Tunnelling/camping is a huge problem, just as big as SBMM

Notretsam Member Posts: 129
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Every player and BHVR knows tunnelling is not a fun game, it's not fun for the survivors and the only fun there is for killers is the potential desired salty reaction they're looking for.

Ever since Wisps tournament, Otz 30 second challenge, SBMM introduction and Boons being added, the amount of tunnelling and camping has gotten worse, guaranteed every 2/3 matches you get a killer doing it.

I don't care what excuses players come up with, tunnelling and hard camping (staying at hook) are wrong, there is no skill to it and it's not fun for the players and this is well known to players, this game is meant to be fun for everyone.

BHVR, I blame you the most for this, you know it happens, you know it's been a problem for longer than I've been playing the game (1 year), yet you do nothing to prevent it at all. You throw out empty gestures like Borrowed Time Base kit in a FAQ but you tell people not to report it in your T&C.

Borrowed time base kit needs to become a thing yesterday and it needs to stack with Borrowed time perk. Also, it needs to be increased from 12 seconds to 24 seconds, with both being a total of 48 seconds. As for anyone who says BT basekit+perk is over-powered, it's only OP if you tunnel a survivor off-hook.

The proximity to hook penalty needs to be massively increased and you also need to introduce a massive blood point deduction to a killer who hooks the same survivor in a row, granted there are 3/4 survivors still in the game.

Proximity to hook penalty, borrowed time perk and borrowed time base kit should be disabled in the endgame, as hard camping hook is mostly the only play a killer has.

You need to come out and say whether you support tunnelling and camping, I would presume you want the game to be fun for everyone, some game sessions are ruined by players doing this. Survivors are just as bad but for the most part, killers can work around that but things need to be done there, like removing head-on perk.

There is no mechanic for tunnelling and hard camping, and you're not a big bad killer who is not meant to be nice either, everyone is looking to escape and have fun in DBD, not just you. If everything I suggest was to be added, then that is the fault of those players who tunnelled and camped, while knowing it wouldn't be fun for the survivors

This game can be a lot of fun but some selfish players ruin that fun for others, it's on you BHVR to do something about it, unless you don't want DBD to be fun for everyone in the match.

P.S I don't blame Wisp or Otz, I blame the players who interpreted the results of the tournament and challenge as an excuse to tunnel/camp.



  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129
    edited April 2022

    killers are not meant to win and there is no such thing as winning/losing in the game, the game is about the fun of trying to escape or get kills. I play killer as well as survivor, killer is actually MORE fun right now as killers can ruin a survivor's game experience

    edit* you don't see MMR rating, so SBMM based on kills/escapes is irrelevent.

    I already said why it's wrong, read my full original post.

  • LittleMcGriddle4
    LittleMcGriddle4 Member Posts: 5

    This x1 cabrillion. I had to make up a number since there is no real number that can express how much I agree with this. As a fairly new player, I've been playing for about 3 weeks now, but only like 2 days a week, so I get caught alot. At least 3-4 out of the 10 or so games I play I get camped and insta-downed when I'm unhooked, so I'm just like whatever and quit because its boring. I would like to play more, but then I'm also kind of like, meh cuz I know I'm just going to die after 5 seconds on some games.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    Please don't put words in my mouth, in no way did I say the game is about winning/losing, I said there is no winning or losing, and the fun is trying to get kills and escaping.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    an you can't deem my opinion wrong just because u disagree with it, there is no denying tunnelling/camping is not fun and u know that

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Except literally this week one of the devs said 2 kills are a draw for the killer so if a draw exists the is a lose and a win and before you come up with some smart answer that it's about fun not winning just so you now winning is fun for many people and that is Okey and if the makers say x is a win and y is a draw then winning exist and it doesn't stop because you don't like it.

    So now to your points. On one thing I am with you hard camping sucks that is true and bhvr is already working on a solution it just needs time. They already had a solution they testet but you can thank the survivors for not getting it because they needed less then a day to exploit it. Tunneling is something I find is harder to discuss. If you just talk about tunneling straight of hook I think there is no tunneling because either the killer camps and then it's a camping problem or your mate did a risky unhook before the killer had even a chance to get away and sure you could be nice and chase the unhooker Yada Yada but the other guy is full health in no time because somewhere surely is a boon and why should the killer need to be nice because your team mate has made a mistake. Everything else is fair game for me if I by chance find the unhooked after following scratch marks its bad luck for the survivor I don't have the time to let him go and find another guy.

    Your bt idea would be incredible op because survs love to use the anti tunnel tec for bodyblock. Your other idea with the BP penalty for hooking someone in row sounds so bad because if I don't want to lose BP I will have a surv that can work on gens in my face for free or bodyblock

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    too lazy didn’t read

    skill issue

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129
    edited April 2022

    I'm just going make one more blanket post to cover the complaints and excuses that people will make in this thread, even though they know I'm right that tunnelling and camping aren't fun for the survivor you do it to.

    Do the following

    1) Borrowed time base kit and perk will stack together, and increasing it from 12 seconds to 24 seconds, disable both in the end game

    2) proximity to hook penalty is tripled

    3) deduction of blood points if you hook the same survivor twice in a row if there are 3/4 survivors in the match

    This achieves the following thing

    1) It removes tunnelling from the game which is one reason why new players leave, I had 2 friends leave because of this and is 1 new player who posted in the thread.

    2) It gives BHVR accurate kill stats that they can use to make balancing changes to help the killer's chances of getting kills, as right now it is difficult as the game is heavy survivor friendly.

    3) You become a better and more skilful killer as there is no skill in camping and tunnelling

    4) In the end game, you don't have to deal with borrowed time anymore or the unfair proximity to the hook penalty

    To cover excuses for tunnelling/camping

    1) I play killer as well and have both legendary killer and survivor achievements but sure call me entitled all you want.

    2) Most horror movies on which this game is based, don't have the killer killing everyone, so no, 4k and killers winning shouldn't be a thing, the fun is about trying.

    3) The changes I suggest only prevent you from tunnelling the survivor on the hook, you can still chase the survivor who unhooked and snowball

    4) Yes, I realize the game is heavily survivor sided right now, but that is no excuse to put your own need for what you perceive to be a win ahead of the fun of other players, it's selfish to do so

    5) Yes, survivors can play in a cheap way and something needs to be done about that as well, but a killer can play around that for the most part.

    6) This isn't just my opinion, its a fact that many players agree with for longer than I played DBD

    Now I leave y'all to it but finally, you know I'm right about tunnelling/camping

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    The only answer I keep coming to in this is bring the Entity to life. If the entity wants blood, then have it protect it and push the Killer out for getting too close to its meal, or perhaps the hook sinks into the ground and the hooked survivor appears somewhere else. There are ways to fix this issue that isn't like "Borrowed Time" which was just the most lazy answer you could think of. Give the Entity life and have it be a real active director to what the Devs want us Killers to do.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Tunneling and camping are BHVR-acknowledged and supported and balanced strategies this game is designed around from its very core. Tunneling and camping correctly is skillful. Punishing reckless tunneling and camping is already fully easily doable, and is also skillful.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Borrowed Time should never be a basekit & 48 seconds. This is such a biased, broken take.

    4 Survivors having this would be a potential 3 minutes & 20 seconds of immunity. If you can't see how that is a problem, then I don't know what to say.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,855

    Remove head on? The weakest exhaustion perk? Did you just get bullied by a head on squad or something?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited April 2022
    • Yes, Literally standing around the hook, i.e. facecamping, for two minutes is boring for everybody when it happens. The killer is just standing around, the person on the hook is doing nothing, and the best strategy against it is typically the other three survivors split gens for 90 seconds and do a hook trade. (Bubba and certain loadouts can make trading harder obviously, but most killers and loadouts the hook trade is the usual outcome.) The devs have even commented periodically that they have been experimenting with various systems to try and steer killers away from facecamping to keep things more dynamic more often, they just haven’t figured out a system yet that accomplishes that goal without breaking something else in the game. (I wouldn’t be surprised if Pyramid Head’s Cages teleporting to different areas was a backdoor pilot of trying that with hooks possibly, but that’s just speculation on my part.) So as far as facecamping goes, maybe we’ll see something implemented to mitigate it at some point but who knows? 🤷‍♂️
    • Tunneling is a useless buzzword, nobody even agrees on what tunneling means and virtually all the times I’ve had a survivor complain about me “tunneling” it’s just sore losing plain and simple by someone who is mad I downed them twice in a row or chased them after injuring them or ignored a healthy survivor to down an injured one, etc. I have yet to hear any actual good argument for what tunneling is and why it is something that the game needs to somehow address systematically.
    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Ignoring all the other unhinged, insane stuff you said, how the christ am I supposed to avoid hooking the same survivor consecutively if they all have the same cosmetics?

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129
    edited April 2022

    3minutes 20 seconds? No idea where you getting that from, it will always be 48 seconds no matter how many survivors have borrowed time

    clearly, only one survivor can unhook at a time, so therefore one borrowed time base kit and perk would be active at a time.

    p.s This is not directed to the person I quoted, loving all the entitled survivor comments, even though I said I play killer as well as survivor, way to look desperate in your argument against what I said because you know I'm right.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    If every Survivor has BT, and every Survivor uses BT, the total amount of immunity is 3:20. They don't all go off at the same time, so they are not all counted as the same 48 seconds.

    Either you have 0 idea how balance works, to not know this, or you're ignoring it and obfuscating the issue by pretending to be unaware.

    The idea is horrible, biased, and should never be added. Ever.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    the total amount of time is irrelevant. if one person has borrowed time and used it 4 times, it is still the same thing as what you saying.

    it's still 48 seconds and I said it should be disabled in the endgame, it only matters if you tunnel the person of the hook, a simple counter to BT and DS is not to tunnel.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    It's still 48 seconds, per Survivor.

    Even if it only procs once each; the idea is OP, biased, and not worth considering.

    Your whole idea, every idea in this thread, is based off your 'I don't like tunneling' stance.

    Borrowed time base kit and perk will stack together, and increasing it from 12 seconds to 24 seconds, disable both in the end game

    Biased. Horrible. No.

    proximity to hook penalty is tripled

    Biased. Horrible. No.

    deduction of blood points if you hook the same survivor twice in a row if there are 3/4 survivors in the match

    Biased. Horrible. What about Survivors wearing the same cosmetics to screw Killers? I guess that does not matter, because 'Killers evil'. No. No. No. No.

    Most horror movies on which this game is based, don't have the killer killing everyone, so no, 4k and killers winning shouldn't be a thing, the fun is about trying.

    Biased. Horrible. Irrelevant. No.

    Do I need to go on? Your entire stance is 'Screw Killers for breaking my fake rules'. Nothing is valid. Nothing is balanced. And your only defense is 'I'm right because I said so.'

    News flash: You're wrong. Camping, tunneling, and slugging are valid tactics. You can't report for them. Even the most well-regarded fog-whisperers do it at times.

    You. Are. Wrong.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Somehow... you don't really come across as someone that considers both ends. You play killer to ruin survivors fun, as that is what makes it more fun than survivor.

    So, now you want to change the game so you can go play survivor to ruin killers fun? It doesn't sound like you are wanting people to have fun, but that you want to ruin others peoples experience in the game.

    The claim that either side should never win is completely bonkers... how will you ever have any opponents if people are supposed to play to lose? Why wouldn't they not play the winning side?

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    I never said played to lose, I said there are no such things as winning and losing, I also said the fun is trying to escape and get kills, not actually escaping and getting kills.

    playing killer is already not fun for most because of SBMM and boons. unless you play like I do and don't care if everyone escapes. doing what I said with borrowed time doesn't change that and doesn't effect any killer at all. Unless they tunnel which we all know is not fun for the survivor who is being tunnelled.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    I never said played to lose, I said there are no such things as winning and losing


    killers are not meant to win and there is no such thing as winning/losing in the game,

    2) Most horror movies on which this game is based, don't have the killer killing everyone, so no, 4k and killers winning shouldn't be a thing, the fun is about trying.

    In those two quotes, which I took from your other posts; you say Killers should not win or 4K. That means they should play to lose, as it's the only other option. Either you win, or you don't win.

    Whatever you view as a win is a personal view point, and your own personal viewpoints on how to have fun should not be forced on others. Killers should not have to lose because you feel, PERSONALLY, that 'just trying' is more fun.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    that is a great argument there, way to prove me wrong, oh wait no you didn't, you can see the anger in your post, if its a biased and horrible opinion, then the biggest percentage of people who play DBD are biased and horrible in your opinion, also I actually heard a fog whisperer earlier today talk about tunnelling in a not so flattering way. I've also heard an ex fog whisperer many times saying that tunnelling is not fun.

    the simple fact of the matter and something you all know, tunnelling is not fun for the person you do it to, hard camping is not fun for the person you do it to and it's selfish to deny someone's fun all because you want to win.

    also, I was trolling when I said there should be a blood point penalty for a killer who hooks the same survivor twice in a row, I trolled because I knew the reaction to borrowed time changes would get, this thread and the posts prove that BHVR needs to do something about tunnelling, so thanks all for the replies.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    like really? how desperate are you to keep tunnelling in the game, your arguments are wild and inaccurate and full of twisting my words

    lol I literally say there are no such things as winning and losing but you try to say I'm saying the only option is to play to lose, if I meant that, I would've said it directly, I did not say that. I literally said trying to get escapes and kills is fun, that is another option.

    By all means, keep twisting my words but you clearly desperate to prove me wrong, when you know I'm right.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838
    edited April 2022

    You ALSO said Killers should never win. Keep trying to dodge your earlier posts.

    I fully expect you to edit them and pretend you never said it, next.

    But there is winning and losing:

    You lost if you die as a Survivor. Personal views aside; the game says you lost. It is a lose condition.

    You lose if you get 0-1 kills as a Killer. That's what 'Entity Displeased' means.

    So you're wrong. But keep screaming about how you're smarter than everyone. 😂 Maybe someone other than you will believe it if you scream loud enough.

    I'm going back to watching Otz vods while you continue to scream 'I'm right because I say so!' 🤪

  • Key
    Key Member Posts: 37

    I agree. I played against a leather face yesterday and he literally face camped every hook with chainsaw reeved up. And we had only done ONE gen. Then proceeded to leave 3 of us slugged smh. Such fun game play

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    We might as well call this game, "Survive by Daylight" if your games proposal gets implemented. Another nickname, "Bully the Killler, until they leave the game forever (and never come back) Simulator 2022"

    Your changes to punished the Killer's for what they do best at; which is murdering Survivors and removing the best method of winning, which is camping and tunnelling.

    It not going to work PERIOD..

    Just because you had a small history of losing so poorly and wasting such pointless time in complaining about the Killer's getting too strong for you; doesn't give you the right to complaint about balancing and expecting them to change the ways they play killer. In fact, I would love to see you try playing Killer for a good long awhile, and not playing Survivor; you will see significant difference on how "fair" it is to be the other powerful side. If you lose alot, despite complaining about killers being so strong; then there is something wrong with you and how you play the killer efficiency. If you are certain that what they do is not fun; then you are correct; but you also want to know what is not fun for us killers; being genrush and carry by meta perks.

    Until you truly understand both side's troubles; and not admit that both sides have a problems on their own end; instead of thinking the killer is some mindless bot; you are heavily mistaken and not allows to comment about pure balancing, all for the sake of "fun"

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    Very bad idea.

     You can't touch these mechanics without causing killers to simply quit the game.

     Car camp tunnel is the base.

     It helps punish survivors who make mistakes.

     The good survivors work as a team and come to 3 on a hook, take hits, risks etc...

  • Host_yu
    Host_yu Member Posts: 10

    Alright so few things you said I disagree with.

    1. Off the bat starting off Basekit BT would be op AND you want to buff if from 12-24 seconds. Tell me don't play killer without actually telling me. Gonna tell you the first issue with basekit bt and it being 24 seconds is bad and its 2 important major things one of them being swfs and the other being body-blocking. i don't think you understand how strong 48 seconds really is. Also mind you it takes about 80 seconds to do a gen but at that point why not just hit the guy right? But then I'm im made out to be the bad guy because I decide to just down them after they've wasted my time.
    2. Im willing to bet money that a fair margin of people who get tunneled is because the killer has no one else to go for because the unhooker hid immediately and we dont have time to play hide and seek, time is precious for a killer and Ill take the easy down any day. There are many times I've not wanted to tunnel but was resorted to do so.
    3. I don't like how you think wisps and Otz are the reason for tunneling wither you want to believe it or not camping and tunneling is a very effective strategy. If killers played by the survivors handbook and went out of their way to 3 hook everybody they'd almost never win unless those groups of survivors are just bad then the ones that do play fair get t-bagged at the gate its just how a fair margin of the dbd community is.
    4. The more you play this game the sooner you'll realize it's not about you having fun, if the killer wants to face camp you at 5 gens, guess what hes gonna do, maybe thats how they have fun in this game or its the only way they can have fun

    Now I will say that I do agree that getting tunneled and camped as survivor is no fun especially if the killer has no reason to for example when I bored I'll start a match a decide to do a 4k slugg before hooking anybody even if it takes all match i'm making my own fun. Did the people playing have fun? Probably not. Do I care? Nope. The only rimes I see it worth tunneling is if you need the pressure its 2 gens left, 4 survivors alive, 2 injured, 2 dead on hook, and you just hooked one, and you know another gens about to pop in seconds. Its time to start slugging, tunneling, and camping I need pressure so I will create it best way I can.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I honestly believe CoH has a large part to do with this resurgence in scummy killer behavior.

    The perk encourages survivors to take protection hits and trick the killer into lacking commitment. Killers that lack commitment are delivered incredible punishment.

    If survivors didn't have a 'wow, you left me alone for 20 seconds, I'm back to full health and ready to GO!' you may see killers far more willing to let wounded survivors out of their sight.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    and I also said there is no such thing as winning or losing, how many times do I have to say that before you listen. clearly, you can't have an adult discussion unless the person agrees with you, when they don't, you twist their words in all kinds of directions to suit your opinion.

    You may disagree with me but at least I have been consistent with my posts, you consistently twisted my words and now accusing me of going to edit my posts when you clearly can see I already edited my first post and another post before you posted I would edit them.

    I stand by what I said, the fun in DBD is trying to get kills and escapes, tunnelling is not fun and you know it, most players have known it for longer I have been playing and Borrowed Time needs to become base kit, stacked with BT perk and doubled in time. Also, this actually will help killers out in the long run as well.

    If it does happen, then it is people like you that are at fault for it happening and remember, before I ever posted here, Patrick already alluded to base kit borrowed time in the last FAQ.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited April 2022

    The goal of killer is to kill, even you state it as the fun is trying to get kills. Then follow that up with the statement you don't care if everyone escapes, that means you aren't actually trying to get kills.

    Just because you have given up on trying to get kills and to win, as that is what the devs stated is a win for killer. You can play to lose, that is fine but expecting others to do that is unrealistic.

    The fact of the matter is you are trying to adjust one aspect of the game, in the name of fun. While you completely ignore the fun of the other end. The fun by your own words is to try and get a kill, the mechanics you suggest make that significantly more difficult and frustrating. It wouldn't only affect tunneling killers, ever heard of body blocking? Even with current BT people go and help their teammates, imagine having the time to run across the map...

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    It's the only way to play killer now so get used to it

  • kaskader
    kaskader Member Posts: 283

    Making killers strong so they can go for chases? HURR DURR TOO OP OMG PLEASE NERF

    Making killers weak so they need to tunnel and camp: HURR DURR FIX CAMPING OMGGGG UNFUN

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129
    edited April 2022

    I play to have fun, that is why everyone plays games, to have fun, putting your own need to win ahead of other people's fun is wrong. I still get kills playing the way I do and I earn the kills by not tunnelling, I haven't given up on kills, I just respect that other people in the game are there for the same reason as me, to have fun.

    Yet again, in no way do I mean you should play to lose, if I meant that, I would say that. I said the fun of the game is trying to get kills or escapes, and clearly, if you do, then well done but I can have just as much fun in a match without getting any kills, and a fun match is a win for all in the match.

    Also, yet again, an easy counter to borrowed time and decisive strike is to not tunnel, it really isn't that big a deal if borrowed time became base kit and stacked with the perk. I would love to see the change and I would love to see borrowed time perk disabled in the end game, the quality of life in the game would be immense from this one change.

    I repeat myself again, I never once said you should play to lose, it just doesn't matter if you don't get any kills or don't escape if you playing survivor. As for SBMM, why should we care about something you don't see and really have no idea what your MMR rating is, SBMM is just there to match-make us, it's clearly flawed and quite frankly irrelevant.

    edit* I'm adding in, that there is a balance shift needed for the killer side and killers need some love for sure, but that doesn't mean what I'm saying about borrowed time is wrong.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Those that play killer and are trying to get kills are playing for fun as well? Your definition of fun isn't one and the same for everyone, as I really don't mind if I am being tunneled in a game for instance when I play survivor. Once again you ignore the aspects of the killers fun in your analysis. People playing to get kills, them tunneling and camping isn't because they aren't trying to have fun. You don't care about whether your attempts to get kills is successful, you claim there is no win... but the developers have defined it.

    You aren't trying to win, you even stopped caring about losing and just accept that it is to be expected. Don't you realize that this means your MMR tanks and you might be facing people that are way lower than where it would be if you actually tried to get kills? Good for you that you play in a way you like and stop caring whether you were successful or not, but expecting people to not try and win/kill is unrealistic. Ever considered the fact that people play in these manners, because if they don't they just get creamed and that isn't fun? Why don't people play in the manner you state? Everyone here is playing for fun aren't they? So... if there was a more fun way to play, people would do that no? Yet somehow that isn't the reality?

    You are acting like survivors are not capable of making the game unfun for the killer. You act like survivors are going out of their way to make the game enjoyable for the killers in any way shape or form? That is the thing with a versus game, people are playing for their own fun and it shouldn't be a requirement to sacrifice that in the name of someone else's fun.

    You state BT and DS can be avoided by not tunneling, while ignoring the manner in which survivors can use these things to protect others as well. A lot of aspects in the game that results in these tactics being used is the back and forth between both sides making the game as hard as possible for the other. Survivors are not worried about killers fun in most games, they slam gens when they have the chance, they will flashlight save, pallet save, body block, prevent the killer of getting hooks when they have the chance.

    People already body block for each other, especially if they have BT. Making it quadruple the length just means they can reach any area on the map in that time frame and do it. Is that fun for the killer, you are in chase the guy coming off the hook comes from cross map and blocks you to interrupt your chase... that is fun for the survivor, but isn't fun for the killer.

    Your entire attitude and manner of posting is not considering both sides. All you are stating is: Killers must focus on the fun of others and ignores the fact that survivors don't do that either. Then make a suggestion to make the game harder, more difficult, more frustrating and easier for survivors to 'ruin' the fun of the killer. Maybe you should think about why people play in that way, a way you claim isn't fun... if you want to gut that manner of playing, what needs to change on the other end to make other plays more viable?

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Borrowed Time needs to become base kit, stacked with BT perk and doubled in time

    No it does not. Your idea is terrible. Everyone has told you it's terrible. You wanting to make Survivors completely OP is not 'balance'.

    I play to have fun, that is why everyone plays games, to have fun, putting your own need to win ahead of other people's fun is wrong.

    Heaven forbid your opponent tries to win if it makes you sad. What a weak take. You heard it here, folks! Killer can't try to win because Survivors get sad! Stop trying to win a PvP game! Think of Survivor fun!

    Also remember; this person said Killers should NEVER win because movies. 🙃

    it really isn't that big a deal if borrowed time became base kit and stacked with the perk.

    Yes it is a big deal. It's OP. You seem unwilling to hear opposing points of view on this because, to you; you're right. And if people disagree, you will stick your fingers in your ears to ignore them.

    edit* I'm adding in, that there is a balance shift needed for the killer side and killers need some love for sure, but that doesn't mean what I'm saying about borrowed time is wrong.

    Yes it does. You're wrong. It's broken. OP. Abusable. It's a bad idea. You. Are. Wrong.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    it only ruins the fun of the killer if you tunnel, if you don't tunnel, then it doesn't do anything to you. If you need to tunnel for fun, then I feel very sorry for you.

    I'm not ignoring the fun of the killer, I stated a few times things are bad for the killer, mentioned head-on should be disabled, and mentioned killers need love as well. Survivors are just as bad as killers, it's a community-wide issue but for the most part, you can play around the cheap tactics with exception of head-on. killers are the ones that have the power to completely ruin the game for everyone.

    The bigger issue for killers isn't the cheap tactics that survivors do, it's that the game is balanced too much to survivors, that is a separate issue and quite frankly making the changes to borrowed time I suggest in the long run would help with that.

    BT and DS can only be used against you if you allow them to by tunnelling, if you don't tunnel, they do nothing and survivors get no value. If a survivor runs directly at you after they been unhooked, then clearly, 1) they have DS or 2) they have BT. if they go into a locker, then they have DS. Remember all you have to do is hit survivor once and BT is disabled. if they run at you and they get in your way, then they're asking to be tunnelled and quite frankly it be stupid to run at you, as they wasting the full BT protection they have.

    Also how many times do I have to repeat myself on I'm not playing to frigging lose, doesn't matter how many times you try to say I am, I am not, I try to get kills and I do so without tunnelling, it seems clear I'm going to have to keep repeating myself many more times In here because at the end of the day, y'alll clutching at straws to defend tunnelling/camping when there is no defence of it.

    an easy counter is to not tunnel which is why borrowed time becoming base-kit, stacking with the perk, and both being doubled is really not that big a deal.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited April 2022

    You are incapable of reading and claim it only affects you if you tunnel. I have stated by giving survivors a 48 second BT means they can cross the map to inject themselves into a chase with a different survivor.

    They already do so to defend their mate that unhooked them in front of your nose! They do this to remove the pressure you created as a killer as soon as possible. That is opposite of tunneling, as you are trying to down the other survivor and not the one fresh off the hook. You claim that it is stupid, but it is not, they aren't wasting it as they utilize it to give their team an additional health state... just as they do now, that is what skilled survivors will do with it. With 12 seconds it is them asking to be tunneled, because you can count it out... with 48 seconds you are forced to hit them, it doesn't disable then btw it is activated, giving them a speed burst and that benefits the survivors.

    I suggest you start trying to win and get kills, instead of throwing in the towel when survivors play that way and then come back to say how easy it is. This will help killers in the long run? How, nothing you suggest positively influences the killer or changes the balance you yourself state is survivor sided... just makes it more in their favor by giving them even stronger tools.

    If fun is the main consideration, your suggestion fails as it introduces a mechanic that is unfun for the killers.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    we're just both repeating ourselves now, its only not fun if you tunnel, if you don't, it's irrelevant <<<<<<<<fact

    if they interject themselves in the chase, then it's on them if you tunnel them.