Undying nerfs made no sense compared to what survivors have been getting. And even if it was the strongest meta for killers, it still wouldn't be enough.

    You're making a rookie mistake in thinking that a variety of killer slowdown perks translates to killers overall having more slowdown. That's not how it works. To equip one of the new gen slowdown perks, you have to swap out an old one. You don't get Pop, Ruin, Jolt, Eruption, Pain Resonance, AND Oppression. You just get 4 of those, and if you do that, you don't get any info or gen blockage perks.

    Survivors are looking at a candy store of perks, not killers. Killers have to bring meta to be viable. Survivors can run 1 or 2 meta perks and be viable. Killer build: Corrupt, Deadlock, No Way Out, NOED. Survivor build: BT, DS, Plunderer's Instinct, Lightweight. I've seen it myself.

    You belittling the poster for supposedly being a killer main just shows that you don't really get it. Killer mains are the most degraded and longsuffering in this whole game. Playing becomes a second job to them because it's so unfun, so don't you dare start disrespecting them.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    BHVR needs to bring HUD indicators to thin the line between solo and SWFs. Then adjust the game through that.

  • Vlarian
    Vlarian Member Posts: 163
  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I whole heartedly believe that all of this would change if perks were given makeovers.

    Super strong perks get reworked to make them less ubiquitous and balance cost with viability.

    Then, rework and buff all of the cruddy perks.

    Suddenly, meta players will have a bunch of different, interesting builds.

    It's better to balance the game blame SBMM and influencers.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    what's wrong with achievement hunting?

    killer adepts aren't even about winning, necessarily. they're just about doing a lot. i went into a game with base perks and played relaxed thinking i would scoop up the adept without too much trouble after rank reset, and it was a miserable experience where i got nothing but opposition playing really really hard, taking the game seriously, treating me like an enemy IRL just because i'm not on their team in a video game, and overall making me feel like i was better off playing something else. i stooped to their level and still wasn't having fun, i was just also stopping everyone else from having fun at the same time.

    my whole post is framed from the point of view of "i'm not having fun, it's too easy for the game to be made unfun by either side, and something should be done about it". what part of my post made you think that i don't know that games should be fun? that's exactly the problem i'm struggling with, lol.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,565

    The game's a circus rn in regards to balance, health, and fun.

    The only ones I assume that are having a blast are those who use the best builds for their killer and 100000-hour survivor swat teams with the meta as well.

    However, for the rest of us outside of that bubble, it's so bad. Heck, you may even run into people who literally act like they won the Olympics after using their unoriginal build and/or killers who may need some tuning.

    If the game was plain vanilla and had zero perks, add-ons, or items, I'd assume the balance would be easier to deal with in exchange for no variety :p

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    for other reasons....i have decided to step away from the game....the devs have truly lost touch with the game....and i have lost all hope they will do anything to fix it...i think its pretty much the end for me at least. the only thing they trutthfully care about is new chapters with new killers so they can make more money.

  • Sasu_Crow
    Sasu_Crow Member Posts: 12

    No. It's not.

    Especially with Sadako, as she has nothing internally going for her, the only thing to make her consistent is to use some of the more powerful perks. The problem is that this only punishes people who aren't SWF, which is unhelpful at high MMR. Every single game looks like the above for me. Every person running DH, at least one UB, at least one or two DS, usually 2 BT, and almost always one CoH.

    She was way worse before I switched to hexes, but against SFW that understand what they are doing, even this stack gets erased to essentially running no perks within 2 or three minutes. Pentimento build, high risk-high reward. No pentimento build, CoH pops up all over the map every single game, and even with pentimento its a gamble (You have to rely on people without CoH to find your hexes so that you can pentimento them and prevent CoH. If CoH is used on your hex, then pentimento is useless for this purpose.). It's sad. Sadako's only arguable strength (teleport ability) is nothing because if you don't relentlessly chase a survivor despite knowing gens are being completed, then you win nothing. Your choice is: 1 down per gen pop; or damage, teleport to pressure a gen, hear thunder, watch the survivor portrait magically heal, and the generator you pressured is still at or above 60% complete. There's no winning. Almost every game has turned into 1k or less, survivors don't fear Sadako like they fear a good bubba or blight. And that's because Sadako, despite being good at her niche, is bad at dealing punishment. Bad at tunneling (because you're self denying her main ability). Bad at being anything other than average or less for looping.

    The Ring is my favorite horror series, and I'll still continue to play Sadako, but at this rate my drive to play the game is seriously dwindling. I don't expect a 4k every game. I don't even expect a 3k every single game. I used to get those, but then I bought Sadako. Even a 2k would be ####### amazing every once and a while. It doesn't matter if I score more BP than the survivors on average. 9 out of 10 games, I have to wait for the survivors to quit BMing at the gates, artificially increasing the wait time for the next match. Psychologically, I've lost and that's not a good spot to be in. Idk.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    the question is: is it better to buff sadako to give her the ability to make the game miserable for people, or do we need to change the way the game works so that the survivors can't make it so miserable for her?

    honestly, i think a nerf across the board would be a good thing. enough bringing killers 'up to' the level of certain other killers, it's time to bring the strongest killers & survivor perks down to the C tier.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Playing casually means you're just trying to have a good time and don't care about winning. If you really are playing casually all the time then your MMR should be sinking. Thing is, playing casually means you'll lose to sweats and that's fine. You can't play casually AND expect to win. That's just silly.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    i play to give the survivors / the killer a good match, and people purposefully taking things that make the game miserably difficult just to be poor sports at the end makes the game not fun.

    i think that is a completely normal and reasonable thing to be upset about, and i think that it should be addressed.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Ok, I can understand being upset by BM and all that. However, the fact that people use meta and play to win shouldn't be a problem. If you really are playing casually (Just in it to have fun, regardless of if you win or not) then losing shouldn't be a problem. Even if you nerf the current meta, a new one will form. Most games has a meta of some sort.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    it's not losing that makes me upset, it's the execution of these perks in the pursuit of making the game not fun for the other side that makes me upset

    you are focussing too hard on me "losing" when i gave an example of a game that i won, very handily, and still felt bad about because of the way i accomplished it.