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Freddy's Power Needs Updating, Please. (Possible Solution Within!)

AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seriously. It's really, REALLY lame that he loses 100% of his mobility when the 5th gen pops.

Just 'Oh! 5 gens popped! I'm now a 115% M1 Killer! Have fun escaping! Byeeeee!'

I honestly cannot think of another Killer who has half their kit just cease to work after the 5th gen pops. Trapper does not lose his traps, Wraith does not lose his bell, Hillbilly's chainsaw does not run out of gas. I could go on.

Why does he lose the ability to teleport to finished generators, anyways? This always felt insanely arbitrary. And it's made worse because ALL GENS pop when the 5th pops. He, literally, has even untouched gens taken away.

It's outdated and really lame. Please, please; change it.

Possible Solution:

What about something like...Freddy moves faster for the number of asleep Survivors, and this movement bonus-per-Survivor increases as gens are done?

It would encourage Survivors to stay awake, even in the end game, and encourage Freddy to spread out his hooks, as he gets a bigger bonus with the more asleep Survivors there are. If someone is dead; they are not asleep. But at the same time; the bonus increases with the number of gens completed, which also helps balance killing Survivors, and gives him a large catch-up boost if all 4 are alive & asleep after 5 gens pop.

But it ONLY affects movement speed when NOT carrying a Survivor. Not any other action (there are perks for that), and not Survivor-carrying (There's a perk for that).

Post edited by AngyKiller on


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    They should just reverse all his basekit nerfs.

    the only problem with Oldish freddy was hit forever slowdown addons

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    I absolutely agree that Freddy's power needs updating and he's in a sorry state, but I'm not sure I agree this is what he needs.

    To me, this aspect of his power would be fine if the other parts of his kit actually made up for it, but they simply don't. I'd sooner look to boost the Dream World and associated aspects of it so that if he gets to a no-gens-left scenario, he at least has something going for him. I've made a thread before about what I think that'd look like, but the short version is; basekit snares and pallets, and addons that give more fake objects in general.

    I think it's okay that he loses some efficacy in the endgame, but his power shouldn't be "he teleports and sometimes you'll get a minor slowdown", there should be more to him at all stages in the match.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Old Freddy was garbage, IMO. I cannot tell you the number of times Survivors unhooked in my face, or popped a gen in my face, while I waited for them to fall asleep so I could hit them.

    But he was more unique and, as you said; the only real problem was Forever Freddy.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    I disagree. No Killer should LOSE power in the end-game. That's just garbage game design. 'Hey! The match is nearly over! Allow me to gimp you so the other side has an easier time winning! 🙃'

    I'm sorry but that's just, at a base level, horrible game design. You don't see the losing team in MOBAs suddenly lose power or movement speed. The losing team in an FPS does not have their weapons taken away.

    On top of that; the Killer has not lost because 5 gens pop, so WHY does Freddy lose power at this stage? The fact that he's the ONLY ONE this happens too just screams it's not well thought out at all.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Well, he may be the only one it happens to, but surely that's because he's the only killer whose power directly interacts with generators? It makes sense that a power like that would be hampered by losing access to it as the game progresses, that isn't inherently bad design on its face.

    The problem comes not from him having that unique gimmick, but that the rest of his kit isn't universally useful enough to make up for gradually losing access to the teleport. I could see a world where he gets more teleport spots in the endgame too, but I'd seriously sooner see the rest of his kit made the primary focus and the teleport be a nice, but unreliable, side benefit- kinda like Demogorgon and his portals, they're nice but they're not even close to his biggest strength.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Fair enough.

    What about something like...Freddy moves faster for the number of asleep Survivors, and this movement bonus-per-Survivor increases as gens are done?

    It would encourage Survivors to stay awake, even in the end game, and encourage Freddy to spread out his hooks, as he gets a bigger bonus with the more asleep Survivors there are. If someone is dead; they are not asleep. But at the same time; the bonus increases with the number of gens completed, which also helps balance killing Survivors, and gives him a large catch-up boost if all 4 are alive & asleep after 5 gens pop.

    But it ONLY affects movement speed when NOT carrying a Survivor. Not any other action (there are perks for that), and not Survivor-carrying (There's a perk for that).

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Hmm, that could definitely be workable- I think it'd have to start low but scale aggressively as the game progresses, but it'd certainly fit his theming. Hell, Fire Up already does this for action speeds, and that's his perk.

    It may not be my preferred solution, but I don't think it'd cause too many problems, and it'd definitely make the Dream World more threatening.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 598

    He honestly need something cuz my god the nerf that he got was brutal, in my opinion.

    Granted, I am glad that forever freedy is gone but at least give him better add-ons than increase regression when someone miss a skill checks, stepping on a snare to give them blindness for example. But Jump Rope being the worst since most survivors have Iron Will, in my opinion.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    I honestly don't like addons and perks that punish missed skillchecks. They unfairly punish new players and old players never miss. They are horrible things that are either 100% useless or newbie bullying. No middle ground.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    edited April 2022

    not old freddy, oldish freddy (pre-nerf new freddy).

    i guess i should of made that clear

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 598
    edited April 2022

    Hmmm, yea you're right on that one. I am sure there a build out there to make some of his add-ons useful.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 598

    I miss playing old freddy. He was ass back in the days but man, hearing his lullaby while I was awake was scary. This is when I was new to DbD. I feel like the devs could had tweaked him in a way. Decreasing his power from 7 to 5 seconds, or something like that. I do have some ideas for old freddy to boot.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    Myers power needs updating WAY BEFORE Freddys.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I just want Old Freddy back.

  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    I wish they put elements from old Freddy, but still kept the tp and the snares

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    Freddy went from weak but fun to strong but boring to now weak and boring. If he gets a stint as strong and fun he'll have covered the entire spectrum.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Forget about it.

    Just make it so that his passive and active abilities outside of his TP increase with how many gens are done.

    You may lose your TP by the end of the game, but your base numbers are going to more than make it one hell of an exit!

  • The_Grim_Reaper99
    The_Grim_Reaper99 Member Posts: 53

    I’d give him the ability to put survivors into a deep sleep. Basically old Freddy which like it actions like healing and repairing gens are slower and the world around them is darker. Survivors in deep sleep also enhances Freddy’s other elements to his power; but only effects survivors in deep sleep. Like snares will act like bear traps with padded jaws but a little faster to escape, dream pallets could cause hindered or broken effects, teleporting is basically class photo base kit. And hell maybe even add that survivors in deep sleep can’t escape through exit gates (could maybe go without it). Freddy can pull them in deep sleep manually which would take 5 seconds maybe even 10 to equate for the buff elements of his power; if Freddy hits the survivor while in the process of getting into deep sleep it will cancel and they will stay in regular dream world. Survivors can also passively fall into deep sleep which goes from awake - dream - deep sleep; this adds a little extra 4v1 for him. Only way for them to wake up is getting the clocks or failing skill checks on gens or getting hooked.

    Thats my rough idea. Might be powerful maybe even op could take out some things like maybe can’t have both passive deep sleep and manual deep sleep, but after all that’s just my rough idea.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Yeah, that'd be my ideal Freddy. I want his older power with a few aspects from Modern Freddy added in.