Enhancements and Ideas (Based on my game experience)

I know many of the things may be hated by some players (survivor mains mostly), as most of the points below are trying to solve killer issues, which in my opinion is the most punished role in this game; but I just want to clear up these are just some ideas I had about enhances for the game based on MY EXPERIENCE. I play both roles in very high levels: Killer when I want a challenge to face, and Survivor when I want some chilling fun. But if you want to call me "Killer Main" I am completely fine with that :).
People who play killer in very high MMR may agree with many of these ideas, or may even find better and different options to add. I am wishing to know your thoughts!
I also want to clear up I barely focused on Add-ons stuff because I didn't want to be that specific on my proposals. Also I barely talk about percentages or specific numbers in most of the cases.
With this all said, let's get into it! Leave your opinions and ideas below in a respectful way ;).
· HEX PERKS: Hex totems will spawn visually as dull (but not in terms of effects), and won't reveal their true appearance until 1 gen is finished. Only the killer will be able to see them highlighted. This way, we prevent survivors to intentionally remove killer’s abilities before the match has even started for him. Even so, if a lucky survivor breaks a hex masked as dull, everyone will get notified as a hex removal.
· BOON PERKS: Dull totems can only be used ONCE as a boon. If the killer lights it off, that dull totem will not be able to hold any other boon. This way, placing a Boon totem will have a true risk, and survivors will need to evaluate the most optimal place and moment to set a Boon.
· SCOURGE HOOK PERKS: Increased the amount of “Scourge Hooks” split on the map to 5 (from 4), and turned basement’s hooks into “Scourge Hooks”.
· NOED: NOED will only allow the killer to inflict "dying" if all the remaining survivors are healthy or injured. This way, if one survivor is getting slugged or hooked, other survivors have more chances to get a successfully rescue.
· DEAD HARD: Dead Hard can only be used three times in a match. Getting it activated at first time when the trial starts, and recovering it after getting unhooked both times.
· DEAD HARD: Dead Hard can no longer ignore damage form projectile attacks if they would naturally be counted as a hit.
· CORRUPT INTERVENTION: Increases the “*Start Game Intervention*” for a 30/45/60 additional seconds.
· THE CANNIBAL: Bubba’s chainsaw won’t inflict "dying” into healthy survivors if he isn’t further than a 5 meters radium from a hooked survivor.
· THE ARTIST: Survivors swarmed by crows will get “Exhausted” and “Hindered” as default, as far as they don’t repeal them. They also won’t be able to quick rush entering or exiting lockers. This way, we assure a passive punishment to survivors who get swarmed. Her add-ons would be re-adjusted according to this change.
· THE TWINS: Survivors trapped by Victor into a locker will suffer “injured” if they were healthy, and “deep wound” if they were injured before entering the locker. This way, survivors get a penalty if Charlotte is too far to reach them and the consequences of getting trapped into a locker get proportional to facing Victor in a normal way.
· THE TWINS: Added to Victor the ability of vaulting windows and pallets. Survivors can kick him if interrupting his vault animation.
· THE TWINS: Decreased Victor’s cooldown if successfully putting a survivor into “Dying”.
· THE DEATHSLINGER: Reestablished the original Deathslinger mechanics because there was no real point on nerfing a killer which wasn’t above the average strength.
· THE TRICKSTER: As we see his power isn’t effective enough in chases even though its range aspect, we increased Trickster default speed to 4’6 m/s, so his knives become more as an additional help in chases, further than his basic "relying on". Also will requiere 8 knife hits (out of 6) to get an injure.
· THE TRICKSTER: Once charged, “Main event” can be saved and used whenever the player decides to. Hooking a survivor fully resets the “Main Event” charges.
· THE PLAGUE: The Plague is no longer forced to switch into “Corrupt Purge” if all “Pool of Devotion” have been used by survivors.
· THE NEMESIS: Added 1 more zombie in the match, but also added 2 more vaccines spawning in the basement.
· THE NEMESIS: Survivors infected by the T-Virus will get skill-checks randomly spawned inversed. They will also attract zombies from a further detection radius.
· THE HUNTRESS (IRIDESCENT HEAD): Using “Iridescent Head” will allow the huntress to bring 4 hatchets defaultly (with the option of using additional hatchets as a second add-on), but ONLY the first hatchet of every reloaded stock will be able to inflict “dying” to survivors.
· THE CLOWN: Antidote bottles will no longer provide “Haste” to survivors, but will remove their scratch marks as long as the effect persists on them.
· THE CENOBITE: The Cenobite can see the aura of the “Lament Configuration” if he’s within a 3 meters radius of it.
· THE CENOBITE: Additional chains summoned by a successful chain hit will spawn on the opposite side of the survivor from the Cenobite's perspective. This way we prevent chains to be broken by the body of the same killer when trying to hit the survivor.
· THE BLIGHT: Fixed the bugs when bumping.
· THE NURSE: The Nurse starts the trial with a limited number of 15 Blinks (Tokens) to use. Chained blinks don’t consume any token. If the Nurse runs out of blinks, her base speed turns into 4’6 m/s. Hitting a survivor adds +5 stackable Blink tokens. Hooking or Killing a survivor adds +10 Blink tokens.
· Increased the amount of generators that can be worked by 1 or 2 people, and reduced the amount of generators that can be worked by 3 or 4 people at the same time in every trial.
· Increased the speed of regression caused by a killer’s default gen kicking.
· *Added “Corrupt Intervention” as a base kit for all killers; naming it as “START GAME INTERVENTION”. 3 furthest gens from the killer’s spawn will be blocked by the entity at the beginning of the trial for 120 seconds.
· DEAD DAWGH SALOON: Moved the generator set on the high floor of the main building, to the lowest floor. This way, we assure killer doesn’t need to spend a huge amount of seconds to reach and protect this gen when survivors are working on it fearlessly.
· Fixed the excessive amount of pallets in “The Game” and “Eyrie of Crows”.
· General nerf of some infinite loops, to make chases more effective to killers.
· Reestablished structure randomizing to never get two window vaults from different loops face to face, to avoid unfair infinite loops caused by the random nature of the map generation.
· EYRIE OF CROWS: Removed hitboxes on dry bushes, which can cause confusion to killers which rely on the environment, such as “Blight” or range based killers.
· Added a breakable wall on every map’s shack.
· SPRINGWOOD: Turned the different Springwood maps (1 to 5) into a single Springwood with different randomized structure generation, because there’s no point on calling “different maps” on maps which are technically the same but with an alternative distribution.
· Killer will be able to hook a survivor, even if somebody is in progress of sabotaging the same hook without body-blocking it.
· Restablished hit preferences when a killer hits a survivor very close to a hooked one. The “rescuer” one gets an increase of chances of being hit than the hooked one, so we avoid killers to hit the wrong survivor unintentionally when trying to hit the rescuer.
· Restablished hit preferences when a killer hits a survivor who is in very close contact with an “injured” one. Now the injured one will have higher chances of getting hit than the “healthy” one.
· Spamming a flashlight click consecutive times will remove half of the charges. So we punish toxic behaviors of survivors.
· Allowed killers to kick generators blocked by the entity as far as the entity has been summoned by one of his own perks.
· Added new character portraits and description for all killer’s Legendary and Ultra-Rare Skins.
· Enabled to use “Blight Serum” add-on all along the year with every killer.
· Added a market section to buy specific items/add-ons/offerings and perks as an alternative to the “Blood Web”. Prices will be more expensive if using this option.
· Re-enabled Cannibal’s masks. Instead of removing content for political reasons, added 1 new mask from each original survivor that you own: Leader-Face (Dwight), Athlete-Face (Meg), Smart-Face (Claudette), Survivor-Face (Jake), Punky-Face (Nea), Poker-Face (Ace), Gamer-Face (Feng), Brute-Face (David), Singer-Face (Kate), Docent-Face (Adam), Metal-Face (Jeff), Famous-Face (Jane), Rider-Face (Yui), Reporter-Face (Zarina), Gentle-Face (Felix), Explorer-Face (Élodie), Pop-Face (Yun-Jin), Whitch-Face (Mikaela) and Cop-Face (Jonah).
· Survivors escaping by hatch, survivors reaching second/third hook status after forcing it, or survivors disconnecting don’t affect negatively on killer’s emblems. This way we prevent killer’s results to be affected by survivor’s exclusive decisions and second chances.
· Hatch won’t open anymore if the second last survivor disconnects.
· If no survivor works actively on their objectives and the killer has no way to find them for more than 10 minutes, all survivor’s auras get revealed to the killer for the rest of the trial until there’s only 1 survivor remaining. This way, we prevent survivors to intentionally hide for long amounts of time trying to get the killer disconnect when they have no chances to win.
· Darkened totem’s colors and adjusted their spawns to get them harder to spot.
· Decreased grab from locker’s animation time so killer has time to evade flashlight blinding if another survivor is standing in front. This way we avoid communicated teams to abuse of this mechanic which results chanceless for the killer.
I may think more ideas in the future, but that's all I came up with for now x). Sorry if my english weakens at some points. Peace!
Considering the fact that you cite "genrush prevention" and then actually encourage it by forcing people to spread out 1 to a gen, I don't think you are actually playing at a high level.
Also because you cite "infinite loops" of which there are approximately zero in the game.
There are a lot of really bad ideas in here. Trickster 4.6 m/s being one of them.
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It's precisely in highest levels where "Genrush" hits hard, and it's also in high levels where strong loops become "Infinite". I already cleared up that some people wouldn't like it (mostly survivor mains), so you are the perfect example of my initial disclaimer :). Don't worry man, these ideas are just invention of mine, nothing is cannon xD.
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There is a lot of bad ideas i agree. But there is also quite some good ideas: one springwood/ main event having no timer but resetting if a survivor is hooked/ adding a breakable wall to all shacks/ taking the gen on top of dead dawg saloon down/ nerf to pallets in gideon meat plant... there really is some good in here.
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It's true that my Trickster's buff of default speed may be excessive. Maybe if his speed was increased, it'd be fair that he needs 8 knives hits or something like that :thinking:
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Yeah, calling people who disagree with you "Survivor mains" is a great way to show how well you respond to criticism.
Nobody cares about 3 or 4 Survivors stacking on a gen because it's inefficient. That's not genrush and the fact that you don't realize it makes it pretty clear that you aren't playing at a high level. Real genrushing is when 4 Survivors split onto 4 different gens, not when they all stack on one.
Likewise, there are no infinites. There are crazy set-ups, there are places you shouldn't chase but there aren't infinites.
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Not calling you "survivor main" and that's not a respond to any criticism lmao. Just saying that survivor mains may not like my proposals. I don't know what do you main or not, dude. Feel free to tell what you main if you want :)).
It's true that the split fact causes more genrush, that's why I proposed the "Start Game Intervention", but lowering the amount of survivors working on a single gen also reduces a bit the gen speed and that's why I put that.
Calm down man, no need to be that salty in the forum. My disclaimer above was meant to avoid reactions like yours. Just accept there are different opinions and point of views of this game. I don't mind if you don't believe me when I say I play in high levels, I have nothing to hide either. Peace :).
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You're allowed any opinion you want.
I'm allowed to point out bad ideas.
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Of course you are :) Just calm down.
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Which strong loops are infinites in high MMR? And how do you just generally nerf those strong loops?
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Didn't want to be too specific on that point, but I see it is getting much attention lmao. I may remove that point if it calms people down a bit x). But answering to your question:
Loops like the Saloon, The school in Badham, the building on the Swamp etc. Are pretty much infinite if you are facing good survivors. Obviously they are not infinite, but are long enough to make you waste huge amounts of time and could easily cost you 5 gens if you don't drop the chase (which is the optimal thing to do, obviously). These kind of loops are the ones I had in mind :).
Oh, also, maybe the best way to nerf would be adding more breaking walls, or moving the ones already existing into places which extend survivor's trajectory and shortens killer's ones if breaking it (for example, swapping the window and the wall on the top of the stairs of the Saloon). In fact, it'd requiere an optimal game study which is out of my hand right now.
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Nobody here is upset.