Had to login to your official forums to complain about this

Kabanzai Member Posts: 85
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

So.. been a longass while since I've used these forums over steam, since this is the best way to get in touch with developers.

I just went to use my leatherface, and found out that my faces are gone because someone named the black skins as racist. Removing them is pretty much the worst thing you could do for this

Because he had the faces it was the biggest point about him not being not racist!

He had the four main survivors. He wore whoever he killed. I wanted MORE survivors made into masks.

When someone would complain about it because THEIR character was black, I called them out as a racist.

Leatherface was all bout the equality

He could wear any face of the main four. Not racist

He could wear womens clothing. Doesn't care bout cross dressing

He could wear the pride flag. Shows he doesn't care bout sexual preference either.

He only cared about one thing

Are your insides red, Do they taste good? Yes? Okay I can feed my family. He's a good boy. I mean.. nobody seems to be up in arms about the fact that he's wearing a face. Just that it is black.

I mean letsee.. He's mentally handicapped, abused, cannibalistic man who eats people and wears their faces to mess with those who he'd kill.

.. Please stand up to this grab for attention and just ban those you find doing racism in the game about murdering people. I mean. The base man IS STILL WEARING A FACE. It's just white only now.

Hell if people are this vocal of it. Give them the option of hiding ANY cosmetics. .. Final note is this just feels like an attention grab or giving in to people trying to do the same.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Kabanzai
    Kabanzai Member Posts: 85

    On a second note.

    Did anyone complain about dwight being killed by dwight faces?

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    They removed em as a PR move cause a minority on twitter kept calling BHVR racist for keeping the masks ingame.

    Btw: the same people also complain about Bubba's Lady skin being transphobic so just wait until they remove that skin as well KEK

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Guess Bubba only kills Caucasian people according to BHVR.. but somehow that’s not racist! Should I be offended, and call for him to only wear green masks? 🧐

  • Kabanzai
    Kabanzai Member Posts: 85

    Same people I told it doesn't matter what your gender is unless you want intercourse.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    This horse has unfortunately been beaten beyond death.

    At this point, it's a done deal. Nothing we can do anymore about it.

    So long, Survivorface.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    It was never about Leatherface as a character being called racist.

    Smartface has been used as a tool for racism against streamers and there was indeed a texture bug where LFs skin under the mask was darker than on the other cosmetics thus unintentionally making it Blackface.

    since it’s a licensed character BHVR doesn’t have the sole control over it and had to find a solution with the license holder. And they apparently agreed it’s best to remove all those survivor faces to avoid further conflicts here. They needed to do something. doesn’t matter if you agree or not (I would have preferred a rework of the faces).

  • Kabanzai
    Kabanzai Member Posts: 85

    Simple to do.

    Respond to offensive reports



    Claudette? 10 games. Got 3 of her running everywhere cuz darker is easier to hide.

  • Kabanzai
    Kabanzai Member Posts: 85

    And no. It was because people were calling him blackface and others were making racist remarks in response or using him to do said things.

    "I will solve the CAUSE.. But not .. THE SYMPTOMS!"

  • Kabanzai
    Kabanzai Member Posts: 85

    aLL i'VE seen from this is the whiney person gets what they want. So I gotta whine to get what I want.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    you obviously didn’t understand what I just wrote and you do not understand what blackface is. Please educate yourself before making such an inappropriate comment.

    they can’t respond to reports where the offensive stuff was outside of the game (ie on Twitch).

    Adding more faces wouldn’t have resolved the issue at all.

    it’s not about how hard it was (all faces were easy to get, maybe a little time consuming but’s that’s it. I had all 4). And you got 6K shards as compensation.

    don’t act so offended. It was just a cosmetic that needed either adjustment or removal, they decided to remove it and that’s okay.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Do you have any source on this? Or are you just making stuff up to justify your … whatever you are doing here?

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    jesus christ i hate it here

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    here is the official statement:


    Before we dive into the fun stuff, we want to address a serious topic. 

    For those who may not know, The Cannibal can unlock the faces of the four original Survivors by sacrificing them 25 times.

    Members of the community have shared their experiences with people targeting and harassing them while using some of these masks. These reports were disheartening to hear, and we absolutely condemn this behaviour. We are not comfortable having these masks in the game when they are used as a tool to spread hate. To that end, we will be removing The Cannibal’s unlockable faces in this upcoming Mid-Chapter.

    Anyone who has ever played The Cannibal by the release of the Mid-Chapter update will be awarded 6,000 Iridescent Shards to compensate for their removal.

    We will not tolerate hateful activity and will continue to take every step necessary to protect the community.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551

    It was removed for various reasons:

    -Both devs and license holders decided that the best solution was to remove all masks, recognising that even if it's a fiction videogame, real players would take part of this mechanic to blackface in a multiplayer videogame. Lore or the fact of being a videogame are not an excuse to justify the capacity to be able to blackface making it look harmless. The fact that people cared too much about smartface and not the other 3 speaks by itself.

    -Blackfacing is a racist thing itself that shouldn't even be discussed about why. Just a way to mock black people, and most of the people of this minority doesn't like this: https://www.vox.com/2014/10/29/7089591/why-is-blackface-offensive-halloween-costume

    -No one really cared about getting and using the other 3 faces, people just wanted the Claudette one, I bet no one here has ever faced a leatherface with any cosmetic that isn't the default or smartface one while it was possible. By this then, everyone would get tunneled to death just because they are playing claudette, the only free black character.

    -Since its appearance, it has been a tool to target black streamers and make racist comments. Yes the offenders would probably get easily punished, but by the years it kept happening and it's frustrating as hell and traumatic just being targeted once because of your skin color condition, but of course, white people never had to worry about it or know the pain. (Note: people keep saying it's twitter fault, but the movement to remove it started there by black people showing their experience and they got a lot of attention and support to make it happen, that's just what happened).

    If you want the words of black content creators and their experience and arguments, I really recommend this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE7RZv_dhC0

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,073

    I'm closing this here, as it has been explained multiple times why the masks have been removed.

    I suggest to please educate yourself on the matter, no one ever stated this decision will completely eradicate racism, however it was a preventive move aimed at eliminating a tool that people used to perpetrate a specific behaviour.

    And please understand that this was never about the character Leatherface, it was always about how people were using him, or more specifically one of his masks.

This discussion has been closed.