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General Discussions


i understand her abilities is hard to master and learn but once you learn shes a hard killer to go against.

9/10 times i get paired with GOOD nurses. its pretty unfair how fast she can end a game and give little to no chase due to her breaking the rules of the game and teleporting through walls and such.

been playing since 2017 and nurse is hard to counter even if you double back or look back.

in all she really needs a rework where there a fair counter to her powers

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  • Member Posts: 4,531

    I agree.

    And normally I hate when people suggest to rework a killer because I think it's unfair to the people who like said killer in their current state, but with Nurse I see no way to nerf her without making her power utter garbage.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    On certain maps she can be devastating. But most of the time there are many things you can do against her.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Ok i hope you get to play against nurse only you deserve it!!!

  • Member Posts: 288

    And how to rework her without making her garbage and people that spent their time in her leaving the game?

  • Member Posts: 95

    You talk trash. As being a good survivor means anything against a good nurse.

  • Member Posts: 288
    edited April 2022

    Maybe not but giving up is bad thing i didnt say being good survivor just behaving bad by giving up on your team

  • Member Posts: 288
    edited April 2022

    Sucide on hook should be punished just like dc but punishments are soft in my humble opinion

  • Member Posts: 95

    Keep spamming topics about this, they might do it.

    It seems to be working for nerfing CoH, and soon for DH.

  • Member Posts: 59

    dead hard

  • Member Posts: 288

    I dont mind if nurse get nerf because i dont play her but i dont think that is necessary coh will still be problem and dead hard will probably stay same xd

  • Member Posts: 288

    I dont like double standard when 16 meta perks and swf is ok but nurse is not ok every time killer has advantage over survivors that is not ok yea sure make killers leave then play with bots 😀

  • Member Posts: 3,910
    edited April 2022

    Why would she be reworked? She's the best-designed killer in the game and the one that promotes the most skill in chase both as and against her. Performatively she's perfectly balanced too, when comparing games with players of even skill.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    Does she need some nerfs? Probably yes because she is strong and I get that she sometimes feel overwhelmingbut no killer should ever get a rework again.

    When Freddy got his rework a good friend of mine stopped playing dbd because he loved playing Freddy. Not because he was so strong but because he liked how he is played and the day the rework came live he unistalled the game because he saw neo reason to put time into it anymore. And I get that you start the game you find a killer you really like that just feels great to play and you dedicate time to learn him time to get the perks and money to buy skins and then one day your favorite is totally different. I feared the same when they announced that they work on legion.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    If you light burn a good nurse while she's blinking. she ls letting you

  • Member Posts: 276

    Well shoot, they already reworked her in the past.

    I mean the counterplay for nurse is still the same. Predict her predictions and make her guess (run indoors, lose sight against her).

    Not much more can or needs to be done I feel. (Well, maybe nerf some add-ons)

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited April 2022

    counter argument: If you Lightburn a "Good Nurse" you just bought yourself/your ally 2 seconds for the stun, and 2 seconds for her fatigue. Admittedly an Expert Nurse can take this and still kill your team though their mobility and tactics, but a decent, or even a good Nurse never sees it coming... hell I haven't met a Nurse of any skill level yet that sees it coming!

    Also just to note: Lightburning a Nurse is much faster than Lightburning a Wraith (it seriously takes like .2 seconds to Lightburn a Nurse!), so I don't see where your complaint lies here unless, you haven't actually lightburned many Nurses.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I'm not complaining about anything really, tho i will say. an item or perk is not counterplay

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited April 2022

    "Not counter play" huh? Then how do you explain the effectiveness of items against Wraith, Hag, Nurse, (all Light based) and Petty much every killer with a damaging power (medkits) or any killer with high 1v1 pressure but low map pressure (Toolboxes). Items in general are designed to counter an aspect of the way a killer plays, perks are designed to either enhance these aspects, or try to counter them. There's only 1 killer that outright defeats one of these item types just by existing: Plague, and unfortunately, she's one of the LEAST played killers.

    Items Defeat aspects of killers time and time again, and with good reason... If the survivor has that item equipped against x killer they gain an advantage against them, if not then they play normally. Items are and always have been counter play for certain killers, but it's always up to the survivors to either load in with them, or find them in chests to gain the advantage. Hell, for the longest time Toolboxes outright defeated Trapper as anyone with a toolbox could permanently destroy his traps... Sigh, Arguing that the devs never designed items to be counters to some of the killer roster is like arguing that Plague wasn't designed to defeat the Healing meta, or that Nurse Wasn't designed to bypass the Pallet loop playstyle!

    All I'm saying is that EVERYTHING in this game has a counter play. Sometimes it all comes down to equipping a certain item or perk, other times its about changing up your playstyle to counter your opponents, regardless though... It's up to you/your team to decide how to approach each match. If you find yourself going up against harder/stronger, or a more coordinated meta player(s), then by all means break out your best builds and go nuts! NO ONE CAN FAULT YOU FOR THAT! That's kind of the fun of this game really.

  • Member Posts: 714

    Would be amazing if she get reworked but knowing bhvr it will take years

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    They’ve never reworked her, only nerfed her. Maybe the range add-ons could be slightly nerfed, but that’s about it. Her base kit is perfect.

    Survivor main here, who enjoys going against Nurse more than any other killer. She has more counter play than the entire killer roster, because one needn’t rely on limited pallets to evade her and escape in chase. Please do get good and stop ruining the game for Nurse players, as well as your fellow survivors. In other words: actually play against a fair killer, who takes much time to master and play well?

    If you need further guides and tips how to play against her, there are several out there for you I’m sure. I’ll even make one here just for you if you really need it.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Nurse's base-kit is fine. Nerf her Add-ons tho

  • Member Posts: 428

    Well, it isn't forbidden as far as we know

    It's even recommended by the devs

    Suicide on hook but do not DC

  • Member Posts: 1,599
  • Member Posts: 1,599

    Nurse is fine, and has counterplay. Practice. Learn. Adapt.

  • Member Posts: 428
    edited April 2022

    Beside, I don't mind nurse

    But I do care about Toxic players though

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    1) You need a flashlight to do that, one of the weakest items in the game.

    2) It stuns her for about 1/4 of a second, this is hardly a reasonable counterpoint to OP's complaint.

  • Member Posts: 3,910

    Mindgames are the strongest counter regardless. Also Flashbangs in the hand of good players are enormously strong because dropping it to where she blinks is a guaranteed fatigue if you correctly read where she’s blinking to and dropped it in the right spot. Not that Flashbangs are a reliable counter, but just wanting to inform you.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    I don't really care about what bad players do, bad Survivors also get punished for using Dead Hard wrong, but you don't see (many) people saying Dead Hard is fine because of bad players

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Where and when, and how is it true even if they did? Other survivors often won’t let you suicide on hook. Thanks, struggle phase change.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Her and Myers are the only one you don't want to see you. You literally need to avoid her and not loop her like the other killers.

  • Member Posts: 297

    I think you're wrong with saying, that nurse takes the most mechanical skill in DBD of any killer. IMO it's blight. I play both Killers and as a blight player you need to learn EVERY object, tile and killer shack all over again (even in different versions of the same map), because some of them are slippery (which is good for Scoot Surfs etc) and some are not.

    With Nurse, you just have to learn how your blinks work and how to time them correctly. After that, it's only a matter of time until you can read each type of Survivor. At this point Nurse Gameplay becomes a simple mindgame.

    This does NOT mean Nurse is easy to play. OFC Nurse is hard to master but Blight is way, wayyyy harder to master than Nurse.

    I'm getting 3500-6000k hours Survivor Teams with Nurse and slightly less experienced Survivors with blight. Just for reference.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Fair enough. Blight takes the most, but Nurse is a close second.

    Those two killers have the biggest skill requirement, but also reward the hours put into them. Which some Survivors seem to be claiming is the reason to nerf them, I guess?

  • Member Posts: 281
    edited April 2022

    her third blink is useless because it gives her more cd. her distance addons are fine because there are a lot of large textures that don't let her teleport through themselves without those addons. also her distance addons have their own problems

    Post edited by sadakiyo on
  • Member Posts: 297

    I can understand those Survivors tbh. Most of the time i play Survivor and even though i'm a very decent Nurse player i often taste my own medicine when i face a great nurse player. So to play against a good nurse, it can be very frustrating as a survivor, especially when you're not in a SWF group.

    I also play a lot of custom matches with my friends (some of them have like 500 hours and a few have over 2500 hours) and even the good and experienced friends say that they can't do anything about me when i play the nurse. They let themselves die on hook. It's not even fun for myself at this point and ofc i do not tunnel, camp or something like that. I didn't believe them that it's so annoying to deal with her until we had another really good nurse player, which played against us in a custom and it was horrible for me as a Survivor.

    It's simply unfun. So yeah, i can understand why so many Surivors are crying for nerfs. Even though i love to play nurse i sometimes feel bad for many Survivors.

    But how could you nerf a Nurse or a blight, without literally destroying them? It's kinda hard to judge about those 2 killers. Look what BHVR did to Spirit. Once a feared Killer, now (Survivor's perspective) i don't play like i'm in a trial with a killer. Spirit is kinda dead to me and i have no fear to face one.

    I really have no clue to solve those problems.

  • Member Posts: 428
    edited April 2022

    Have you ever heard of the devs streams??

    Am I supposed to rememeber the exact same date at the exact same hour, minute and second? Or you're just unhappy that it can be true?

  • Member Posts: 428
    edited April 2022


    Here's an old post from 2019. It isn't related to the devs though

    But it just explains things about why suicide is better than disconnecting

    I would suggest reading the comments and not focusing on the main post though

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    "nurse is hard to counter even if you double back or look back."

    These are basic counters one learns first against a Nurse. If that's all you've learned, then the problem is that you are not as good as you think you may be.

    Check good streamers to see how to do it.

    Better: play Nurse, learn her and see how good survivors are cleaning the floor with you then try to do the same.

  • Member Posts: 167

    Nerfing top tier killers are going to do nothing to make your experience better, buffing weaker killers to make them more viable will always be a better option to give chances to people willing to master them and eventually get to high mmr games like yours. Also as a nurse main if she's significantly changed in anyway I'm probably gonna leave the game for good. I'd love to play ghostface but because seasoned players have mastered the counter to an m1 killer, any killer like ghostface or pig are going to vanish, and chase related killers like blight and spirit will increase.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I see what you mean by mechanical skill but that's not exactly a mechanical issue there. It's learning the quirks of the area and that's also needed for Nurse, Huntress and Trickster.

    So yes, learning to play Nurse well takes more than just what you've said. (The best proof is that there are so few good Nurses and that her kill rate is so low.)

    The hours of survivor players doesn't seem to matter much after a small threshold. The maximum I've versed as Nurse is in the 10k hours range (and that ass was cheating : no skill there). I've also versed a Trapper main streamer with 6.9k hours (not Otz) and killed the team easily. (Good killer, bad survivor). Above 3k hours players are relatively rare too nowadays (I get maybe two teams a night).

    Strangely, it's around the 1.5k to 3.5k hours that I find the most worthy opponents, and sometimes in the low hundreds (because they can truly be unpredictable, they don't even know what they'll do next xD).

    I play both Nurse and Blight and I found Blight easier. (However, Blight tends to make me sick after a few games ... still, not mechanically.)

    In my opinion learning the broken rebounds, that you can very well see and recognize, is way easier than remembering what crap is beyond what obstacle/wall/floor/... and blink accurately next to it.

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